Cipinang Melayu Sub-District Office

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Cipinang Melayu Sub-District Office

Address :

Jl. Borobudur, Cipinang Melayu, Makasar, East Jakarta City, Jakarta, Indonesia

Website :
Categories :
City : Jakarta

Jl. Borobudur, Cipinang Melayu, Makasar, East Jakarta City, Jakarta, Indonesia
Five Sudarmanto on Google

Pelayanan sangat cepat.. sudah dengan sistem antrian dan ga berbelit2. Pengalaman buat KIA anak awal feb 2019
The service is very fast ... it's already in a queue system and it's not complicated. Experience for KIA children early in 2019
Stefanus Beda on Google

Pelayananya sudah cukup baik, gedung juga sudah direnovasi. Semoga lebih ditingkatkan lagi kualitas pelayananya menjadi semakin baik untuk melayani keperluan warga kelurahan cipinang melayu
The service is quite good, the building has also been renovated. Hopefully the quality of the service will be improved to serve the needs of Cipinang Malay Village residents
Ratna Mentari on Google

Birokrasi nya mntap
The bureaucracy is solid
Nur Rahmah Pratiwi on Google

Biasanya ketika ingin mengurus surat, kita akan menghampiri ketua RT dan RW untuk surat pengantar ke Kelurahan. Namun, saya sarankan untuk terlebih dahulu ke kelurahan untuk mengetahui persyaratan lengkap terkait keperluan yang akan diurus ke kelurahan. Disana disediakan kertas yg berisikan daftar persyaratan, seperti syarat membuat surat nikah dsb. Sehingga tidak perlu bolak balik ke rt atau rw jika ada surat tambahan dari kelurahan.
Usually when we want to arrange a letter, we will approach the RT and RW heads for a letter of introduction to the Kelurahan. However, I recommend to the kelurahan first to find out the full requirements related to the needs that will be administered to the kelurahan. There is provided a paper containing a list of requirements, such as the conditions for making a marriage certificate etc. So there is no need to go back and forth to RT or RW if there is an additional letter from the kelurahan.
Ranselkumel on Google

Dari segi bangunanya sudah bagus karna sudah direnovasi tidak seperti dulu, dan dari segi pelayanan sudah jauh lebih baik saat ini. Semoga kedepanya bisa tetap dipertahankan pelayananya atau bahkan semakin ditingkatkan kualitas pelayananya untuk melayani keperluan warga masyarakat kelurahan cipinang melayu..
In terms of building it's good because it's been renovated not like before, and in terms of service it's much better now. Hopefully in the future the service can be maintained or even improved the quality of the service to serve the needs of the citizens of Cipinang Malay Village.
husein tulus on Google

++ Bersih, Ada ruang baca serta sudah menerapkan antrian elektronik.
++ Clean, There is a reading room and has implemented an electronic queue.
John colosa Lasut on Google

tgl 1 dan 7 december 2021 saya urus ktp yg rusak. tidakada petugas didalam ruangan loket, ada petugas tak berseragam dipintu masuk yg mau membantu tapi butuh beberapa hari baru selesai. saya menolak. pertanyaannya butuh waktu berapa lama untuk mengganti ktp yg rusak ?
On December 1 and 7, 2021, I took care of the damaged ID card. there were no officers in the counter room, there were officers not in uniform at the entrance who wanted to help but it took a few days to finish. I refuse. The question is how long does it take to replace a damaged ID card?
Andri Sanjaya on Google

Ditulisannya loketnya disuruh menggunakan aplikasi Alpukat Betawi. Tp setelah sy isi data2nya dan unggah berkas2nya, ternyata disuruh isi formulir secara offline dan bw berkas2nya lg. ? Jd nggak ada gunanya sy menggunakan aplikasi Alpukat Betawi. ?
He wrote that the counter was told to use the Betawi Avocado application. But after I filled in the data and uploaded the files, it turned out that I was told to fill out the form offline and take the files again. So there's no point in using the Betawi Avocado application. ️

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