Curug Gelewer DOY - Bogor Regency

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Curug Gelewer DOY

Address :

Ciasmara, Pamijahan, Bogor Regency, West Java 16810, Indonesia

Postal code : 16810

Ciasmara, Pamijahan, Bogor Regency, West Java 16810, Indonesia
DerLan Arena on Google

Masih alami dan bersih airnya.
Still natural and clean water.
naryana indra on Google

Pemandangannya bagus, melewati hamparan sawah hijau. Akses kendaraannya sedang diperbaiki
The view is good, through the expanse of green rice fields. Vehicle access is being repaired
Ardiansyah Vega on Google

Sebelum sampai ke curug cikawah kita akan disuguhkan pemandangan crurg gelewer.. Yg jg indah.. Dari curug gelewer ini belum ada separuh perjalanan menuju curug cikawah..
Before we get to Cikawah waterfall we will be presented with views of crew gelewer .. Which is also beautiful .. From this waterfall waterfall there is not yet half of the way to Cikawah waterfall ..
Jefry Maulana on Google

Curug glewer bogor Rempatnya masih asri bgt bersih sepi dan enak sejuk bgt,,, Cuma bagi yg mau kesini akses jalannya sangat lah jauh bisa menempuh kurang lebih 1jam buat ke jalur curug glewer,,,
Bogor glewer waterfall The place is still beautiful, really clean, quiet and nice, really cool ... Only for those who want to come here, the access road is very far, it can take approximately 1 hour to get to the glewer waterfall path ...
ABG STAR on Google

Lihat Curug ini pas menuju pulang dari Curug Cikawah. Ternyata asik juga buat foto-foto. Disini kami istirahat sejenak untuk melepas lelah. Jalan nya sih agak landai Tapi gak tau deh kalo musim hujan. Bisa di lewati atau tidak. Inti nya jangan musim hujan kalo mau ke daerah sini. Tapi kalo mau coba sih gak apa-apa
Look at this waterfall right at home from Curug Cikawah. It turns out it's cool to also take photos. Here we take a short break to unwind. The road is rather gentle But I don't know if it's the rainy season. Can be skipped or not. The point is do not rainy season if you want to come here. But if you want to try it it's okay
Sanipah Syah on Google

Curug gelewer doy.. Untuk treck curug ini termasuk sedang, tidak begitu sulit hanya mendaki sedikit saja, dan lewat persawahan, memang sih ga ada petunjuk jalan, karena curug ini di lewati untuk treck ke cikawah.. Masih satu jalur. Curug ini termasuk bonus menurut ku. Lumayan tuk melepas lelah setelah dari cikawah. Ga ada yang jualan juga ya... Persiapkan makanan dan minuman ya.. Dan pisiknya juga... Goodlucky...
Curug gelewer doy .. For this waterfall treck including medium, it is not so difficult just to climb a little, and through the rice fields, indeed there is no clue to the road, because this waterfall is passed to treck to the crater. This waterfall includes a bonus in my opinion. Not bad to unwind after the cikawah. There's nothing to sell either ... Prepare food and drinks huh ... And the physique too ... Goodlucky ...
Mulyadi Ute on Google

natural, blm banyak diekspos. Ini akses ke arah curug cikawah yang katanya jauh lebih bagus (tapi jalannya menantang) karena terus nyusurin sungai. catatan : aksesnya agak sulit
natural, not much exposed. This is access to Curug Cikawah which is said to be much better (but the road is challenging) because it continues to follow the river. note: access is a bit difficult
Nata Pangestu on Google

seperti tempat mandi bidadari. trakking kurang lebih 1,5 jam dari villa milik pak lurah, masuk ke hutan dengan jalan setapak yang mulai rapat karna jarang dilewati, dan susur sungai, semua lelah itu terbayar saat sampai disini.
like an angel's bath. trekking approximately 1.5 hours from the village head's villa, entering the forest with a trail that starts to meet because it is rarely passed, and along the river, all the tiredness paid off when we got here.

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