Balai Besar Pengawas Obat dan Makanan - Kota Yogyakarta

4.7/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact Balai Besar Pengawas Obat dan Makanan

Address :

Jl. Tompeyan I No.55244, Tegalrejo, Kec. Tegalrejo, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55244, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +78
Postal code : 55244
Website :
Opening hours :
Monday 7:30AM–4PM
Tuesday 7:30AM–4PM
Wednesday 7:30AM–4PM
Thursday 7:30AM–4PM
Friday 7:30AM–2:30PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Jl. Tompeyan I No.55244, Tegalrejo, Kec. Tegalrejo, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55244, Indonesia
frens rahman on Google

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pelayanan cepat ,lengkap dan ramah. suasana juga cukup sepi sehingga nyaman untuk konsultasi terkait izin edar kesehatan produk makanan.
fast, complete and friendly service. the atmosphere is also quite quiet so that it is convenient for consultations related to health distribution of food products.
Sarah Mantovani on Google

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Walau belum pernah ke gedungnya langsung dan cuma datang ke stannya di Pasar Malam Sekaten 2018 tapi saya sebagai Emak Rumah Tangga yang masih newbie merasa teredukasi banget dengan BPPOM. Terutama pertanyaan soal penyimpanan makanan macam telur, pemakaian minyak goreng dan tanggal kadaluwarsa produk makanan. It was sooo interesting for me to know it all of them. They have games board about foods and drugs too. Thankyou BPPOM Jogja!
Even though I have never been to the building directly and only came to the booth at the 2018 Sekaten Night Market, I, as a newbie, feel educated by BPPOM. Especially questions about food storage such as eggs, use of cooking oil and expiration dates of food products. It was sooo interesting for me to know it all of them. They have games board about foods and drugs too. Thankyou BPPOM Jogja!
Putri Nasta on Google

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Hari ini bpom mengada acara diskusi untuk para jasa ekpedisi. Saya sangat mengakpresiasi kegiatan bpom untuk mengurangi tindakan yang sering dilakukan para oknum kurang bertanggung jawab melalui transportasi darat.semoga ada kegiatan kegiatan selanjut nya yang membuat bpom tambah maju lagi untuk mengurangi kebobolan banyak nya obat dan makanan terlarang yang bererdar. Mari bersatu menjadi kan Indonesia ini untuk lebih baik lagi.... Go go BPOm Semangat
Today, BPOM is holding a discussion program for expedition services. I really appreciate the activities of BPOM to reduce the actions that are often carried out by unscrupulous individuals through land transportation. Hopefully there will be further activities that will make BPOM continue to advance to reduce the number of drug and illegal drugs that are scattered. Let's unite into Indonesia for better ... Go go BPOm Spirit
Anandaa Az zahra on Google

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Datang kesini waktu mengurus ijin edar produk, alhamdulillah pas gk ngantri dan dilayani dengan baik Didalam juga tersedia angkringan/ tempat minuman &makanan
Came here when taking care of the product distribution permit, thank God when I didn't queue and was served well Inside is also available angkringan / place for drinks & food
Anastasia Rini on Google

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BP POM, mengurusi obat dan makanan yg beredar di masyarakat, tujuan melindungi masyarakat dari bahaya obat obat bebas, dan makanan yg beredar luas di masyarakat Salah satu cara, BP pom DIY mengadakan kemitraan dengan pemerintah, sampai setingkat kelurahan untuk menjadi kader mengawasi makanan yg sehat di sekitar wilayah tempat tinggal,di warung makanan, warung kelontong, ataupu tempat perbelanjaan yg menjual makanan. BP pom juga mrngadakan kemitraan dengan sekolah, untuk mengawasi makanan yang dikonsumsi anak anak di kantin ataupun pedagang jajanan disekitar sekolah. Kader guru diajari cara mengetes makanan yg dijual di kantin dan pedagang sekitar sekolah, Dengan sample makanan, bisa dites apakah makanan, mengandung pewarna tekstil, atau sudah menggunakan pewarna yang aman untuk makanan, Apakah jajanan mengandung borak, atau prngawet yang biasa untuk mengawetkan mayat, dan apakah makanan menggunakan pemanis buatan/ pada es atau jus, Apakah makanan dikemas aman, dan hiegienis. Ada bimtek untuk kader guru, kader PKK, kader karangtaruna, Ada juga tindak lanjut setelah bimtek terjun ke lapangan..menyasar apakah sudah dilakukan pemeriksaan menyeluruh atau masih ada saja pedagang yg nakal, Jika masih diadakan pembinaan supaya berhasil, Anak anak juga diikutkan pembelajaran/ bimbingan tentang jajanan anak sekolah sehat secara daring... Tidak lupa setiap event BP pom selalu memberi suvenir ... Senang jadi kader BP pom
BP POM, takes care of drugs and food circulating in the community, with the aim of protecting the public from the dangers of over-the-counter drugs, and food that is widely circulating in the community One way, BP pom DIY entered into a partnership with the government, up to the village level to become a cadre to supervise healthy food in the vicinity of the residence, at food stalls, grocery stalls, or shopping places that sell food. BP pom also has partnerships with schools to monitor the food consumed by children in the canteen or street vendors around the school. Teacher cadres are taught how to test food sold in canteens and traders around the school. With food samples, you can test whether food, contain textile dyes, or have used food-safe dyes. Do snacks contain borax, or the usual preserves for preserving corpses, and whether the food uses artificial sweeteners / on ice or juice, Are packaged foods safe, and hygienic. There is technical guidance for teacher cadres, PKK cadres, Karangtaruna cadres, There is also a follow-up after the technical guidance has gone into the field ... targeting whether a thorough examination has been carried out or there are still bad traders, If coaching is still being held in order to succeed, Children are also included in learning / guidance about snacks for healthy school children online ... Do not forget that every BP pom event always gives souvenirs ... Happy to be a BP pom cadre
Gidion Ginting Munthe on Google

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Puspa Almas on Google

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They're open for study-visit
Tami Jati on Google

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If you have any questions about registering your product, come to this place and the officers will help you with pleasure

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