Bimba AIUEO Pondok Rejeki - Kabupaten Tangerang

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Contact Bimba AIUEO Pondok Rejeki

Address :

Jl. Akasia II No.14, Kuta Baru, Kec. Ps. Kemis, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten 15560, Indonesia

Postal code : 15560
Categories :

Jl. Akasia II No.14, Kuta Baru, Kec. Ps. Kemis, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten 15560, Indonesia
Joe Harmanto on Google

Sejak les di Bimba AIUEO kyra jadi gemar membaca, suka menulis dan antusias menyusun kalimat2, selalu bersemangat belajar setiap harinya. Trimakasih bimba, trimakasih para motivator yg sdh give the best. Ayo mom jangan ragu ikutan gabung di bimba AIUEO Pondok Rejeki.
Since tutoring at Bimba AIUEO, Kyra has become fond of reading, loves to write and is enthusiastic about composing sentences, always eager to learn every day. Thank you Bimba, thank you to the motivators who have given the best. Come on, mom, don't hesitate to join the AIUEO Pondok Rejeki bimba.
Dwi Rahmita on Google

Semenjak bergabung di sini, si kakak jadi sudah bisa sedikit demi sedikit mengenal angka dan huruf karna prosesnya yang menyenangkan membuat minat baca & belajarnya tumbuh tidak membosankan ya. Yuk coba gratis dulu jadi disini ada trialnya dijamin gabakal menyesal lho mom, apalagi lagi keadaan pandemi seperti ini mau daring atau tatapmuka di jamin anak pasti senang, Terimakasih biMBA AIUEO PONDOK REJEKI , terimakasih motivator motivator nya? Yukk moms langsung aja ke biMBA AIUEO PONDOK REJEKI alamatnya baru ya mom di jl akasia II blok B10 no 14 kutabaru, (samping SD MUHAMMADIYAH) di jamin tidak menyesal ??
Since joining here, the older brother is able to gradually recognize numbers and letters because the fun process makes his interest in reading & learning grow not boring, right. Let's try it for free first, so here there is a trial, guaranteed you won't regret it, mom, especially when this pandemic situation wants to go online or face to face, the children are guaranteed to be happy, Thank you biMBA AIUEO PONDOK REJEKI, thank you for the motivator Come on, moms, just go to BIMBA AIUEO PONDOK REJEKI, the address is new, mom at Jl Acacia II Blok B10 No. 14 Kutabaru, (next to SD MUHAMMADIYAH) Guaranteed you won't regret it ??
athariz adreena story on Google

Anak saya baru saya masukan ke bimba kurang lebih 2 bulan, alhamdulillah banyak banget perkembangannya. Sekarang anak saya sudah bisa baca kata sederhana, komunikasinya juga bagus dan dia sangat happy setiap pulang sekolah menceritakan semua yang dia lakukan di bimba. Terimakasih bimba sudah membantu kami para orang tua dalam mendidik dan mengajar anak-anak kami dalam menumbuhkan minat baca, semoga kedepannya lebih maju lagi. Aaminn....
I just put my child into Bimba for about 2 months, thank God, he has a lot of development. Now my son can read simple words, his communication is also good and he is very happy when he comes home from school and tells everything he does at Bimba. Thank you Bimba for helping us parents in educating and teaching our children to grow interest in reading, hopefully in the future it will be even more advanced. Amen....
mama icha on Google

Dua duanya anak saya menjadi bagian dari bimba aiueo pondok rejeki. Alhamdulillah terbilang sukses dalam menumbuhkan minat baca. Lancar membaca sudah menjadi garansi di bimba aiueo pondok rejeki. Motivator nya sangat baik dan terlatih. Ayok ikut bergabung bersama bimba aiueo pondok rejeki. Kepala unitnya friendly banget kok, asik buat konsultasi. Ada free trial nya juga lho.
Both of my children are part of Bimba Aiueo Pondok Rejeki. Alhamdulillah, I have been successful in growing interest in reading. Fluency in reading is a guarantee at Bimba Aiueo, Pondok Rejeki. The motivator is very good and well trained. Come on, join Bimba Aiueo, Pondok Rejeki. The head of the unit is really friendly, cool for consultation. There's a free trial too, you know.
Agnis noviani noor on Google

Anak saya umur 3 tahun sudah disekolahkan dan dia merasa senang belajar sambil bermain di sini jadi anaknya tidak merasa tertekan, Alhamdulillah kemajuannya baik. Tempatnya bagus, bersih dan nyaman loh buat anak-anak ? Oh ya BIMBA Pondok Rejeki sudah pindah ya di Jalan Akasia II Blok B.10 No.14, Kutabaru, (Samping SD Muhammadiyah)
My 3 year old son has been in school and he enjoys learning while playing here so his son doesn't feel pressured, Alhamdulillah his progress is good. The place is nice, clean and comfortable for kids ? Oh yes, BIMBA Pondok Rejeki has moved in Jalan Acacia II Block B.10 No.14, Kutabaru, (Beside SD Muhammadiyah)
Dian Suryani on Google

Bimba pondok rejeki sangat bagus, mentornya gurunya semua ok, ditambah dengan modul pembelajaran yg mudah difahami membuat ank saya senang belajar dirumah dan senang untuk membaca. Terimakasih untuk seluruh staff dan pengajar bimba pondok rejeki. Salam sehat selalu..sukses untuk bimba pondok rejeki
Bimba Pondok Fortune is very good, the mentors and teachers are all ok, plus the easy-to-understand learning module makes my child happy to study at home and happy to read. Thank you to all the staff and teachers of Bimba Pondok Rejeki. Greetings healthy always.. success for Bimba Pondok fortune
Tobias Ricky on Google

Pengalaman saya selama anak saya belajar di BIMBA AUIEO adalah : 1. Anak2 saya senang dalam belajar dan selalu bahagia saat berangkat dan pulang dari BIMBA.. bahkan anak saya yg cenderung agak pendiam dan pemalu setelah bergabung menjadi berani mau berinteraksi dgn teman2 dan gurunya. 2. Guru pengajarnya juga bagus dalam memberikan motivasi dan pengajaran utk anak2 saya.. 3. Modul pembelajaran yang diberikan memberikan semangat dalam belajar anak2 . Semoga teknik memberikan pembelajaran dan kurikulumnya benar2 diperhatikan terus dan ditingkatkan...
My experiences while my child is studying at BIMBA AUIEO are: 1. My children enjoy learning and are always happy when they leave and return from BIMBA.. even my son, who tends to be a bit quiet and shy after joining, has the courage to interact with his friends and teachers. 2. The teachers are also good in providing motivation and teaching for my children.. 3. The learning modules provided provide enthusiasm for children's learning. Hopefully the technique of providing learning and the curriculum is really considered and improved...
Al Ayyubi on Google

Alhamdullilah sangat membantu sekali khususnya buat saya sebagau org tua menyekolahkan anak di biMBA AIUEO pondok rejeki. Anak2 jd mudah diajak bermain modul dan sangat dekat dengan buku Makasih biMBA AIUEO Pondok Rejeki
Alhamdullilah, it was very helpful especially for me as a parent to send my children to BiMBA AIUEO Pondok Rejeki. Children are easy to play with and very close to books Thank you biMBA AIUEO Pondok Rejeki

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