BNI 46. KK TEMON.. - Kabupaten Kulon Progo

3.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact BNI 46. KK TEMON..

Address :

Jl. Wates - Purworejo, Kadilangu Lor, Temon Kulon, Kec. Temon, Kabupaten Kulon Progo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55654, Indonesia

Postal code : 55654
Opening hours :
Monday 9AM–3PM
Tuesday 9AM–3PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9AM–3PM
Friday 9AM–3PM
Saturday 9AM–3PM
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Jl. Wates - Purworejo, Kadilangu Lor, Temon Kulon, Kec. Temon, Kabupaten Kulon Progo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55654, Indonesia
MIN gia on Google

baru kali ini saya di BNI dikecewakan. tolong untuk pihak bank lebih profesional lagi. jika sudah antri, ya tolong dilayani sesuai antrian. jangan mendahulukan antrian lain dengan keperluan "karena singkronisasi sampai jam 14.00, biar ini dulu" tolonglah profesional, semua orang punya urusan yang lain juga, jika memang waktu sudah mepet ya tolong dinasehati, jangan malah didahulukan. kalau sudah tau singkronisasi sampai jam 14.00 silahkan datang lebih awal. jangan malah antrian belakang tapi didahulukan karena alasan alasan itu. sayang kecewa, yang seharusnya saya dapat antrian duluan bisa selesai lebih cepat jadi mundur lama. dan saya terpaksa membatalkan janji dengan orang kantor.
only this time I was disappointed at BNI. please make the bank more professional. if you have queued, please be served according to the queue. do not prioritize other queues with the need "because it synchronizes until 14.00, let this first" please be professional, everyone has other business too, if time is running short please be advised, don't take precedence. if you already know the synchronization until 14.00, please come early. don't even queue behind but take precedence for that reason. unfortunately disappointed, what I should have queued first could finish faster so it took a long time to go back. and I had to cancel appointments with office people.
Fajar Istiqomah on Google

tutup set.3,, jauh² ngebut demi bayar kuliah, telat 5 menit ga dilayani, padahal petugasnya masih stay.. duhh.. yoweslah. gpp. mbokyo dimaklumi to pak bu, agi usum Corona ii.. mumpung iso metu hare. hess.
closed set.3,, speeding away to pay for college, 5 minutes late, no service, even though the staff still stays.. duhh.. come on. it does not matter. mbokyo, it's understandable sir, ma'am, for usum Corona II.. while iso metu hare. hess.
abitez bramono on Google

Meja teller 3, tapi teller cuman 1, antrian banyak. Harap di perhatikan.
There are 3 teller tables, but there is only 1 teller, there are a lot of queues. Please pay attention.
Gogo Vitallogi on Google

Pelayanan jelek sekali, apalagi untuk satpamnya tolong di training lagi, karena nggak bisa ngurutin nomor antrean, saya sangat kecewa sekali.
Very bad service, especially for the security guard, please train again, because I can't sort the queue number, I'm very disappointed.
eko yaya on Google

Pelayanan tidak ramah sekali , satpam nya juga tidak ramah sekali tolong di perbaiki , saya mau bayar tagihan tapi tidak dilayani dan disuruh pergi dengan ucapan tidak ramah katanya udah telat padahal masih jam 2.20
The service is not very friendly, the security guard is also not very friendly, please fix it, I want to pay the bill but it is not served and told to leave with unfriendly words, he said it was too late even though it was still 2.20
alina budiarti on Google

Kecewa banget sama sikap teler yang cewe tidak ramah,judes, satpamnya juga tidak punya sopan santun. Mbok ya disuruh masuk dulu mas, mau nuker uang pecahan baru masuk sudah bilang tidak adaa selama satu minggu, kapok ngga ke bni lagi.
Very disappointed with the drunken attitude that the girl is not friendly, bitchy, the security guard also has no manners. Mbok, yes, I was told to come in first, bro, I want to change the new denomination when I come in, I already said there wasn't any for a week, I'm tired of not going to BNI again.
bu tatik sandang on Google

Y Alfariz on Google


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