BNI KCP wiradesa - Kabupaten Pekalongan

3.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact BNI KCP wiradesa

Address :

Jl. Suprapto, Gumawang Satu, Gumawang, Kec. Wiradesa, Kabupaten Pekalongan, Jawa Tengah 51152, Indonesia

Postal code : 51152
Opening hours :
Monday 8AM–4PM
Tuesday 8AM–4PM
Wednesday 8AM–4PM
Thursday 8AM–4PM
Friday 8AM–4PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Jl. Suprapto, Gumawang Satu, Gumawang, Kec. Wiradesa, Kabupaten Pekalongan, Jawa Tengah 51152, Indonesia
Yahya Noer Widyatno on Google

Mudah di jangkau dari jalan pantura, dan terlihat cukup jelas, di jam-jam tertentu cukup lengang, ATM nya juga berfungsi dengan baik. Parkir cukup luas dan cukup nyaman, satpamnya juga ramah. Untuk pelayanan di dalamnya saya pikir standar. Penguna kursi roda bisa masuk dengan mudah meski belum tersedia tempat parkir khusus kursi roda. Sisanya si Ok.
It is easy to reach from the north coast road, and it is quite clear, at certain hours it is quite quiet, the ATM also works well. Ample parking and comfortable enough, the security guard was also friendly. For service in it I think is standard. Wheelchair users can enter easily even though there is no special parking available for wheelchairs. The rest is Ok.
pipit pita on Google

Letak nya strategis, ada bank ada atm nya lengkap. Ada bapak satpam yang siap sedia bantuin kita yang mau tanya atau bingung, bahkan saking baiknya bapak bapak satpam ini bisa juga bantuin kita parkirin motor. Halaman parkirnya luas dan petugas nya ramah banget.. Bersih
Its location is strategic, there is a bank, there is a complete ATM. There are security guards who are ready to help us who want to ask questions or are confused, even the security guard is so good that he can also help us park the motorbike. The parking lot is spacious and the officers are very friendly .. Clean
lodi ahmad on Google

service motor di muncul jaya sakti kehabisan uang krna bayar service nya mahal bingit.. untung depan nya ada BNI ya udah terpaksa narik uang di situ
The motorbike service appears running out of money because paying for the service is expensive ... fortunately there is BNI, so I have been forced to withdraw money there
Saiful Huda on Google

agak lama karena teller cuma 1, padhal tempatnya cukup strategis,cukup menyita waktu karena menunggu lama
a bit long because there is only 1 teller, even though the place is quite strategic, it takes quite a while because of the long wait
Ces Wanto on Google

Jam 11.17 wib , antrian masih panjang jd harus benar benar bersabar
At 11.17 am, the queue is still long so you have to be really patient
B&G Art on Google

Kalo antrian panjang,minta bantuan cs dan teller dari cabang lain bisa nggak?atau rekrut karyawan lagi,minimal cs 2 teller 2,jangan satpam 2,cs 1,teller 1 nggak efektif banget,dateng jam 7 dapat antrian nomor 17,sampai jam 1 siang belum terlayani?gila
If the queue is long, can you ask for help from cs and tellers from other branches or can you recruit more employees, at least cs 2 teller 2, not security guard 2, cs 1, teller 1 is not very effective, come at 7 to get queue number 17, until 1 o'clock noon not served?crazy
shabrina tamimi on Google

Kenapa hanya ada 1 cs? sedang yang butuh pelayanan sangat banyak kalau di daerah... yang antri 40an tp hanya terbatas 4 orang tiap jamnya, sebagai pelanggan, merasa pelayanannya kurang efektif karena harus meluangkan waktu minimal setengah hari padahal waktunya bisa dipakai untuk bekerja..
Why is there only 1 cs? while those who need service are very much in the area... those who queue for 40s but are only limited to 4 people per hour, as customers, feel the service is less effective because they have to spend at least half a day even though the time can be used for work..
uuz dhaniita on Google

Saya baca di review permasalahan antre yg begitu panjang di bni memang benar adanya, tetapi saya lihat permasalahan ada di satpamnya, ada 2 satpam yg saya temui selama 2 hari bolak balik kesana, orgnya pendek dan sudah berumur agak tua, mereka berdua selalu bilang ke nasabah yg datang di atas jam 12 "jika antrean cs sudah penuh dan hanya bisa di lakukan besok pagi jam 8 " Setelah saya bertemu dgn satpam mas muda yg tinggi ternyata berbeda, mas satpam ini sangat bijaksana dia bilang "memang tdk bisa menentukan lamanya antrean cs, tetapi jika nomer antrean sebelumnya tidak hadir maka nasabah yg sudah di tempat bisa memasuki cs tidak perlu menunggu nomer antrean terakhir. Dan ternyta benar saya antre jam stngah 1, setengah 2 cs buka dan hanya ada 2 org yg mengantre cs, pdhl sya ada di nomer 38 sedangkan cs msh ada di antrean 25, stlh 2org sblm saya masuk ke cs akhirnya saya org nomer 3 yg bisa ke cs setelah saya selesai juga gak ada yg antre ke CS, mslh terselesaikan. Mohon untuk di perbaiki sikap bapk2 satpam nya, untuk mas satpam yg tinggi itu sudah sangat membantu berbeda dgn yg lain, kasihan nasabah yg ada kepentingan, seperti saya. Semoga bisa di perbaiki . Ini foto beberapa org yg di suruh kembali besoknya oleh bpk satpam ini.
I read in the review that the problem of queuing so long at BNI is true, but I see the problem is with the security guard, there are 2 security guards I met for 2 days back and forth there, the people are short and are a bit old, they both always tell customers those who arrive after 12 "if the cs line is full and can only be done tomorrow morning at 8 " After I met the young, tall security guard, it turned out to be different, this security guard was very wise. He said, "I really can't determine the length of the cs queue, but if the previous queue number is not present, then customers who are already on site can enter cs, they don't have to wait for the last queue number. And it turned out that it was true that I was queuing at half past 1, half 2 cs opened and there were only 2 people in line for cs, even though I was at number 38 while cs were still in queue 25, after 2 people before I entered cs, finally I was number 3. I can go to CS after I finish, no one is queuing to CS, the problem is resolved. Please correct the attitude of the security guards, the high security guard has been very helpful, different from the others, sorry for customers who have interests, like me. Hopefully can be fixed. Here are some photos of the people who were ordered to come back the next day by this security guard.

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