Casa Andara Residence - Kota Depok

3.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Casa Andara Residence

Address :

4, Jl. Cilobak III No.83, RW.1, Pangkalan Jati Baru, Kec. Cinere, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16514, Indonesia

Postal code : 16514
Categories :

4, Jl. Cilobak III No.83, RW.1, Pangkalan Jati Baru, Kec. Cinere, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16514, Indonesia
khalisha adiilah on Google

Bangunan nya bagus,nyaman Yg penting ada musholah...ok bngt deh
The building is nice, comfortable The important thing is that there is a prayer room... that's really ok
okta vian on Google

Perumahan yg cukup nyaman meskioun aksesnya agak masuk. Semoga bangunannya awet
Housing that is quite comfortable even though the access is a bit in. I hope the building lasts
Taufan Azhari on Google

Akses masuknya parah...sempit. ga kepikiran bawa mobil klo udah penuh keisi sm penghuni di cluster ini buat akses keluar masuk ?
The entrance is bad...narrow. I don't think about bringing a car when it's full with residents in this cluster for access in and out
Kharisma Tauhid on Google

Saya membeli rumah di sini tahun 2020 dan rumah jadi pada tahun 2021. Kelebihan dari membeli rumah di Casa Andara ini adalah lokasinya saja dengan harga yang relatif lebih terjangkau dibanding perumahan di lokasi sekitarnya. Akan tetapi, memang ada harga ada rupa. Kekurangan-kekurangan dari Casa Andara akan terlihat ketika rumah sudah jadi. 1. Kualitas air yang jelek (kuning, berminyak, bau) dan minimnya tanggung jawab dari developer terkait hal ini. Warga Casa Andara sudah banyak yang akhirnya melakukan pengeboran air secara mandiri, namun inipun terkadang harus berhadapan dengan oknum yang menghentikan kegiatan pengeboran. 2. Kualitas material bangungan dan penunjangnya yang rendah, mulai dari tembok yang retak struktur, pintu yang cepat jebol, bocor, keran air cepat patah, torrent air yang bocor, dll, semua pernah dialami tidak hanya 1-2 orang namun hampir semua warga Casa Andara pasti merasakan. 3. Kualitas MCB kelistrikan yang sangat rendah sehingga sering terjadi mati lampu dan warga harus mengganti secara mandiri. Jadi kesimpulannya, apabila lokasi adalah hal paling penting untuk anda, Casa Andara dapat dipertimbangkan dengan catatan siap untuk menghadapi masalah-masalah tadi. Tapi kalau Anda ingin membeli rumah yang siap pakai dan tanpa keluar biaya lagi, sebaiknya dipikir lagi. Cobalah mengobrol dengan para warga ketika survey saat ingin membeli rumah.
I bought a house here in 2020 and a finished house in 2021. The advantage of buying a house at Casa Andara is the location alone with a relatively more affordable price compared to housing in surrounding locations. However, there is a price and there are forms. The shortcomings of Casa Andara will be seen when the house is finished. 1. Poor water quality (yellow, oily, smelly) and lack of responsibility from the developer in this regard. Many Casa Andara residents have ended up doing water drilling independently, but even this sometimes have to deal with people who stop drilling activities. 2. The low quality of building materials and supports, ranging from cracked walls, doors that break quickly, leaks, water faucets break quickly, leaking torrents of water, etc., have all been experienced by not only 1-2 people but almost all Casa residents. You must have felt it. 3. The quality of the electrical MCB is very low so that the lights often go out and residents have to replace them independently. So in conclusion, if location is the most important thing to you, Casa Andara can be considered with a note that you are prepared to deal with these problems. But if you want to buy a house that is ready to use and without spending more money, you should think again. Try chatting with residents when surveying when you want to buy a house.
Abiubi life on Google

Plus minus membeli rumah dicasa andara menurut saya. Plus : akses ke jalan TB Simatupang dan Jalan Rs Fatmawati sangat dekat, sehingga memudahkan saya dan keluarga dalam beraktifitas. Minus : Air yang menjadi pokok masalah disebagain besar warga casa andara. walaupun jernih (Tidak berwarna kuning), namun airnya berbau. sampai hari ini saya tidak menggunakan air untuk masak bahkan untuk mencuci sayuran pun saya tidak berani memakai air dari keran. kualitas bangunan yang tergolong murah, baik dari material maupun struktur pondasi yang kurang baik. sehingga ada beberapa blok di perumahan ini mengalam turun tanah (pergeseran tanah) sehingga menyebabkan banyak bagian2 rumah yang retak (Umur rumah masih dibawah 1 tahun). komplain warga tidak di dengarkan dan lama responnya, sehingga beberapa warga yang udah beli rumah harus menambah uang untuk perbaikan walaupun baru 1 tahun rumah jadi. semoga review ini membantu, saran saya untuk konsumen yang mau membeli rumah di casa andara, WAJIB DETAIL dan teliti. lebih baik semua request tertulis dan di ttd oleh pihak developer ya. terima kasih semoga membantu.
The pluses and minuses of buying a house at Andara in my opinion. Plus: access to Jalan TB Simatupang and Jalan Rs Fatmawati is very close, making it easier for me and my family to do activities. Minus: Water is the main problem for most of the residents of Casa Andara. although clear (not yellow), but the water smells. to this day I do not use water for cooking even to wash vegetables I do not dare to use water from the tap. the quality of the building is relatively cheap, both from the material and the foundation structure that is not good. so that there are several blocks in this housing experiencing land subsidence (soil shift) causing many parts of the house to crack (the age of the house is still under 1 year). Residents' complaints were not listened to and the response took long, so that some residents who had bought houses had to add money for repairs, even though it was only 1 year that the house was finished. I hope this review helps, my advice for consumers who want to buy a house at Casa Andara, MUST DETAILS and be thorough. it's better if all requests are written and signed by the developer. thanks hope it helps.
FBP on Google

Berikut review Perumahan Casa Andara Residence sebagai referensi bagi para calon pembeli: KEKURANGAN: - Akses masuk dari Jalan Cilobak 3 menuju lokasi sekitar 200 meter melalui perkampungan penduduk sempit hanya bisa dilalui 1 mobil dan 1 motor. - Tidak tersedia suplai air PDAM dan kualitas Air tanah di kedalaman 40 meter tidak bagus, berwarna kuning karat, bau dan berminyak. - Instalasi Kabel Listrik masih Konvensional menggunakan tiang (Belum menggunakan instalasi kabel bawah tanah) - Tidak ada Trafo Listrik yang terpasang untuk menjaga kestabilan tegangan listrik. - Rumah ini tidak dilengkapi tangga akses ke Toren/Penampungan Air di atap (konsumen harus membeli sendiri) - Kualitas pengerjaan kurang rapi, banyak bagian rumah yang Miring/Tidak rata/Tidak presisi. - Kualitas bahan bangunan yang digunakan tergolong dibawah standar. - Hampir semua rumah mengalami banyak keretakan pada dinding/tembok. - Pondasi rumah asal pasang yang berakibat fatal lantai turun (amblas), banyak rumah yang mengalami keretakan karena struktur bangunan bergeser. KELEBIHAN: - Lokasi cukup strategis khususnya bagi anda yang beraktivitas di wilayah Jakarta Selatan atau Selatan Jakarta. - Akses tol Andara tersedia kurang lebih sekitar 850 meter dari lokasi. - Kualitas udara bagus karena masih banyak pohon di sekitar lokasi. - Lokasi dekat dengan fasilitas umum (Rumah ibadah, Sekolah, Fasilitas kesehatan, Pasar dan Fasilitas umum lainnya) KESIMPULAN: - Untuk kategori rumah dengan harga diatas 1 Miliar, spesifikasi dan kualitas bangunan tidak sesuai. - Siapkan ekstra perhatian/pikiran/energi/tenaga/waktu/biaya saat memutuskan membeli rumah ini untuk memenuhi ekspektasi anda. - Kebijakan dan penawaran dari Developer tidak selalu sama bisa berubah setiap saat, pastikan segala hal yang berhubungan dengan Developer dilakukan secara tertulis/tercatat untuk menghindari semua hal yang tidak diinginkan. - Bagi anda yang lebih mengutamakan lokasi dan tidak bermasalah dengan kualitas bangunan, rumah ini bisa menjadi salah satu pilihan. Semoga review ini bisa membantu anda para calon pembeli, terima kasih.
The following is a review of Casa Andara Residence Housing as a reference for potential buyers: DEFICIENCY: - Access from Jalan Cilobak 3 to the location is about 200 meters through a narrow residential area, only 1 car and 1 motorbike can pass. - There is no PDAM water supply and the quality of ground water at a depth of 40 meters is not good, yellow rust, smelly and oily. - Conventional Electric Cable Installation using poles (Not yet using underground cable installation) - There is no electric transformer installed to maintain the stability of the mains voltage. - This house is not equipped with stairs to access the Toren / Water Reservoir on the roof (consumers must buy their own) - The quality of workmanship is not neat, many parts of the house are tilted / uneven / not precise. - The quality of the building materials used is below standard. - Almost all houses have many cracks in the walls / walls. - The foundation of the house from the tide which resulted in the floor falling down (collapsed), many houses were cracked due to the shifting of the building structure. ADVANTAGES: - The location is quite strategic, especially for those of you who are active in the South Jakarta or South Jakarta area. - Andara toll access is available approximately 850 meters from the location. - The air quality is good because there are still many trees around the location. - Location close to public facilities (Houses of worship, schools, health facilities, markets and other public facilities) CONCLUSION: - For the category of houses with prices above 1 billion, the specifications and quality of the building do not match. - Prepare extra attention/thought/energy/energy/time/cost when deciding to buy this house to meet your expectations. - Policies and offers from the Developer are not always the same and can change at any time, make sure everything related to the Developer is done in writing/recorded to avoid all things that are not desirable. - For those of you who prefer location and do not have problems with the quality of the building, this house can be an option. Hopefully this review can help you potential buyers, thank you.
Nanda Anggakara on Google

saya membeli rumah diperumahan ini dan belum setahun. mau tau nilai positifnya? CUMAN 1 dekat dengan JAKSEL. Sisanya lebih banyak penyesalan dan merasa terbebani. Mulai dari tidak jujurnya developer dr sisi kedalaman air sumur, sampe detik ini beberapa warga sampai mendapatkan air dengan hasil bor sendiri diluar dari biaya pembelian rumah. Bayangkan membeli rumah yang tidak murah tetapi kepindahan dirumah mendapatkan masalah yang lebih dari harga beli rumah itu sendiri. Tidak sesuai dengan PPJB yang tertulis air bersih, dapetnya aer kuning. Setahun saya menempati rumah ini, 3 bulan awal saya pikir hanya air, memasuki bulan keempat dinding mulai retak seribu, serabut dan juga vertikal retak (silahkan Lihat di foto). saya pikir hanya retak acian ternyata makin besar. selanjutnya Gypsum setelah 6 bulan mulai lepas, sempat diperbaiki, tapi tidak sampai sebulan retak kembali, dan mulai rontok. dinding di mezzanin kanan dan kiri retak vertikal. Sekian lama tidak pernah naik ke ruang utilisasi (tandon dan Pendorong) saya dikagetkan dengan dinding retak panjang dan lebar tepat berada di ruang atas kamar anak saya. WOW sekali. sudah berkali kali saya adukan dari pihak developer hingga menggunakan tangan Bank KPR pun akhirnya tidak berujung jawaban hanya acuhan (dengan berbagai alasan) dari bulan oktober 2021 saya sudah minta untuk pembahasan tidak ada jawaban hingga saya layangkan surat perbaikan dan perjanjian kepada developer. Baru deh kalang kabut ingin ketemu, saya bilang online saja diluar jam kerja ada saja alasan dari pihak developer. minta jadwal pagi. Padahal saya memberikan solusi win win solution dliuar dari jam kerja karena saya pagi hari hingga sore juga ada jadwal kerja. Padahal kalau dilogika anda beli HP baru, terus seminggu rusak ganti baru seharusnya bukan perbaikan. Tanah gerak dan dipastikan ini adalah retak struktur, sudah beberapa orang yang memastikan. Saya tidak menuntut banyak dari perjanjian yang saya berikan mungkin dianggap sepele karena developer sudah punya project lain. semoga ada balasan dari allah SWT atas perbuatanya. NILAI PLUS PERUMAHAN INI CUMA DEKAT DENGAN JAKSEL sudah itu saja. tidak ada yang lain. Salam dan terlampir foto2 rumah saya yang belum setahun lamanya.
I bought a house in this house and it has not been a year. want to know the positive value? CUMAN 1 is close to JAKSEL. The rest are more regretful and burdened. Starting from the dishonesty of the developer in terms of the depth of the well water, until this moment some residents have obtained water from their own drilling outside of the cost of buying a house. Imagine buying a house that is not cheap but moving home gets more problems than the price of buying the house itself. Not in accordance with PPJB which says clean water, you get yellow water. A year ago I lived in this house, the first 3 months I thought it was just water. Entering the fourth month, the walls started to crack a thousand, fibers and also vertical cracks (please see photo). I thought it was just a patchwork crack that turned out to be bigger. Furthermore, after 6 months the Gypsum started to come off, was repaired, but within a month it cracked again, and started to fall off. the walls on the right and left mezzanines cracked vertically. I haven't gone up to the utilization room in a long time (the reservoir and pusher) when I was surprised by the long and wide cracked wall right above the room above my son's room. WOW so. I have complained many times from the developer to use the hands of the KPR Bank, in the end it didn't end in an answer, only indifferent (for various reasons) from October 2021 I asked for a discussion, there was no answer until I sent a letter of improvement and an agreement to the developer. I'm just confused about wanting to meet you, I said just go online outside of working hours, there's just a reason from the developer. ask for the morning schedule. Even though I provide a win-win solution outside of working hours because I have a work schedule from morning to evening. In fact, if you buy a new cellphone, then it's broken for a week, replace it with a new one, it shouldn't be a repair. The ground moves and it is confirmed that this is a structural crack, several people have confirmed it. I do not demand much from the agreement that I provide may be considered trivial because the developer already has another project. Hopefully there is a reward from Allah SWT for his actions. PLUS VALUE THIS HOUSING IS ONLY CLOSE TO JAKSEL that's all. no other. Regards and attached photos of my house which is not yet a year old.
gordy loemakto on Google

Nice house, but small road iver there

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