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Address :

Jl. P. Irian jaya raya no.160, Jl. Perumnas 3 Bekasi No.timur, RT.006/RW.018, Aren Jaya, Kec. Bekasi Tim., Kota Bks, Jawa Barat 17111, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +88877
Postal code : 17111
Opening hours :
Monday 8AM–9PM
Tuesday 8AM–9PM
Wednesday 8AM–9PM
Thursday 8AM–9PM
Friday 8AM–9PM
Saturday 8AM–9PM
Sunday 8AM–9PM
Categories :

Jl. P. Irian jaya raya no.160, Jl. Perumnas 3 Bekasi No.timur, RT.006/RW.018, Aren Jaya, Kec. Bekasi Tim., Kota Bks, Jawa Barat 17111, Indonesia
Densha Shop on Google

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2 kali lahiran dibantu bidan fitri ,sabaarr bgt ,..Alhamdulillah semua berjalan lancar,metodenya enak jadi kita ga tegang.selalu langganan dari imunisasi,berobat dan kb ????
2 times the birth was assisted by a midwife, sabaarr bgt, .. Thank God everything went smoothly, the method was delicious so we were not tense.
Ike Vito on Google

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Alhamdulillah saya hamil anak 1 dan 2 senang d periksa sm bu bidan,bu bidanny orangny cantik,baik,ramah dan sabar.pernah anak badannya panas cuaca lg hujan saya telp bu bidan,bu bidanny langsung datang alhamdulillah anak panasny langsung turun.makasih bu bidan fitri
Thank God I conceive a child 1 and 2 happy d check midwife sm bu, bu bidanny orangny pretty, nice, friendly and child sabar.pernah body was hot rainy weather my lg phone midwife bu, bu direct bidanny come directly turun.makasih thank God panasny children bu midwife pure
Putri Indrani on Google

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. Bismillaah. Alhamdulillaah bayi ketiga saya 3 Juli 2019 lahir dengan proses VBAC disini. Awalnya ragu karena takut nanti jahitan bekas caesar sobek dan saya harus dirujuk ke RS dan akhirnya harus di SC. Aduh, saya agak trauma nih sama prosesnya. Tapi alhamdulillaah Bu bidannya sabar dan bisa meyakinkan saya bahwa saya bisa normal. Yang penting yakin. . Proses VBAC ini sangatlah menguras tenaga. Bukaan 1 yg gak bertambah2 dalam 2 hari, plus kontraksi yg sempat terhenti buat saya sedikit stress. Tp lagi2 Bu bidannya sabar dan ngemong banget. . "Udah ga usah terlalu banyak gerak. Kemarin nggak tidur karena kontraksi, tadi pagi sudah jalan2 sekarang waktunya tidur. Otaknya harus diperbaiki". Kurang lbh itu sarannya. Dan saya ikuti. . Alhamdulillaah setelah tidur 10 menit plus main2 dengan gym ball yg ada disana, bukaan bertambah. . Dengan santai, saya diminta pipis, pup dan persiapan lainnya. Gak sampai 1/2 jam proses persalinan pun selesai. Gak usah dijabarin ya prosesnyaaaa. Hihihi. Yang penting alhamdulillaah saya dan dedek bayi sehat. Dan team yang menangani saya maa syaa Allah telaten sekali dan sangat ngemong saya. . Terima kasih Bu Bidan Fitri, Bidan Ely dan Bidan Yati yang sudah membantu proses persalinan saya dan Kirana. Sehat2 selalu. Semoga Allah balas semua kebaikannya. . Buat bunda2 yang mau melahirkan disini, nggak usah ragu yaa. InsyaaAllah lancar dan nyaman. Bu Fitri, saran saya, segera lakukan MOU dengan pemerintah Bekasi & Nasional biar bisa di cover dengan Kartu Sehat dan BPJS. InsyaaAllah lebih banyak yg terbantu. ❀. Lainnya, oke. ??
. Bismillaah. Thank God my third baby July 3, 2019 was born with the VBAC process here. Initially I was hesitant because I was afraid that later the caesarean suture would be torn and I should be referred to the hospital and finally had to be in the SC. Ouch, I was somewhat traumatized by the process. But thank God Mrs. midwife was patient and could convince me that I could be normal. The important thing is sure. . This VBAC process is very laborious. 1 opening that doesn't increase in 2 days, plus the contractions that have stopped for me are a little stressful. But again, ma'am, the midwife is patient and really eats up. . "You don't have to move too much. Yesterday you didn't sleep because of contractions, this morning you were walking now it's time to sleep. Your brain must be repaired". The suggestion is less. And I follow. . Alhamdulillaah after sleeping 10 minutes plus playing with the gym ball that is there, the opening increases. . Relaxing, I was asked to pee, pup and other preparations. Not until half an hour the labor process is finished. Don't need to answer the process. Hihihi. The important thing is my alhamdulillaah and dedek healthy baby. And the team that handled me, God, was very painstaking and very fond of me. . Thank you, Mrs. Midwife Fitri, Midwife Ely and Midwife Yati for helping me and Kirana. Always healthy. May God repay all his kindness. . For mothers who want to give birth here, you don't need to hesitate. God willing, it is smooth and comfortable. Mrs. Fitri, my advice, immediately do an MOU with the Bekasi & National government so that it can be covered with a Health Card and BPJS. God willing, more is helped. ❀. Others, okay. ??
Dinda Ayu Dwitiyanti on Google

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Alhamdulillah bisa berjodoh dengan bidan fitri saat lahiran baby pertamaku. Pengalaman pertama dan bersyukur dipertemukan bidan yang super asik dan baikkkkkk.. sabar banget dan benar benar ngasih sugesti dan dan afirmasi positif. Lahir pagi dan sorenya sudah sehat, tidak ada trauma sama sekali. Terimakasih bu bidan fitri dan bidan dila..
Alhamdulillah, I could have a match with my midwife during my first baby. The first experience and thankful midwife who was super cool and good friend metkkkk .. really patient and really gave suggestions and and positive affirmations. Born in the morning and in the afternoon is healthy, no trauma at all. Thank you, Mrs. Midwife Fitri and Midwife
ikun hartati on Google

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Baru ini nemu bidan yg asik&ramah bgt.pokoknya langsung jatuh hati deh sama bu bidan ini. kurang lebih 4th lalu saya melahirkan anak pertama saya di Bidan Fitri Yanti Utami. memang diluar dari HPL yg ditentukan, sempat worry krn sudah lebih 1 minggu dan ini anak pertama dan pengalamanku pertama kali dong tp don't worry Bidan yg ini selalu bisa beri ketenangan deh di setiap pasiennya. saat hamilpun banyak bgt edukasi yg diberikan sama ibu bidan, termasuk hypnobirthing yang berkesan bgt buatku. alhamdulillah saat proses lahiran ibu menerapkan itu ke saya,dan pada akhirnya saya bisa lahiran normal.yaa walaupun proses nya lamaa bgt pembukaan 1-10nya .. tp overall bidannya sabarrr bgt, dan ngemong bgt.. thanks Ibu Bidan Fitri yanti Utami. #harapan semoga lahiran anak ke-2 ini bisa lahiran dengan ibu lagi ya.. #sehat terus &selalu dalam lindungan Allah SWT ya bu bidan ku yang cantik dan sabar
Recently I found a cool & friendly midwife. Anyway, I immediately fell in love with this midwife. about 4th then I gave birth to my first child at Midwife Fitri Yanti Utami. indeed outside of the specified HPL, had time to worry because it's already more than 1 week and this is my first child and my first time experience, but don't worry, this midwife can always give peace to each patient. during pregnancy too much education was given by the midwife, including hypnobirthing that really impressed me. Alhamdulillah, during the birth process, my mother applied it to me, and in the end I was able to have a normal delivery. Yes, although the process took a long time to open 1-10, but overall the midwife was very happy, and I was very good ... thanks Mrs. Midwife Yanti Utami. # hope that the birth of this second child can be born with the mother again .. # keep healthy & always in the protection of Allah SWT my dear and patient midwife
Windy Novianti on Google

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Ibu bidannya sabar banget. Pelayanan bagus. Selama periksa kehamilan sampai melahirkan selalu diberikan masukan positif. Karna anak pertama saya lahir secara SC, anak ke 2 ibu bidan meyakinkan saya kalau bs bisa melahirkan secara normal (jarak anak 1 ke anak 2 hanya 2 tahun) TOP banget, pelayanan terbaik pokoknya.
The midwife is very patient. Good service. During pregnancy checks until delivery, positive feedback is always given. Because my first child was born by SC, the second child of the midwife convinced me that you can give birth normally (the distance between child 1 to child 2 is only 2 years) TOP really, the best service anyway.
Arfani Latifah on Google

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Alhamdulillah bersyukur banget bisa lahiran anak kembar secara normal Dan Tanpa jahitan karna Ibu bidan nya sabar banget, ramah, baiiiik juga, dari sekian banyak nya orang yg bilang kalo hamil kembar harus di SC .. tapi cuman Bu bidan Fitri yg bilang bisa lahiran normal, Akhir nya smua orang pun terheran heran? BenerΒ² Berterimakasih banget sama Bu bidan? Beruntung banget ketemu sama bidan Fitri Poko nya??
Alhamdulillah, I'm very grateful to be able to give birth to twins normally and without stitches because the midwife is very patient, friendly, kind too, of the many people who say that if you are pregnant with twins you have to have an SC... but only Mrs. Fitri's midwife said you can give birth normally, In the end, everyone was surprised Really thank you midwife ? Very lucky to meet the midwife Fitri Poko
Evanura Ahza on Google

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Allhamdullillah ya allah telah lahir anak kami yg kedua , makasih bu bidan fitri yanti dan tim , bener2 suport semangatin bgt di kehamilan aku ini , allhamdullillah bisa normal krna anak prtama sc , pokonya terimakasih banyakk ibuuuuuuu bidan , seneng bgt luar biasa baiknya sabarnya ????
Allhamdullillah, O Allah, our second child has been born, thank you midwife fitri yanti and the team, the support is really encouraging in my pregnancy, allhamdulillah can be normal because my first child is SC, anyway thank you very much ma'am, the midwife, very happy, very kind, patient ️

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