Bank BRI - Kota Jakarta Timur

3.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Bank BRI

Address :

8A, Jl. Tanah Merdeka II No.2, RW.4, Rambutan, Kec. Ciracas, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13830, Indonesia

Postal code : 13830
Opening hours :
Monday 8AM–3PM
Tuesday 8AM–3PM
Wednesday 8AM–3PM
Thursday 8AM–3PM
Friday 8AM–3PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Categories :

8A, Jl. Tanah Merdeka II No.2, RW.4, Rambutan, Kec. Ciracas, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13830, Indonesia
Rahmandabai Haqi on Google

Pelayanan buruk, satpam tidak ramah, hanya karena wewenang tidak hadir dan ada wewenang kedua mereka tidak mau melayani dan tetap kekeh pada prinsip atauran mereka
Bad service, the security guard is not friendly, just because the authority is not present and there is a second authority they do not want to serve and remain complacent on their regulatory principles
qryn hudvan on Google

Pelayanan sangat buruk,sudah sering 3kali saya kesitu tapi selalu dapat pelayan tidak ramah dari satpamnya yang bernama YAMAN,,orang bertanya baik2 tapi di jawab dengan nada kurang ramah bahkan cenderung membentak..entah dia budek atau dia tegas...tegas bolehtp di liat terhadap orang yang seperti apa..kalo orang nanya baik2 jawabnya pake teriak plus jawabannya gak nyambung berartikan dia budek...heran gue sama bri,kok orang budek masih dikasih kerja jadi satpam pula? kalo ada maling apa dia denger???..gak sesuai motto katanya MELAYANI DENGAN SETULUS HATI,tapi orang nanya kok jawabnya ketus pluss teriak2?.baru kali ini ke bank ada satpam yang berjaga gak ada ramahnya sama sekali orang nanya jawabannya juga gak jelas.gak recommended sama sekali
The service is very bad, I have been there 3 times but I always get an unfriendly waiter from the security guard named YAMAN ,, people ask nicely but are answered with an unfriendly tone and even tend to yell ... whether he is deaf or he is firm ... to what kind of person ... if people ask nicely the answer is using shouting plus the answer does not connect it means he is deaf ... I am surprised at Bri, how come a deaf person is still given work to be a security guard too? if there is a thief, does he hear ??? .. not in accordance with the motto he says SERVE WITH CONTINUOUS HEART, but people ask how come the answer is shouting and shouting. only this time there is a security guard who is on guard, there is no friendly at all.
andy aldrich on Google

Pelayanan scurity tidak ada atitude.. ngegas ngomongnya..
Security service has no attitude.. it's hard to say..
Bio Graft on Google

Jadi pagi ini saya mau ngambil kartu atm dan buku tabungan saya yang saya buat setelah saya membuat pembukaan rekening baru lewat online, saya masuk gaada satpam nya, cs nya lagi melayani costumer yang lain , tentu saya celingak celinguk . Tiba2 satpamnya kluar dari dalem udah depan muka dia ga negur ga nanya keperluan saya ke bank bri mau apa . Oke deh saya yang nyapa duluan dengan nada yang sopan menyampaikan niat saya kesini . Dia dengan muka males ngambil antrian di deket cs nya dan bilang " no 27, ini baru NO 10 ! . Silahkan tunggu diluar " Saya mikir lah ko ngegas si? Pusing karna tekanan pekerjaan ? Belum makan atau apa ! Orang dateng baik2 dikasi pelayanan kaya gini Saya jadi curiga Dia belum menyelesaikan Gadapratama ! Yang di dalemnya dipelajari tentang ATTITUDE,TURJAWALI, DAN SOP DALAM BEKERJA . Tolong ya yang minus itu cuma satpamnya .
So this morning I want to take my ATM card and savings book that I made after I opened a new account online, I entered without the security guard, the cs were serving other customers, of course I was looking around. Suddenly the security guard came out of the palace already in front of his face, he didn't reply, didn't ask what I needed to the BRI bank. Okay, I'll be the first to say hello with a polite tone to convey my intentions here. He with a lazy face took the queue near his cs and said "no 27, this is only NO 10! . Please wait outside" I thought I was gassy? Dizzy because of work pressure? Haven't eaten or anything! People come well given this kind of service I suspect that he hasn't finished Gadapratama yet! Inside it is learned about ATTITUDE, TURJAWALI, AND SOPs at work. Please, the only minus is the security guard.
Rosalinda Lyn on Google

Bank paling GAK recommended buat di pake pribadi. Kebanyakan ngambil project. Yg negri lah (umkm), yg swasta lah (gaji perusahaan), wilayah ekonomi, pendidikan, semua project diambil ama bank bri. Akibatnya pelayanan ovorload. Dtg jam 1 buat ke cs, mau benerin kartu yg keblokir udh ga diterima, padahal kondisi bank lg sepi. Kesel bgt. Yg butuh pelanggang siapa dah?
Most banks are NOT recommended for personal use. Most take projects. The state one (UMKM), the private one (company salary), the economic area, education, all projects are taken by Bank BRI. As a result the service overload. Coming at 1 o'clock to go to cs, want to fix the blocked card is not accepted, even though the condition of the bank is quiet. Very upset. Who needs customers?
Hamdan Hadi Firdaus on Google

Bersih, suasananya sih nyaman. Btw ada BRI prioritas kah ? (beneran gak tau) soale ada yg datang gak pake antri langsung masuk ke ruangan khusus & tanpa antrian langsung dilayani buka rekening. Petugas keamanan tanggap menanyakan keperluan nasabah yg datang & membantu. Lokasi tepatnya diseberang SDN 02 Rambutan/seberang Gg.Yanto.
Clean, the atmosphere is comfortable. Btw there is BRI priority prioritas (really do not know) so there are those who come not use queue directly into a special room & without a queue immediately served open an account. Responsive security officers ask the needs of customers who come & help. The exact location is opposite SDN 02 Rambutan / opposite Gg.Yanto.

Pegawai ramah tempatnya bersih nyaman
Friendly staff, clean comfortable place
Patra Bunsu on Google

Pelayanan sangat buruk.. Tolong untuk BRI kantor pusat di evaluaasi.. Untuk kantor cabang pembantu dalam segi pelayanan... Dari securtynya..samapi cs nya.. Dalam berbicara tidak bisameng hargai orang tua . Saya nganter nenek saya.. Pas di cs.. Ko bisa ngomong sama orang tua nggentak nggentak begitu...
Very bad service.. Please evaluate the BRI head office.. For sub-branch offices in terms of service... From the security.. to the cs.. In speaking can not respect parents. I took my grandma... Fit in cs.. How can you talk to your parents loudly like that...

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