Cluster Victoria Permai - Kabupaten Bekasi

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Cluster Victoria Permai

Address :

Unnamed Road, Babelan Kota, Kec. Babelan, Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17610, Indonesia

Postal code : 17610
Opening hours :
Monday 8AM–6PM
Tuesday 8AM–6PM
Wednesday 8AM–6PM
Thursday 8AM–6PM
Friday 8AM–6PM
Saturday 8AM–6PM
Sunday 9AM–6PM
Categories :

Unnamed Road, Babelan Kota, Kec. Babelan, Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17610, Indonesia
azmi rasyid on Google

Untuk tinggal disini overall sangat nyaman, tapi untuk sinyal seluler sangat susah, dan hanya bisa mengandalkan internet wifi untuk komunikasi. Dan sayangnya, yang bisa masuk ke dalam perumahan victoria permai hanya 1 provider, dikarenakan info sekitar inet provider lain di "issue" oleh preman2 sehingga susah untuk masuk untuk akses jalan dari wilayah harapan indah (alindra) menuju ke victoria permai, benar benar sangat memprihatinkan dan macetnya sangat panjang. ind*ma**t, stock di sekitar victoria permai kurang lengkap sehingga harus pergi jauh ke daerah harapan indah alindra
To live here overall is very comfortable, but for a cellular signal it is very difficult, and you can only rely on wifi internet for communication. And unfortunately, only 1 provider can enter Victoria Indah housing, because information about other internet providers is being "issued" by thugs, making it difficult to enter. for road access from the Harapan Indah area (Alindra) to Victoria Perma, it is really very worrying and the traffic jam is very long. indo*ma**t, the stock around Victoria scenic is incomplete, so you have to go far to the beautiful hope area of ​​Alindra
Mieke Nyytha on Google

Ruko yg peruntukannya untuk komersil menempel ditembok rumah huni ( 1 wall saja) harus nya ruko menggunakan tembok sendiri (double wall), kalo bisa kasih -5 bintang untuk ulasan sy bakal kasih -5 bintang, karena ini bukan masalah yg sepele ya.
Shophouses that are intended for commercial use are attached to the walls of a residential house (1 wall only) the shophouse must use its own wall (double wall), if I could give -5 stars for reviews I would give -5 stars, because this is not a trivial matter, right.
Super Sic on Google

sangat nyaman sekali tinggal disini. iseng2 coba survey cari2 rumah. langsung cocok. tanpa survey ke tempat lain lagi. menurut saya nilai investasi di perumahan ini sangat baik sekali.. tetangga ramah, tenang, menyenangkan sekali..
very comfortable staying here. idly try surveys looking for houses. fits right away. without a survey to another place again. I think the investment value in this housing is very good. friendly neighbors, quiet, very pleasant..
Elton Heryanto on Google

Ruko yang peruntukan komersil 1 dinding dengan rumah tinggal, memaksakan untuk luas tanah ruko agar tidak terpangkas dengan membangun tembok sendiri. Pikir2 lagi kalo mau beli yang daerah2 mepet depan. Burukkk
The shophouse, which has a commercial designation of 1 wall with a residential house, insists that the shop's land area is not trimmed by building their own walls. Think again if you want to buy the ones that are close to the front. bad
dadan Kurniawan on Google

Masih banyak pungli kalo mau renov, terus pihak developer terkesan mengabaikan pembeli setelah akad. Jadi saya mau komplen rumah karena masih ada garansi, saya komplen pihak developernya slow respon. Pesannya ga di bales, Beda kalo pas kita mau beli unit ??. Yaahh untuk pembeli baru alahkah baiknya banyak survei kalo beli unit.
There are still a lot of extortion if you want to renovate, then the developer seems to ignore the buyer after the contract. So I want to complain about the house because there is still a warranty, I complain that the developer is slow to respond. The message was not replied to, it's different when we want to buy a unit . Well, for new buyers, it's a good idea to do a lot of surveys if you buy a unit.
rheza rachmat on Google

Sudah 8 bulan tinggal di VP, alhamdulillah sejauh ini nyaman2 aja, contoh : 1. Lingkungan aman karna ada security, jd simpan apapun di depan rumah tetap aman ga hilang ? 2. Beberapa kali hujan derasss bgt semalaman tp ga rembes ataupun (amit2) banjir karna warganya kompak bersihin saluran air sampai ke danau depan 3. Tempat nyaman buat istirahat ga bising 4. Udh ada Ind*m*ret di depan gate jd kalo ada kebutuhan mendadak ga perlu jauh2 5. Sampah jg aman selalu diangkut tepat waktu (asalkan bayar tepat waktu ?) Semoga kedepannya terus perbaikan, dan upgradeee jgn sampai menurun kualitasnya Sejauh ini minusnya : 1. Jalan akses banyak yg rusak dan gang macet karna ada tukang sayur yg bener2 mepet tikungan jalan di gang sempit 2. Panas, kurang pohon dan penghijauan! Untung kerja brangkat sblum ada matahari dan pulang udh malam hari ? lol (tp weekend mau ke depan gang aja tunggu jam 5 sore dulu saking panasnya!) 3. Belum ada fasilitas umum, tanahnya masih nganggur aja gatau mau dibuat apa ? 4. Banyak pungli preman kalo ada pembangunan tambahan Semoga ini bisa diperbaiki dan dikoordinasikan kedepannya (harapannyaaa) Dan karna baru tinggal 8 bulan (dr April 2021) jd masih deg2an soal issu banjir, semoga ga banjirrr ? aamiin Semoga danau depan jg bisa meresap dengan baik ?
It's been 8 months living at VP, thank God so far it's comfortable, for example: 1. The environment is safe because there is security, so keep anything in front of the house safe and not lost 2. Several times it rained heavily all night but it didn't seep or flood because the residents were compact in cleaning the waterways up to the front lake 3. A comfortable place to rest without being noisy 4. There is already an Ind*m*ret in front of the gate, so if you have a sudden need, you don't have to go far 5. Garbage is also safe, always transported on time (as long as you pay on time ) Hopefully in the future it will continue to improve, and don't upgrade the quality So far the minuses: 1. Many access roads are damaged and the alley is jammed because there is a vegetable seller who really gets to bend the road in a narrow alley 2. Heat, less trees and greenery! Luckily, work leaves before the sun comes out and comes home late at night lol (but on the weekends going to the front of the alley, just wait at 5 pm because it's so hot!) 3. There are no public facilities, the land is still idle, I don't know what to do 4. Lots of extortion from thugs if there is additional development Hopefully this can be fixed and coordinated in the future (hopefully) And because it's only been 8 months (from April 2021) I'm still nervous about the flood issue, I hope it doesn't flood Amen Hopefully the lake ahead can also seep well
amir ullah on Google

My sweet home??
misbah mzb on Google


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