Beryl Valley - Sleman Regency

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Beryl Valley

Address :

Jl. Mandiri Kledokan XIX No.D-70, Ngentak, Caturtunggal, Depok, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

Postal code : 55281
Categories :

Jl. Mandiri Kledokan XIX No.D-70, Ngentak, Caturtunggal, Depok, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
Arganita Br. Tanggang on Google

Strategis, nyaman, dan lengkap! Pertama kali liat kost ini langsung jatuh cinta pada pandangan pertama. Aslik! Sebagus itu! Auto nyantol di hati dan pengen cepet ngekost. Mba Ayu & Mas Gimin (penjaga kost) juga ramah dan sigap membantu kalo ada perlu apapun. Pokoknya betah banget di sini! <3
Strategic, comfortable and complete! The first time I saw this boarding house I immediately fell in love at first sight. Original! As good as that! Auto sticks in the heart and wants to fast for boarding. Mba Ayu & Mas Gimin (boarding guards) are also friendly and ready to help if you need anything. Anyway, very comfortable here! <3
Rachel Novitasari on Google

Kosnyaa eksklusif bgt. Fasilitasnya super lengkap. Udh include wifi, kamar mandi dalam, kasur, lemari, kursi, meja belajar, parkir super aman, listrik, air. Dijamin nyaman aman tentram kos di beryl valley
The cost is very exclusive. The facilities are super complete. It includes wifi, private bathroom, mattress, cupboard, chair, study table, super secure parking, electricity, water. Guaranteed comfortable safe and peaceful boarding house in beryl valley
Devanya Tiara on Google

kostnya bersih banget banget banget, tenang, bisa liat sawah, bisa liat kolam ikan juga loohh dari jendela kamar hihihi, ada mba ayu dan mas gimin juga yg gabisa ditemukan di kos kos lain?
The boarding house is very clean, very quiet, can see the rice fields, can see the fish pond too, lol from the room window hihihi, there are Ms. Ayu and Mas Gimin too which can't be found in other boarding houses
Puspa Ayu Nugrahani on Google

Untuk yang nyari KOST PUTRI di Jogja, khususnya daerah Babarsari dan sekitarnya.. Kost Beryl Valley dijamin recomended bgt nihh.. Menurut pengalaman aku ngekos disini.. kosan ini bersih, rapih, sangat nyaman, dan penjaganya ramah.. ditambah view sekitar kos bagus ada sawah jadi sejuk. Oh iya banyak pohon buah-buahan juga.. jadi selain sejuk dijamin sehat bisa menikmatin buah-buahannya wkwk ?? HARGA: sangat terjangkau dengan banyak fasilitas yang didapet ? FASILITAS: untuk kamar ada listrik, bisa AC/non-AC, kasur, meja belajar, ventilasi udara yang menghadap keluar jadi sejuk, dan juga kamar mandi dalam. Untuk kosannya sendiri terdapat WiFi di beberapa titik, tempat jemuran bersama dilantai atas dan bawah, kulkas dan dapur bersama yang luas dilantai atas dan bawah, parkiran yang luas untuk mobil dan motor (dalam dan luar), dan ruang tamu yang lumayan luas dan tempatnya friendable, jadi bisa banget buat nerima temen atau tamu dari luar, atau bahkan bisa untuk tempat belajar bareng atau pacaran bisa diruang tamu hihihi.. ? KEAMANAN: untuk segi keamanannya ada parkiran motor didalam, dan ada banyak CCTV juga jadi InsyaAllah aman ? LOKASI: strategis banget.. deket beberapa kampus diJogja (UPN Veteran, Atma Jaya, Poltek Tek. Nuklir Indonesia, ITNY, dll), dan juga deket sama beberapa supermaket (superindo, mirota, dll) dan mall (amplaz) PELAYANAN: dikosan ini pelayanannya sangat ramah dan penjaganya (Mba Ayu dan Mas Gimin) juga memang ramah dan asik banget jadi makin bikin betah deh hihii.. ? Mau cari kos putri? Beryl Valley aja hihihi... ?✌
For those who are looking for a PUTRI KOST in Jogja, especially the Babarsari area and its surroundings.. Beryl Valley boarding house is guaranteed to be highly recommended.. According to my experience living here.. this boarding house is clean, tidy, very comfortable, and the guards are friendly.. plus the view around the boarding house is good, there are rice fields so it&#39;s cool. Oh yeah, there are lots of fruit trees too.. so besides being cool, it's guaranteed to be healthy, you can enjoy the fruits ? PRICE: very affordable with lots of facilities ? FACILITIES: for rooms there is electricity, can be AC ​​/ non-AC, mattresses, study tables, air vents facing out so it's cool, and also an en suite bathroom. For the boarding house itself there is WiFi at several points, a shared drying area on the top and bottom floors, a refrigerator and a large shared kitchen on the top and bottom floors, ample parking for cars and motorbikes (inside and outside), and a fairly spacious living room and a friendly place. , so it can really be used to receive friends or guests from outside, or even for a place to study together or go on a date in the living room hihihi.. ? SECURITY: in terms of security there is a motorbike parking inside, and there are lots of CCTVs too so Insyaallah it will be safe LOCATION: very strategic.. close to several campuses in Jogja (UPN Veteran, Atma Jaya, Poltek Tek. Nuklir Indonesia, ITNY, etc.), and also close to several supermarkets (Superindo, Mirota, etc.) and malls (amplaz) SERVICE: at this boarding house the service is very friendly and the guards (Mba Ayu and Mas Gimin) are also really friendly and really cool so it makes you feel more at home hihii.. Want to find a princess? Just Beryl Valley hihihi...
Vania Marsela on Google

Pertama kali ketemu kos di daerah Kledokan belakang UAJY yang desainnya sangat unik karena meja dan lemarinya nempel dengan tembok jadi tidak makan tempat banyak, kos disini yang jarang mati lampu, strategis banget kalo kemana-mana, dengan harga terjangkau dibandingkan lainnya worth it banget dengan fasilitas: springbed, kamar mandi dalam, sudah termasuk listrik, wifi ditiap lantai ada 6 titik, kalo ada gangguan wifi penjaga kosnya sigap banget langsung benerin jadi tidak menunggu lama, ada jemuran di lantai 1 dan lantai 2, ada jatah diberesin kamar sama mbak kos seminggu 2x, kos yang dilengkapi dengan CCTV di berbagai titik standby 24 jam, tempat parkiran motor, mobil diluar dan  didalam yang dilengkapi dengan kanopi, dilengkapi dengan TV bersama diruang tamu dan di dekat kamar, lampu emergency, dan ventilasi udara yang besar diberbagai titik Kenyamanan: nyaman banget berasa bukan lagi dikos tapi kaya di hotel bintang 5 (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐), sejuk karena dekat dengan sawah, penjaganya humble, asri banget. Ibu kosnya humble dan baik banget, walaupun tidak pernah ketemu serasa ibu sendiri
The first time I met a boarding house in the Kledokan area behind UAJY whose design is very unique because the table and cupboards are attached to the wall so it doesn't take up much space, the boarding house here rarely turns off the lights, it's very strategic everywhere, with affordable prices compared to others, really worth it with facilities: springbed, private bathroom, electricity included, wifi on each floor there are 6 points, if there is a wifi disturbance the boarding housekeeper is very quick to fix it immediately so you don't have to wait long, there are clotheslines on the 1st floor and 2nd floor, there is an allotment to clean the room with the boarding house 2x a week, boarding houses equipped with CCTV at various points on 24-hour standby, motorbike parking, outside and inside cars equipped with a canopy, equipped with a shared TV in the living room and near the room, emergency lights, and large air vents at various points Comfort: very comfortable, I feel like I'm no longer in a boarding house but like in a 5-star hotel (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐), cool because it's close to the rice fields, the caretaker is humble, very beautiful. The boarding mother is humble and very kind, even though I've never met her like her own mother
I. Viandra on Google

(Translated by Google) Putri Beryl Valley boarding house is highly recommended.. The location of this boarding house is very strategic from several campuses, large and small supermarkets, food stalls, restaurants, cafes, places of worship for the Catholic Church, mosques, accessories & service for cellphones & laptops, there are many more, the main thing is very strategic , what do you need near here, it's easy to find. Bery Valley has 2 floors consisting of 50 kmr, for the downstairs FULL AC and the upstairs NON AC, the per-room facilities are both equipped with a bed and mattress, a long and wide table equipped with 1 iron chair, then the funny thing is at the end of the table Currently there are 2 vertical shelves for places to put books & skincare, two-door windows (excluding curtains), ventilation, KM inside (very spacious), very big wardrobe, there is some space under the table last night to put things, For suitcases, you can put it on the cupboard.. 2-3 sabi suitcases guys, the problem is that the space above the cupboard is decent, there's also space under the cupboard.. it's possible to put shoes or other items, I don't know the size of the room for sure...but honestly it's really spacious can add rich drawers, tables, carpets, etc.. Oh, in my opinion, the shape of the room is aesthetic, because in terms of color, the room is white like the walls are painted white, tables, cabinets, windows. The boarding house is also not noisy with vehicles passing by, because it is entered into a residential area, surrounded by rice fields too. Btw for the residents of the boarding house.. the ladies here are friendly, hehe. For shared facilities, of course, it is very complete ... equipped with CCTV in every corner so security is guaranteed, there is a clothesline (top and bottom floor -> spacious), a prayer room equipped with a ablution area (bottom floor), a place to wash clothes (upstairs and downstairs), refrigerator (upstairs and downstairs, btw this is really safe.. nothing will be lost for your fish, vegetables, eggs, etc., if something is lost.. you must have taken it wrong and immediately report it to mba ayu to check on CCTV) , living room, parking (inside parking and outside parking, cars can also be metro -> both are very spacious), upstairs and downstairs kitchen (very clean kitchen, and also spacious... cooking utensils (pots, pans, knives, cutting boards, etc.) it's in the kitchen, you can use it together, as long as it's washed right away when you're done using it (in fact, sometimes I borrow a frying pan and it's handy, Ms. Ayu, the boarding housekeeper) she says, "If you're not using it, it's okay, Ms. It's okay" hehe luas), musholla yg dilengkapi tempat wudhu (lantai bwh), tempat nyuci pakaian (lantai atas dan bwh), kulkas (lantai atas dan bwh, btw ini aman bgt ya.. ga bakal ada yg hilang untk ikan sayur telur kalian dsb, kalo sekiranya ada yg hilang.. pasti mba2 itu salah ambil dan lsg lapor aja ke mba ayu untuk cek di CCTV), ruang tamu, parkiran (parkiran dlm dan parkiran luar bs mobil jg mtr -> keduanya luass bgttt), dapur lantai atas dan bwh (bersih bgt dapurnya, trus juga luas.. alat2 masak (panci, wajan, sutil, talenan dsb) yg ada didapur blh kok dipakai bersama, asal lsg dicuci kalau udh selesai dipake (malahan aku kadang minjem wajan dan sutilnya mba ayu penjaga kos) gini diblgnya “kalo lgi gak dipake, pake aja mba gapapa” hehe <3. Oia soal penjaga kosnya di beryl valley ini ada mas gimin dan mba ayu.. wes baik poolllll, ramah bgt. Kalo ada perlu bantuan yg agak susah, berat dsb.. minta tlg aja sama mas gimin, pasti dibantuin guys. Kaya misalnya angkat paket yg berat ke kamar, ganti lampu kamar, butuh bor sesuatu di kamar, pasang tv di kamar.. mantapp mas gimin. Mba ayu juga keibuan bgt disini, kalo di wa juga fastrespon, baik dan asik pokonya. Walau baru ketemu sekali.. Ibu dan bpk kos baik dan ramah bgt, diem2 memperhatikan anak-anak kosnya hihi. Untuk harganya sangat amat terjangkau.. apalagi fasilitas yang didapatkan sebanyak itu. Jgn ragu untuk ngekost disini ?❤.
Fidelia jennifer on Google

Kost ini harganya terjangkau dan sangat nyaman untuk dijadikan tempat untuk beristirahat. Kost disini fasilitasnya sangat mantapp, sudah ada lemari gede, kasur pw, air, listrik, mana bersih banget, terus wifi juga cukup bagus. Orang-orang disini ramah semua pula. Mbak Ayu dan Mas Gimin terbaik dalam hal tolong menolong! Terima kasih sudah diberi kenyamanan?
This boarding house is affordable and very comfortable to use as a place to rest. The boarding house facilities here are very good, there is already a big wardrobe, pw mattress, water, electricity, which is very clean, and the wifi is also quite good. The people here are all friendly too. Mbak Ayu and Mas Gimin are the best when it comes to helping out! Thank you for being comfortable
Jeff Hahn on Google

Good lodge and strict rule, clean and tidy

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