Bendungan Kaligending - Kabupaten Kebumen

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Bendungan Kaligending

Address :

Kuwu, Kaligending, Kec. Karangsambung, Kabupaten Kebumen, Jawa Tengah 54353, Indonesia

Postal code : 54353
Categories :

Kuwu, Kaligending, Kec. Karangsambung, Kabupaten Kebumen, Jawa Tengah 54353, Indonesia
Ginanjar Abdurrahman on Google

Bendungan yang dibangun pada zaman Belanda. Dibongkar karena daerah karangsambung sering terjadi banjir kalau musim penghujan. Setelah dibongkar, panel-panel beton yang dulunya bagus, sekarang hancur terkena arus air.
The dam was built during the Dutch era. Demolished because the karangsambung area flooded frequently during the rainy season. After being dismantled, the concrete panels that were once good, are now shattered under the current of water.
Fajar hadi utomo on Google

Ga bakal nemu dikota, suasana desa yang masih alami & asri ??
You won't find it in the city, the village atmosphere is still natural & beautiful ??
IiN ECSTAR on Google

bendungan kaligending..sudah jebol.apakah pemerintah setempat ada niat untuk memperbaiki kembali.
the kaligending dam ... has been broken. Does the local government have any intention to repair it again.
Dyah lestari on Google

tempatnya bagus untuk foto² pemandangannya jga bagus
the place is good for photos the scenery is also good
Silfanus Chaidir on Google

Dam bendungannya sudah hancur, tapi pemandangan sekitarnya cukup elok
The dam dam has been destroyed, but the surrounding scenery is quite beautiful
Iroel Anwar on Google

Lokasi buat foto2, lumayan bagus kalau bisa ambil angle yg pas, namun separuh tembok beton dinding kali sudah banyak yg retak & longsor
The location for the photos is pretty good if you can take the right angle, but half of the concrete walls are many times the walls are cracked & landslides
Extivonus Fransiskus on Google

Bendung Kaligending yang menjadi kenangan, adalah tempat melepas lelah dan bertemunya tim pemetaan Brujul dan Waturanda. Sekaligus menjadi tempat penjemputan sore. Selain itu menjadi tempat penyebrangan dadakan yang tak akan jatuh kayak di Luk Ulo. Menyenangkan sekali, apalagi pas musim kemarau. Karena debit airnya cukup besar, jarang menemukan singkapan koprolit resen disini. Kalau sore gak kalah bagus buat tempat nongkrong dan foto-fotoan
Kaligending Dam, which is a memory, is a place to relax and meet the mapping team of Brujul and Waturanda. As well as a place for afternoon pick-up. In addition, it becomes an impromptu crossing that will not fall like in Luk Ulo. It's fun, especially during the dry season. Because the water discharge is quite large, it is rare to find recent coprolite outcrops here. If the afternoon is no less good for a place to hang out and take photos
Arif Nazar Purwandaru on Google

This is the place where I came from

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