Es Teh Indonesia Karawaci - Tangerang City

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Es Teh Indonesia Karawaci

Address :

Jl. Cemara Raya No.45b, RT.002/RW.007, Karawaci Baru, Karawaci, Tangerang City, Banten 15116, Indonesia

Postal code : 15116
Categories :

Jl. Cemara Raya No.45b, RT.002/RW.007, Karawaci Baru, Karawaci, Tangerang City, Banten 15116, Indonesia
Sri Indah Dwi Sugianti on Google

Minumannya enak tp sayang ngga bisa less ice, minuman kl kebanyakan es jd pusing
The drinks are delicious but it's a shame you can't have less ice, if you drink too much ice, you get dizzy
Ammar Suwanda on Google

Saya mau komplain. es teh indonesia cabang perumnas karawaci tangerang jalan beringin. Karyawannya ga ramah sama sekali, mau dine in di dalem toko, ruangan pengap, sama suhu ruangan di dalam terasa panas walaupun ac nyala, Wi-Fi pun tidak di kasih, walaupun ada jaringan WiFi, baru kali ini saya kecewa sama pelayanan es teh indonesia. Alhasil saya minum di pinggir jalan
I want to complain. Indonesian Ice Tea Branch Perumnas Karawaci Tangerang Jalan Banyan. The employees are not friendly at all, want to dine in in the shop, the room is stuffy, the room temperature inside feels hot even though the AC is on, Wi-Fi is not provided, even though there is a WiFi network, this is the first time I'm disappointed with the Indonesian iced tea service . As a result I drink on the side of the road
Wendy Andriyan on Google

Nyobain rasa cookies and cream gila sih enak banget, walaupun harga sedikit diatas para pesaingnya, tapi rasa dan kualitas kemasan gabiaa dibohongin sih. Jadi keterusan setiap kali lewat situ, pasti suka beli aja.
Trying the crazy cookies and cream flavor is really delicious, even though the price is a little above its competitors, but the taste and quality of the packaging can't be fooled. So every time I pass by there, I'm sure I'll just buy it.
dea fadillah on Google

Kalau bukan cabang Es Teh Indonesia di tangerang perumnas cuma 1 ini, saya gak akan beli lagi disitu, karena terpaksa aja suka sebagaimacam Es disana, tapi Karyawan yang di cabang Es Teh Indonesia Karawaci ini sangat amat tidak patut untuk dicontoh, customer belum berbalik badan kaca sudah langsung ditutup, tanpa juga bilang makasih dan ini bukan yang pertama kalinya saya diginiin, walaupun customer beli sedikit ataupun banyak dan juga walaupun karyawan lagi ada kendala apapun itu tetap didepan customer harus ramah, saya juga pernah jadi karyawan, selama saya jadi atasan pun saya backup karyawan saya di lapangan tidak pernah bersikap seperti itu kpd customer. Tolong petinggi Es Teh Indonesia lebih prihatin dengan sikap karyawannya terutama karyawan di cabang ini, kalau masih butuh penghasilan dari Es Teh Indonesia tolong dirubah sikapnya, anda masih jadi karyawan aja udah begink bagaimana jika anda jadi petinggi?
If there wasn't only one Indonesian Ice Tea branch in Tangerang, Perumnas, I wouldn't buy it again there, because I just had to like it like ice there, but this employee at the Karawaci Indonesian Ice Tea branch is very, very inappropriate, the customer hasn't turned around it was immediately closed, without even saying thank you and this is not the first time I've been asked, even though the customer buys a little or a lot and also even though the employee has any problems, it's still in front of the customer to be friendly, I've also been an employee, as long as I'm my boss backup my employees in the field never behave like that to customers. Please, high-ranking Indonesian Ice Tea officials are more concerned with the attitude of their employees, especially employees in this branch, if you still need income from Indonesian Ice Tea, please change your attitude, you are still an employee, what if you become a senior?
Muhammad Faris Al-Faruq on Google

Mie Ayam ocid ini buat saya juara. Langganan sejak 1996 sd skrg, kira kira sekitar 25th. Kudu nyobain
This Ocid Chicken Noodle makes me a winner. Subscription since 1996 until now, about 25 years. Gotta try
Devi Angraini on Google

ENAK BANGETT!!!! Red velvet, cookies and cream, sama avodaconya terbaik ?? udah berkali kali beli, belom pernah bosen. Yang red velvet rasanya kaya makan red velvet cake. Cookies and creamnya ga terlalu manis karna ada sea salt creamnya. Alpukatnya juga anti mainstream banget rasanya, karna biasanya minum jus alpukat pake susu cokelat, tapi ini pake keju dan ternyata enak ??. Harganya termasuk murah untuk size large. Worth it!
SO GOOD!!!! Red velvet, cookies and cream, and the best avodaco I've bought it many times, never get bored. The red velvet one tastes like eating red velvet cake. The cookies and cream are not too sweet because they have sea salt cream. The avocado is also very anti-mainstream, because I usually drink avocado juice with chocolate milk, but this one uses cheese and it turned out to be delicious . The price is cheap for the large size. Worth it!
Ari Darmawijaya on Google

Acul El Bahri on Google


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