Curug Cilamaya - Kabupaten Purwakarta

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Curug Cilamaya

Address :

Pusakamulya, Kec. Kiarapedes, Kabupaten Purwakarta, Jawa Barat 41175, Indonesia

Postal code : 41175
Categories :

Pusakamulya, Kec. Kiarapedes, Kabupaten Purwakarta, Jawa Barat 41175, Indonesia
Eki Muhammad Rizki on Google

Tempat yg alami, khawatir kealamiannya di rusak oleh tangan2 jail, dan ujungnya menjadi bnyak sampah, buat yg mau berkunjung sekiranya klo mau merusak alam mnding jgn dtg aja!
A natural place, worried about its naturalness being damaged by evil hands, and in the end it becomes a lot of garbage, for those who want to visit if you want to destroy nature, don't come!
raja ngaprak on Google

Curug eksotis didalam hutan desa pusaka mulya. Masih alami dan terjaga namun punya aura mistis luar biasa, jangan bicara sembarangan ditempat ini jika tak ingin pulang kesasar kedalam hutan. Akses masuk sebelum gerbang curug cijalu, masuk melalui jalan kecil ke kanan. Lebih baik pakai pemandu warga lokal. Insya Alloh selamat.sekalian berbagi rezeki pada seaama
Exotic waterfalls in the village heirloom village Mulya. Still natural and awake but has an extraordinary mystical aura, don't talk carelessly in this place if you don't want to go back into the forest. Entrance before the Cijalu waterfall gate, enter through the small road to the right. It's better to use a local guide. God willing, all of you share your fortune with Seaama
Ana Arbangin on Google

Apakah curug ini bisa dijangkau dari ujung aspal wanayasa? ada beberapa pengunjung yang masuk jauh kedalam hutan ujung aspal wanayasa karena katanya ada curug. Tapi banyak yang nggak tahu jalannya karna masih hutan & nggak ada petunjuk arah.
Can this waterfall be reached from the end of Wanayasa asphalt? There are some visitors who enter deep into the forest at the end of the Wanayasa asphalt because they say there is a waterfall. But many don't know the way because it's still a forest & there are no directions.
u un on Google

Harus menempuh perjalanan yang cukup jauh ? dan tidak ada tempat khusus untuk bab seperti bilik tapi tempatnya dingin dan asri apalagi malam hari dingin banget brooo ku sarankan pakai jaket dobel2 di malem hari
Have to travel quite far away ? and there is no special place for chapters such as cubicles but the place is cold and beautiful especially the night is really cold bro I recommend wearing a double jacket in the evening
Myshop martin on Google

Hidden waterfall, Curug tersembunyi dari para traveler, sukar dilukiskan kata-kata, indah, adem, air jernih, rute masuk hutan, jalan lumayan jauh, terpuaskan bila sudah sampai, disayangkan pengunjung tidak memelihara kebersihan, banyak sampah dan sisa sisa makanan, berharap tetap bersih dan terjaga. Yang pakai kendaraan sulit menyimpannya, karena belum tersedia lahan parkir.
Hidden waterfall, hidden waterfall from travelers, difficult to describe words, beautiful, cool, clear water, route to enter the forest, the road is quite far, satisfied when it arrives, it is unfortunate that visitors do not maintain cleanliness, lots of trash and food scraps, hope to keep clean and well maintained. Those who use vehicles find it difficult to store them, because there is no parking space available.
Andri Irawan on Google

Masih alami, asri, jarang wisatawan, jalan kaki melewati area sawah, segar meyehat kan Untuk yg memerlukan guide bisa kontak warga lokal, kang jalal?
Still natural, beautiful, rarely tourists, walk through the rice fields, fresh and healthy right For those who need a guide, you can contact local residents, kang jalal?
Tukang Ameng on Google

Curug Indah ..bikin betah berlama2 disana.hari Minggu ke sana.sepanjang jalan kira kira 45 menit sampai Curug tidak ketemu orang..?.Curug yang masih alami.jalan awal masuk dari warung sebelum curug cijalu.. bisa tanya warga di sana..jalan tidak terlalu terjal..melalui kebun teh..oh ya..wajib pakai guide.banyak pertigaan dan perempatan di sepanjang jalan.cari yg guide yg baik hati,jangan yg komersil.sampai curug kita ga masuk ke air, airnya di pakai penduduk untuk sehari2.airnya bening sekali..terbening?.area sekitar curug sudah di tata ada saung ada warung,bawa air minum yg banyak.pulang tanpa guide..karena rumah guide dekat curug..hasilnya kesasar?..wajib pakai guide..perlu 1 jam muter muter sampai ketemu tanda yg di tinggalkan waktu berangkat.jaga kebersihan..?..happy hiking
Curug Indah.. makes you feel at home there. Sunday there.. along the way for about 45 minutes until the waterfall does not meet anyone.. .the road is not too steep..through tea gardens..oh yes..must use a guide..there are many forks and crossroads along the way.look for a good-natured guide, not commercial. residents for a day. the water is very clear.. the clearest ?. the area around the waterfall has been arranged, there is also a hut. use a guide.. it takes 1 hour to play around until you find the sign that was left when you left. keep it clean..?..happy hiking
Rizma Elvaria Pramudia on Google

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