Curug Cidurian - Kabupaten Bogor

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Curug Cidurian

Address :

Unnamed Road, Kiarasari, Kec. Sukajaya, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16660, Indonesia

Postal code : 16660
Categories :

Unnamed Road, Kiarasari, Kec. Sukajaya, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16660, Indonesia

Kampung cibuluh desa Kiarasari yg masih mempertahankan kearifan lokal, wisata ramah, dan edukatid, tersedia homestay, vila, dn camp ground untk pra pengunjung. Nikmati waktu libur anda bersama keluarga tercinta... Hub. 0857-1602-2399 (ridwan Pokja ekowisata cibuluh)
Cibuluh village, Kiarasari village which still maintains local wisdom, friendly tourism, and education, homestays, villas, and camp ground are available for pre-visitors. Enjoy your holiday with your beloved family... Hub. 0857-1602-2399 (ridwan Pokja ecotourism Cibuluh)
Siti Nur Hasanah on Google

Belum nyampe curug nya sih soalnya masih jauh banget dari gapura selamat datang masih satu jam lagi. Dan wisata ini sudah masuk ke Bogor tourism ya... Tapi di sepanjang jalan pemandangan nya bagus banget. Apalagi kalau panen raya
The waterfall hasn't arrived yet because it's still very far from the welcome gate, still an hour away. And this tour has entered Bogor tourism, right... But along the way the scenery is really good. Especially when it's harvest time
Robi Angkawijaya on Google

Mantap Curugnya Mencapai curugnya butuh perjuangan ? Buat yg mau kesini disarankan membawa air minum yg banyak karna dari parkiran ke curugnya jauh butuh waktu 50 menitan wkwk
Nice waterfall Reaching the waterfall takes struggle For those who want to come here, it is recommended to bring lots of drinking water because from the parking lot to the waterfall it will take 50 minutes wkwk
igswerd on Google

Lokasi curug masih sangat asri, damai, adem, serta masih dikelilingi oleh hutan yang rimbun, sehingga pengunjung diharapkan untuk tetap menjaga kebersihan lingkungan. Curug terbilang masih sepi pengunjung dibandingkan dengan curug-curug yang lain. Air yang mengalir di curug cukup deras, sehingga waspada adanya banjir. Apabila berkunjung di sore hari, berpotensi akan ada kabut tebal. Perjalanan dari tempat parkir menuju curug, pengunjung disuguhkan dengan berbagai macam pemandangan mulai dari sawah, beberapa jembatan penyebrangan dari beton dan dari bambu, hutan, dan menyusuri sungai. Pengunjung mungkin juga akan mendengar suara monyet, namun menurut keterangan pengunjung yang saya jumpai ketika berkunjung, belum ada yang menemui monyet tersebut. Disarankan untuk memakai alas kaki yang tepat serta berhati-hati karena banyak medan licin, membawa makanan serta minuman yang cukup, jas hujan atau payung, karena dari tempat parkir menuju curug yang memakan waktu ±1jam hanya ada 1 tempat berteduh di tengah trek, tidak ada toilet maupun penjual makanan selama di hutan. Toilet, tempat berteduh, penjual makanan, serta musholla hanya tersedia di tempat parkir. Tempat parkir luas. Toilet bersih serta terawat. Tempat berteduh berupa saung yamg muat untuk ±15 orang. Musholla berada di sekitar tempat parkir di perkampungan warga serta ramai warga sekitar yang beribadah di musholla tersebut. Di sekitar tempat parkir juga tersedia penjual makanan yang dapat disantap di saung. Harga sangat murah serta pelayanan sangat ramah. Tiket masuk sudah termasuk parkir. Catatan: curug cidurian memiliki akses yang sulit. Dari jalan raya menuju ke lokasi parkir curug ±1.5 jam melewati jalanan aspal yang sudah rusak dan menanjak. Sehingga, apabila ingin mengunjungi curug ini, pastikan kendaraan anda beserta penumpangnya dalam keadaan sehat serta bugar. Saya sarankan juga apabila anda tidak bepergian secara rombongan untuk tidak pulang terlalu sore karena di jalan menuju curug tidak ada lampu sama sekali. Apabila anda pulang setelah pukul 5 sore, jalan yang akan anda lewati gelap gulita dan dingin.
The location of the waterfall is still very beautiful, peaceful, cool, and still surrounded by lush forests, so visitors are expected to keep the environment clean. The waterfall is still relatively empty of visitors compared to other waterfalls. The water flowing in the waterfall is quite heavy, so be aware of flooding. If you visit in the afternoon, there will potentially be thick fog. The journey from the parking lot to the waterfall, visitors are presented with a variety of views ranging from rice fields, several pedestrian bridges made of concrete and bamboo, forests, and along the river. Visitors may also hear the sound of monkeys, but according to the information from visitors I met when I visited, no one had encountered the monkey. It is recommended to wear proper footwear and be careful because the terrain is slippery, bring enough food and drinks, raincoat or umbrella, because from the parking lot to the waterfall which takes ±1 hour there is only 1 shelter in the middle of the track, no toilets and food vendors while in the forest. Toilets, shelter, food vendors, and prayer rooms are only available in the parking lot. Spacious parking lot. Clean and well-maintained toilets. The shelter is in the form of a saung that can accommodate ± 15 people. The prayer room is around the parking lot in the village and there are many local residents who worship in the prayer room. Around the parking lot there are also food vendors that can be eaten in the saung. Prices are very cheap and service is very friendly. Entrance ticket includes parking. Note: Cidurian waterfall has difficult access. From the highway to the location of the waterfall parking ± 1.5 hours through the asphalt road that has been damaged and uphill. So, if you want to visit this waterfall, make sure your vehicle and its passengers are healthy and fit. I also recommend if you are not traveling in a group not to come home too late because on the road to the waterfall there are no lights at all. When you come home after 5 pm, the road you will pass is pitch black and cold.
Ray Restu Fauzi on Google

Kesini pas banget salah waktu, padahal lagi musim kemarau... Mungkin karna ada yang longsor di daerah hulu, idk. Tapi airnya coklat gtu, padahal kalo liat di google airnya pada bagus semua. Apes aja mungkin. Kalo misalkan airnya jernih, ini bagus banget sih. Cuman direkomendasiin banget buat kesininya aga pagian, soalnya dari loket masuk sampe ke curugnya harus treking lagi kira2 30-40 menitan lah. Hati-hati juga kalo musim ujan, soalnya 60% jalan ke curugnya lewat susur sungai, jadi kalo ujan berabe baliknya. Semoga bisa dikelola lagi jadi lebih kece <3 Youtube : Ray The Explorer - Curug Cidurian
Went here at the wrong time, even though it was the dry season... Maybe because there was a landslide in the upstream area, idk. But the water is brown, even though if you google it, the water is all good. Too bad it's possible. If for example the water is clear, this is really good. It's just really recommended to come here early in the morning, because from the entry counter to the waterfall, you have to trek again for about 30-40 minutes. Also be careful when it's rainy season, because 60% of the way to the waterfall is via the riverbank, so if it rains it's a little bit behind. Hopefully it can be managed again so it's cooler <3 Youtube : Ray The Explorer - Curug Cidurian
Pajar Sugiarto on Google

Curug nya Masih Alami Banget, airnya masih jernih dan tidak banyak sampah. Mantep lah pokoknya. Note: Kepada Para Pendatang Tolong dijaga sampah nya jangan buang sampah sembarangan karena itu merusak alam setempat. Kalo sudah habis makan nya dibawa pulang lagi bekas makanan nya. Terimakasih
The waterfall is still very natural, the water is still clear and not a lot of garbage. Keep it up basically. Note: To the newcomers, please take care of the garbage, don't litter because it destroys the local nature. If you have finished eating, you will take the food home again. Thank you
M Subagja on Google

Wort it
Moch. Rizal Ridhal Malik on Google

Good experience through forest small hill also broken bridge ?

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