AYAM GORENG JAHE 411 - Kota Jakarta Barat

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Jl. KH.Moh.Mansyur No.108 B, RT.3/RW.2, Tambora, Kec. Tambora, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11250, Indonesia

Postal code : 11250
Categories :

Jl. KH.Moh.Mansyur No.108 B, RT.3/RW.2, Tambora, Kec. Tambora, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11250, Indonesia
bengbeng on Google

tempat dan ayam goreng jahe 411 mantap gaes.
411 ginger fried chicken and place are great guys.
Ahmad Dedi on Google

Mudah2an ayam goreng jahe 411 sukses & berkah
I hope the 411 ginger fried chicken is a success & a blessing
mama titilaw on Google

Makanan yg sudah tersedia tidak sesuai ada yg ada digambar
Foods that are already available do not match the ones in the drawing
Samusa Aquarius on Google

Seperti #quotenya Tau Rasanya Lupa Namanya Tau namanya Lupa Rasanya... Mantap ???????????????????????
Like the #quote Know the taste Forgot his name Know the name Forgot the taste ... Great ???????????????????????
SOLMETS on Google

Nasinya lembek kardusnya juga kaqa ada merek yang alamatnya di jl. jembatan besi
The rice is soft, the cardboard is also soft because there is a brand whose address is at Jl. iron bridge
Asyiq Studio on Google

Mantab Enak Lezat. Murah Jahe berasa Bisa ajak keluarga untuk makan murah meriah enak.. ...... Sekarang ada ikannya Sambalnya mantab...........,..,
Good Delicious Delicious. Cheap Ginger flavor Can you take your family to eat cheap, really delicious ... ... Now there's the fish The sauce is great ...
Papa Odie on Google

Nice Place
Ari Realevan on Google


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