Bidan Dessy - Kota Bks

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Bidan Dessy

Address :

Jl. KH. Muchtar Tabrani, RT.002/RW.003, Perwira, Kec. Bekasi Utara, Kota Bks, Jawa Barat 17124, Indonesia

Postal code : 17124
Categories :

Jl. KH. Muchtar Tabrani, RT.002/RW.003, Perwira, Kec. Bekasi Utara, Kota Bks, Jawa Barat 17124, Indonesia
Muhammad Raid zabran on Google

Adik2 saya lahir di bidan desy ini. Alhamdulillah sehat semua. Makasih ya bidan2 yg suka kasih permen
My younger siblings were born in this midwife Desy. Thank God everyone is healthy. Thank you, midwives who love to give sweets
HEROES Net on Google

Tempat nya nyaman banget. Ada musola pula di atas nya, bisa istirahat juga di atas sambil nunggu istri. Bidan2 nya baik2 banget.
The place is very comfortable. There is also a prayer room above it, you can also rest above while waiting for your wife. The midwives are very good.
Luzamote Indo on Google

Para bidan nya sangat profesional, asli gk bohong, bukan review kesel atau cari muka, cobain aja mom..
The midwives are very professional, it's not really a lie, it's not an annoyed review or looking for a face, just try it mom..
Cross breeder Betta farm on Google

Tempat melahirkan yg tepat buat ibu2 yg mau melahirkan normal dan berfikiran "NORMAL" .. Kalau ada yg mau di tanya, bidan nya selalu informatif. Jadi kalau mau tanya, silahkan tanya sejelas2 nya, biar gk miss. Selamat melahirkan moms
The right place to give birth for mothers who want to give birth normally and think "NORMAL".. If anyone wants to be asked, the midwife is always informative. So if you want to ask, please ask as clearly as possible, so you don't miss it. Happy giving birth moms
oce lah on Google

Tempat nyaman buat ngelahirin normal disini, harga pun sangat terjangkaaaauuu !!! Istri temen, rekan kerja, saudara audah melahirkan diaini dan puas. Ini ke 2 kalinya iatri saya melahirkan disini, yg pertama sungsan kaki duluan, leher terbelit tali pusar Yg ke 2 bayi besar 4,1 kg. Dan alhamdulillah normal semua. Bidan dan rekan2 nya sangat fast respon.
A comfortable place for a normal birth here, the price is very affordable too!!! The wife of a friend, co-worker, relative has given birth to this and is satisfied. This is the 2nd time that my wife gave birth here, the first time went straight to the leg first, the neck was entangled in the umbilical cord The 2nd baby is 4.1 kg big. And thank God everything is normal. The midwife and her colleagues were very responsive.
Ferninda Sagita R on Google

Menjadi tempat periksa hamil, melahirkan, nifas, konseling menyusui, baby spa, kontrasepsi atau KB. Memberikan pelayanan yang bertujuan untuk memberdayakan diri ibu sendiri, sehingga ibu diberi kesempatan untuk memberdayakan diri dan belajar tentang dirinya.
To be a place for checking pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, breastfeeding counseling, baby spa, contraception or family planning. Providing services that aim to empower mothers themselves, so that mothers are given the opportunity to empower themselves and learn about themselves.
Astri Fiolita on Google

Awal tahu Bidan Desi direkomendasikan sama tetangga, karena kepingin lahiran normal dan ada indikasi baby gede dari dokter, untungnya disambut dengan baik meskipun baru masuk ke bunda desi dari 31 week, diberikan semangat dan motivasi serta tips tips melahirkan, Kelas yoganya juga bukan cuma yoga aja, sekalian sharing ilmu tentang kehamilan, ASI, dll. Alhamdulillah telah lahir bayi dengan berat 3.4 kg dibantu langsung oleh Bunda Desi dan Bunda Rita. Bidan lainnya juga ramah ramah, saat sebelum masuk ruang persalinan dipijitin. Saat persalinan tidak terasa sakit apa apa, bahkan persalinannya kayanya ga nyampe 8 menit ??? Terima kasih Bunda Desi dan tim telah menemani proses lahiran dedek bayi....
Early on, Midwife Desi was recommended by a neighbor, because she wanted a normal delivery and there was an indication of a big baby from the doctor, luckily she was welcomed even though she had just entered Mother Desi from 31 weeks, given enthusiasm and motivation as well as tips on giving birth, the yoga class was not just yoga. , all sharing knowledge about pregnancy, breastfeeding, etc. Alhamdulillah, a baby weighing 3.4 kg has been born, assisted directly by Mrs. Desi and Mrs. Rita. The other midwives were also friendly, before entering the delivery room they were given permission. During labor, there was no pain, even the delivery didn't seem to last 8 minutes ??? Thank you Desi and the team for accompanying the delivery of baby grandpa....
Amanda Nurul Aulia on Google

Puas banget lahiran dsni. Alhamdulillah hampir smua afirmasi positif yg bunda Dessy minta untuk dituliskan, terwujud. Dr belasan afirmasi positif yg aku tulis, hanya 2 yg tak terwujud krn aku yg kurang kontrol emosi ketika perjalanan. 1. Melahirkan tanpa mengejan 2. Melahirkan tanpa jaitan Cerita lengkapnya ada d IG @amandanurulaulia & @ridwanzulfirman ya.. Part serunya itu, ya ketika aku turun dr mobil kepala bayi dah keluar. Alhamdulillah tim bidan bunda Dessy cekatan & sabar bgt. Berasa lahiran d rumah sendiri bersama keluarga sendiri. Ga nyampe 5 menit smp d klinik bunda, si baby dah lahir aaaaja.. Bersamaan dg pecahnya ketuban. MaasyaAllah Proses nya cepat bgt, teratur & rapih. Recommended banget pokoknya. Untuk yg suka ngumpulin dokumentasi anak aku, dsni dokumentasi nya oke bgt. Dr baru selesai lahiran, smp mau pulang nya pun ada dokumentasi nya. Tempat menginap nya jg nyaman bgt. Terlebih akun jg berdoa agar hanya akun pasien bunda yg melahirkan d tgl 1 Januari 2022. Kan jd makin berasa lahiran d rumah sendiri.. Berkah selalu untuk bunda dan tim.. ❤❤❤❤❤
Very happy to be born here. Alhamdulillah, almost all the positive affirmations that Mrs. Dessy asked to write down, came true. Of the dozens of positive affirmations I wrote, only 2 did not materialize because I lacked emotional control when traveling. 1. Give birth without straining 2. Giving birth without a partner The full story is on IG @amandanurulaulia & @ridwanzulfirman.. The fun part was, when I got out of the car the baby's head was out. Alhamdulillah, Mrs. Dessy's midwife team was agile & very patient. Feels like being born in your own home with your own family. It didn't take 5 minutes to arrive at the mother's clinic, the baby was born aaaaah... Simultaneously with the rupture of the membranes. MaashaAllah The process is very fast, orderly and neat. Really recommended anyway. For those who like to collect my child's documentation, here the documentation is really good. Dr. just finished giving birth, even when he wanted to go home there was documentation. The place to stay is also very comfortable. Moreover, the account also prays that only maternal patient accounts give birth on January 1, 2022. I feel more and more like I was born in my own home.. Blessings always to you and the team.. ❤❤❤❤❤

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