Buana Teknik - Kota Tangerang

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Buana Teknik

Address :

Jl. Imam Bonjol, RT.002/RW.005, Karawaci, Kec. Karawaci, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15113, Indonesia

Postal code : 15113
Categories :

Jl. Imam Bonjol, RT.002/RW.005, Karawaci, Kec. Karawaci, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15113, Indonesia
Suhendar jaya Lestari on Google

Tempat aneka macam macam selang.bikin selang
Place for various kinds of hoses. Make hoses
Ifan Tjandra on Google

Harga terlalu mahal untuk barang dan merek yang sama dibandingkan dengan supplier lain
The price is too expensive for the goods and the same brand as compared to other suppliers
wothenx auto on Google

Mau beli,bukan mau minta. Pelayanan buruk
Want to buy, not want to ask. Bad service
Hermangofinar Bastyan on Google

Toko kosmetik yang sangat strategis di kota tangerang
A very strategic cosmetic shop in the city of Tangerang
Jasmine Official on Google

Baik Sekali Hous yg Saya Bikin Kuat dan Tahan Lama
Very Good Hous that I Made Strong and Durable
Diki Tan on Google

Baut2 lengkap sama selang bagus2
Complete bolts with good hoses
Qory Hadromi on Google

Good place
Kelvin Tok on Google

Good knowledge of products

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