Bank Mandiri Kcp Bekasi Pondok Ungu Permai - Kota Bks

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Bank Mandiri Kcp Bekasi Pondok Ungu Permai

Address :

blok ee1, Jl. Raya Pd. Ungu Permai No.1, RT.011/RW.010, Kaliabang Tengah, Kec. Bekasi Utara, Kota Bks, Jawa Barat 17125, Indonesia

Postal code : 17125
Website :
Categories :

blok ee1, Jl. Raya Pd. Ungu Permai No.1, RT.011/RW.010, Kaliabang Tengah, Kec. Bekasi Utara, Kota Bks, Jawa Barat 17125, Indonesia
Ahmad Zikrillah on Google

Pelayanan muali dari parkir , security dan teller nya cukup bersahabat, tertib dan teratur. cuma sayangnya tidak ada lahan parkir . kendaran berbaris di sisi dan seberang jalan.
Services starting from parking, security and tellers are quite friendly, orderly and orderly. only unfortunately there is no parking space. vehicles lined up on the side and across the road.
Edi Junaedi on Google

Untuk scurity boleh tegas tapi tolong jaga sopan santun juga. Kondisikan scurity atas nama Ewa wahyu .. Biar customer nyaman. Scurity ko kerja main HP terus .. untuk pelayanan sangat baik dari teller maupun yg lain..
For security, you can be firm, but please keep good manners too. Condition security on behalf of Ewa revelation .. So that the customer is comfortable. Scurity continues to work on HP ... for excellent service from tellers and others ...
Yulita Sari on Google

Salah Security boleh tegas tapi harus sopan, kalau ngomong ga perlu diketusin padahal customer hanya bertanya. Kalau bisa diselesaikan semua melalui CS saya gak akan bertanya pada security kalau di jawabnha ketus sekali. Selebihnya oke.
Wrong Security may be firm but must be polite, if you say you don't need to be told, even though the customer is just asking. If everything can be resolved through CS, I will not ask security if the answer is very curt. The rest is ok.
Rina Suryani on Google

Hati- hati buat semua yng nelpon ke cs (0831 2117 7644 ( penipu) saya korban cs nya yng nomer wa diatas ..mengisi link tiba " saldo di atm habis semua terkuras otomatis habis ????lebih baik datang ke bank nya langsung saja...biar gak ada korban lagi .....
Be careful for all those who call CS (0831 2117 7644 ( fraudster) I am the victim of the cs whose number is wa above..Filling in the link arrives "the balance in the atm runs out, everything is drained automatically it's better to come to the bank directly ... so that there will be no more victims .....
Zalfa Indah on Google

Niatan saya selain ingin mengganti kartu saya yang rusak, saya ingin membuka akun tabunganku tapi karena CS tidak informatif bahkan bisa dibilang mengabaikan pertanyaan saya maka tidak jadi. Diharapkan untuk kedepannya CS bisa lebih ramah dan tidak ketus. Dan kalau bisa lebih informatif dalam menjawab pertanyaan dari customer ??
My intention other than wanting to replace my damaged card, I wanted to open my savings account but because CS was not informative, it could even be said to ignore my question so it didn't happen. It is hoped that in the future CS can be more friendly and less curt. And if you can be more informative in answering questions from customers ??
AChan Wae on Google

Nomor yang tertera adalah penipu, Cirinya dia berbicara agak Cadel, gak bisa nhomong "R" Sumpah Demi Allah Saya sudah tertipu 8juta per tanggal 1 maret 2022 kemarin, Dengan cara kasih Link untuk di isi dg alasan verivikasi Take over, Harap berhati-hati jangan sampai jadi korban berikutnya.
The number listed is a fraud, the characteristic is that he speaks a bit slurred, can't say "R" I swear to God I was deceived 8 million as of March 1, 2022 yesterday, By giving a link to fill in for verification reasons Take over, Please be careful not until you become the next victim.
Mzakki Alfaint on Google

PENTING Bank mandiri tidak pernah meminta nasabah mengisi Link dalam alasan apapun. Karena sudah banyak terjadi kasus penipuan. Jika ada keperluan dengan bank. Datang langsung saja agar lebih aman. Trimakasih
IMPORTANT Bank Mandiri never asks customers to fill out the link for any reason. Because there have been many cases of fraud. If there is a need with the bank. Just come right away to be safer. Thanks
Hadit Fikri on Google

Saya rasa KCP PUP adalah yang terbaik di kawasan Harapan Indah dan sekitarnya. Pelayananannya saya suka, bersifat kekeluargaan, staff mengenali nasabahnya, khsususnya client mitra usaha. Satpamnya juga tidak terlalu galak dan sangat membantu. -‐----------- Untuk nasabah, saya anjurkan untuk datang awal. Kcp ini istirahat di jam 12.00 - 13.00 Dan tutup jam 15.00 ------------- Hal yang bisa ditingkatkan adalah renovasi infrastruktur, saya rasa cabang ini layak mendapatkan bantuan dari pusat, agar performanya menjadi lebih nyaman dan optimal
I think KCP PUP is the best in the Harapan Indah area and its surroundings. I like the service, it is family-friendly, the staff recognizes their customers, especially business partner clients. The security guard is also not too fierce and very helpful. -‐----------- For customers, I recommend arriving early. This KCP breaks at 12.00 - 13.00 And closes at 15.00 ------------- The thing that can be improved is infrastructure renovation, I think this branch deserves help from the center, so that its performance becomes more comfortable and optimal

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