Bank DKI Jakarta Mayor KC East - East Jakarta City

2.7/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact Bank DKI Jakarta Mayor KC East

Address :

Jl. Dr. Sumarno No.62, RT.14/RW.8, Penggilingan, Cakung, East Jakarta City, Jakarta 13940, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +87
Postal code : 13940
Categories :

Jl. Dr. Sumarno No.62, RT.14/RW.8, Penggilingan, Cakung, East Jakarta City, Jakarta 13940, Indonesia
Yoga Hendy on Google

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Datang jam 10, tp antrian nya sudah ditutup, kata scurity nya cuma dibatasi 50 antrian saja, kasihan yg rumah nya jauh, padahal cuma mau tutup rekening saja. Tolong dong dirubah sistem pelayanan nya..
Came at 10, but the queue was closed, said security was only limited to 50 queues, it's a pity that the house is far away, even though I just want to close the account. Please change the service system..

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Pelayanan bank terburuk yg pernah saya datangi, antrian ga jelas ,..banyak yg sdh ngasih bintang 1 tp msh ga d perbaiki, no antrian banyak d selak sama yg baru dtng,no antrian kelewat langsung suruh masuk,ga menghargai orng yg ngantri diam d tempat,..Engga bgt ke cabang sini lg,..
Worst bank service I've ever been to, the queue is not clear, many have given 1 star but it's still not being fixed, the queues are not too many and the new ones just arrived, no queues are too late, tell them to come in, don't respect people who queue up quietly place,..not really going to this branch anymore,..
Ahmad Farhan on Google

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Pelayanan nya sangat lama dari awal dateng smpe gini hari nomer antrian ga berubah rubah, next agak lebih cepat lg tlg pelayanan nya
The service took a very long time from the time it arrived until today the queue number hasn't changed, next time it's a bit faster, please tell me the service
Jakarta pinggiran on Google

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Call center nya payah not respond!!
The call center is not responding !!
Achenk 1975 on Google

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Antrian nya gak jelas yg datang pagi lebih awal di belakangin yg datang siang di dahuluin apalagi klo pegawai walikota pasti di duluin...gak biasakan budaya antri payaaaah
The queue is not clear, those who come early in the morning are behind those who arrive in the afternoon, especially if the mayor's employees must be first... don't get used to the queuing culture
Surya on Google

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Saya Ingin mengucapkan banyak Terimakasih kepada Satpam dan salah satu Cs. Disana Yang sangat Ramah Dan Mau Cape dan Membantu nasabah saya Salut sama Cs. Tsb.sangat Baik Ramah Dan mau Mendengarkan keluhan Nasabah.kalo ada 10 bintang akan saya berikan 10 ?
I want to say many thanks to the security guard and one of the Cs. There, who are very friendly and willing to help and help my customers, salute to Cs. Tsb. very good friendly and willing to listen to customer complaints. if there are 10 stars I will give 10
tati larasati on Google

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Dua hari ini saya ngurus kartu ATM dan buku rekening yg ketelingsut, kemaren tgl 27/7/21 Dateng jam 9.15 gak dapet no antrian, lalu hari ini sy dtg lbh pagi lagi. Hbs selesai sholat subuh siapΒ² trus berangkat ampek sana jam 7 kurang dpt antrian no.33 masih hrs tunggu lg krn jaringannya off. Banyak yg pulang tapi yg rumahnya jauh pd bertahan hg jaringannya ON kmb. Eh mati lagi... Hadeeeh, capek deeeehh. ? Alhamdulillah, akhirnya kelar juga jam 14. Langsung go home. Hampir seminggu ini mondar mandir ngurusin kartu ATM dan ganti buku.
For the past two days, I've been taking care of my ATM card and account book, which has slipped. Yesterday, 27/7/21, I arrived at 9.15 and didn't get the queue number, then today I came earlier in the morning. Hbs finished the morning prayer get ready then leave ampek there at 7 o'm not able to get queue number 33, still have to wait again because the network is off. Many return home but those whose homes are far away can survive until the network is ON KMB. Eh dead again... Hadeeh, tired deeeehh. ️ Alhamdulillah, finally finished at 14. Go home immediately. Almost a week back and forth taking care of ATM cards and changing books.
Nurazizah Budiartl on Google

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Sebenernya not bad bgt sih, jalan jam 6 dari rumah sampe bank dki walikota jaktim jam 7.10 langsung dpt antri nomer 3 di CSO. Lalu nunggu sampe bank nya buka jam 8.00 dan dilayanin jam 8.11 oleh CSO counter 1 dgn Ibu Friska. Mau aktivasi kartu TJ dan pangan murah. Ternyata untuk pangan murah harus konfirmasi dulu ke pusat dan harus tunggu telpon dari bank DKInya untuk informasi sudah aktif atau belumnya (entah kapan bisa aktifnya tergantung pusat). Trus saya diarahkan untuk aktivasi kartu transjakarta gratis ada di meja lobby depan Bank DKI. Namun petugasnya baru ada jam 8.43 jd hrs nunggu lagi. Setelah antri dan diproses ternyata saya ga bawa surat ket pekerja dr perusahaan syarat aktivasi tj card : fc ktp, buku tabungan, kartu pekerja dan suratcket aktif kerja. jd sy hrs minta kantor dulu email suratnya lalu sy ke tukang print. Untungnya TJ dah aktif setidaknya ga zonk bgt dateng pagi2. Semoga bank DKI sistem kedepannya lebih modern lagi , jika KPJ sudah diedarkan setidaknya bisa langsung digunakan gak harus dateng lagi ke bank dki kantor walikota sekitar yang mungkin org jauh2 harus dateng pagi buta untuk dpt antrian krn pembatasan 50 antrian saja. Trmksh
Actually, it's not that bad, walking at 6 o'clock from home to the bank in DKI Jakarta, the mayor of East Jakarta at 7.10, immediately got queue number 3 at CSO. Then wait until the bank opens at 8.00 and is served at 8.11 by CSO counter 1 with Mrs. Friska. Want to activate the TJ card and cheap food. It turns out that for cheap food, you must first confirm with the center and have to wait for a call from the DKI bank for information whether it is active or not (I don't know when it can be activated depending on the center). Then I was directed to activate the free Transjakarta card at the lobby desk in front of Bank DKI. But the officer was only there at 8.43 so had to wait again. After queuing and processing it turned out that I didn't bring a letter to the worker from the company, the requirements for activation of the tj card: fc ID card, savings book, worker card and active work letter. So I have to ask the office first to email the letter then I'll go to the printer. Luckily TJ is active, at least it's not too late to come in the morning. Hopefully, Bank DKI's system will be more modern in the future, if the KPJ has been circulated, at least it can be used immediately, you don't have to come again to the local mayor's office, maybe people from far away have to come early in the morning to get a queue because of the 50 queue limit. thnks

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