Bengkel mobil Diesel BRQ Install - Kota Jakarta Selatan

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Jl. Abdul Majid Raya No.4, RT.10/RW.5, Cipete Sel., Kec. Cilandak, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12410, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +8998
Postal code : 12410
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Sangat Memuaskan. Itu kesan saya terhadap BENGKEL DIESEL yang dicilandak ini. WARNING: Mesin diesel harus pakai jenis solar performa tinggi ( komposisi: Kadar Partikulat maksimal 10 Mg/l, kadar Sulphur maksimal 0,35% m/m, dan angka Setana/ Index minimal 52/ 45 ) seperti Pertaminadex!!!. Hal ini cukup beralasan karena sistem Commonrail adalah sebuah tube bercabang dengan katup injektor yang dikendalikan oleh komputer, dimana masing-masing tube tersebut terdiri atas nozzle mekanis yang sangat presisi dan sebuah plunger yang dikendalikan oleh solenoid dan actuator piezoelectric. Jika dipaksakan maka injector/ fulpump/ piston cepat kena dan pemakaian solarnapun jadi lebih boros. Sedangkan kualitas minyak diesel sangat ditentukan oleh besar kecilnya angka Partikulate, Sulphur Content, dan angka Cetane. Angka Partikulate untuk menilai tingkat kebersihan bahan bakar, angka Sulphur Content untuk emisi kesehatan Catalytic Converter, dan angka Cetane berkaitan dengan kemampuan bahan bakar terhadap putaran mesin yang tinggi. Jasa Laboratorium Kalibrasi PT. PETROLAB Service ( Laboratorium ini sudah teruji kompetensinya karena telah mendapatkan Sertifikat ISO 17025:2005 yang dikeluarkan Lembaga Akreditasi Nasional – LAN Indonesia ) telah mendapatkan Hasil Uji/ pembuktian lewat tes laboratorium β€œTentang Kualitas Berbagai Merk Minyak Diesel” yang beredar di Indonesia. Berikut datanya: Kadar Partikulat – BIOSOLAR 24 Mg/l ; Kadar Partikulat – PERTAMINADEX 3,5 Mg/l ; Kadar Sulphur – BIOSOLAR 0,21% ; Kadar Sulphur – PERTAMINADEX 0,11% ; Angka Setana/ Index – BIOSOLAR 49 ; Angka Setana/ Index – PERTAMINADEX 48,5 MASALAH: Harga pertaminadex mahal dan belum tentu ada diSPBU SOLUSI: Tetap Pakai Biosolar atau solar biasa dan disempurnakan terlebih dahulu dengan Broquet ( Fuel Catalyst Made In United Kingdom) CARA KERJA BROQUET (BRQ) The Fuel Catalyst: Meningkatkan kecepatan suatu reaksi pada suhu tertentu tanpa di-transformasi, dengan mengurangi energi yang diperlukan katalisator ini melakukan proses untuk terjadinya reaksi sehingga bisa menghemat energi, waktu dan biaya. Terbuat dari logam Platinum, Paladium,Rodium Ruthenium, Au, Ag , dan sejenisnya yang ditempatkan pada permukaan Alumunium Oksida yang tinggi. Logam mulia yang sangat terkenal mahal didunia ini bertindak sebagai katalisator, untuk memformulasikan dan menyegarkan kembali molekul2 bahan bakar kembali berkualitas tinggi sehingga hasil pembakaran jadi lebih sempurna ( Hal ini bisa dibuktikan dari turunna kadar emisi 35% hingga 50%). Bahan bakar yang sudah disempurnakan/ ditingkatkan kualitasnya ( baca: bensin RON88 dan solar biasa/ biosolar ) direkomendasi aman dan bisa menghemat bahan bakar kendaraan mesin modern/ konvensional (bensin atau diesel), berapapun rasio kompresinya. Atau dengan kata lain, pakai Broquet sama halnya pakai bahan bakar alternatif dari bahan bakar kualitas rendah ke bahan bakar kualitas tinggi, dan sudah jutaan kendaraan yang sudah pakai.
Very satisfy. That is my impression of the broken down DIESEL WORKSHOP. WARNING: Diesel engines must use high-performance diesel types (composition: maximum particulate matter levels of 10 Mg / l, maximum sulfur content of 0.35% m / m, and minimum Setan / Index figures of 52/45 ) like Pertaminadex !!!. This is reasonable because the Commonrail system is a branching tube with a computer-controlled injector valve, each of which consists of a highly precise mechanical nozzle and a plunger controlled by a solenoid and a piezoelectric actuator. If forced, the injector / fulpump / piston is quickly hit and the use of the solarnapun becomes more wasteful. Whereas the quality of diesel oil is largely determined by the size of the Particulate, Sulfur Content, and Cetane figures. Particulate figures to assess the level of fuel cleanliness, Sulfur Content numbers for Catalytic Converter health emissions, and Cetane figures are related to the ability of fuel to high engine speed. Calibration Laboratory Services PT. PETROLAB Service (This laboratory has been tested for its competence because it has obtained ISO 17025: 2005 Certificate issued by the National Accreditation Institute - LAN Indonesia) has obtained Test Results / verification through laboratory tests "About the Quality of Various Diesel Oil Brands" circulating in Indonesia. Following data: Particulate Content - BIOSOLAR 24 Mg / l; Particulate Content - PERTAMINADEX 3.5 Mg / l; Sulfur content - BIOSOLAR 0.21%; Sulfur content - PERTAMINADEX 0.11%; Setana / Index figure - BIOSOLAR 49; Equivalent Numbers / Index - PERTAMINADEX 48.5 PROBLEM: Pertaminadex prices are expensive and not necessarily in SPBU SOLUTION: Keep Using Biosolar or ordinary diesel fuel and refined it first with Broquet (Fuel Catalyst Made In United Kingdom) HOW TO WORK BROQUET (BRQ) The Fuel Catalyst: Increase the speed of a reaction at a certain temperature without being transformed, by reducing the energy required by the catalyst to carry out the process for the reaction to save energy, time and money. Made of Platinum, Palladium, Rodium Ruthenium, Au, Ag, and the like which are placed on the surface of high Aluminum Oxide. Precious metals that are very well known for being expensive in the world act as catalysts, to formulate and rejuvenate high-quality fuel molecules so that the combustion results are more perfect (This can be proven from the reduction in emissions of 35% to 50%). Fuel that has been refined / improved in quality (read: RON88 gasoline and ordinary diesel / biosolar) is recommended to be safe and can save fuel on modern / conventional engine vehicles (gasoline or diesel), regardless of the compression ratio. Or in other words, using Broquet is the same as using alternative fuels from low quality fuels to high quality fuels, and already millions of vehicles that have been used.
Toyota Auto2000 Cibitung on Google

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jika pakai asupan minyak diesel performa rendah dan kurang sempurnanya hal tehnis maupun hal mekanis dari mesin diesel yang bersangkutan maka kerja mesin diesel dipastikan tidak akan sempurna ( baca: tidak benar ). Apabila pakai asuban minyak diesel performa rendah, dimana kadar partukulat diatas 10Mg/l dan kadar sulphurnya diatas 0,35% m/m, dipastikan kualitas hasil pembakarannya tidak sempurna. Dan lebih dari pada itu, injector/ fuelpump dijamin cepat buntu, pada akhirnya mesin mati dengan sendirinya. Berikut jika pakai asupan jenis minyak solar performa rendah, pertama udara dimasukkan melalui lubang Intake, pada saat udara ditekan dan sebelum solar disemprotkan, telah terjadi penyalaan pembakaran / peledakan ( combustion ). Ini terjadi sebelum Piston mencapai titik puncak ( baru setengah atau tiga perempatnya ). Meskipun solar tetap disemprotkan , tidak menolong daya putar Crankshaft kembali kuat. Akibatnya Gaya tarik, Daya beban loyo , konsumsi solar jadi super boros, temperatur mesin meningkat, suara kasar, menimbulkan kerak sisa pembakaran (Gas-gas beracun Hidrokarbon yang tidak terbakar/ UHC) dan karbon Monoksida/ CO) ) dan lain lain resiko keausan / kerusakan.
If the intake of low-performance diesel oil is used and the technical and mechanical aspects of the diesel engine are not perfect, the diesel engine will certainly not work perfectly (read: incorrect). If you use low-performance diesel oil asuban, where the particle content is above 10Mg / l and the sulfur content is above 0.35% m / m, it is certain that the quality of the combustion results is not perfect. And more than that, the injector / fuelpump is guaranteed to clog up quickly, eventually the engine turns itself off. In the following, if the intake of low-performance diesel oil is used, first the air is entered through the intake hole, when the air is pressed and before the diesel is sprayed, there is a combustion ignition. This was before the Piston reached its peak (only half or three quarters). Even though diesel is still being sprayed, it does not help the crankshaft's rotational power to return to strength. As a result, pulling force, sluggish load power, super wasteful diesel consumption, increased engine temperature, rough sound, causing a crust of combustion (unburned hydrocarbon toxic gases / UHC) and carbon monoxide / CO) and other risks of wear. damage.
Andreas Pudjidjaja Setiono on Google

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