Asokacitra Residence - Sleman Regency

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Contact Asokacitra Residence

Address :

Sanggrahan, Purwomartani, Kalasan, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55571, Indonesia

Postal code : 55571
Categories :

Sanggrahan, Purwomartani, Kalasan, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55571, Indonesia
Light Steel Construction on Google

PT. Citra Kedaton meluncurkan produk perumahan ke-11 yang diberi nama Asoka Citra. Berlokasi di kawasan Purwomartani Kalasan, Sleman, Asoka Citra menawarkan dua tipe rumah yakni satu lantai dan dua lantai serta tiga buah ruko. Untuk hunian satu lantai tersedia dua tipe yaitu tipe 50/110 dan 60/126 sedangkan untuk dua lantai yakni tipe 90/135 dan 75/120. Total jumlah unit rumah yang dipasarkan sebanyak 50 unit. Prospek pasar Asoka Citra cukup menggembirakan. Dari 50 unit yang tersedia sampai saat ini sudah terjual sebanyak 25 buah. Dari unit yang sudah terjual segmen satu lantai sudah sold out. “Kami melihat pasar di Purwomartani cukup bagus, segmen pasar kelas menengah satu lantai banyak dicari daerah tersebut. Banyaknya perumahan di sana secara langsung mengindikasikan pasar masih bagus dan konsumen akan semakin dimanjakan dengan berbagai pilihan. Disisi lain kami menganggap banyak perumahan juga bisa meningkatkan nilai jual dari Asoka Citra. Nilai investasi di Asoka Citra juga menunjukkan tren positif. Rata-rata kenaikan investasi dalam satu tahun bisa pada kisaran sebesar 20 %. kenaikan harga tanah di daerah Sleman khususnya kawasan Purwomartani tidak serta merta meningkatkan daya beli masyarakat. Harga tanah di Sleman yang sudah melambung tidak secara langsung menaikkan angka penjualan properti karena ada banyak factor lain yang mempengaruhi. “Adanya brand awareness dari masyarakat membantu penjualan dari produk kami. Untuk daerah Purwomartani, kami melihat pasarnya dominan untuk satu lantai. Untuk desain rumah, Asoka Citra tetap mempertahankan trade mark dari produk-produk PT. Citra Kedaton sebelumnya. Banyak bukaan di dalam rumah dengan material yang menggurangi bahan alami. Dengan konsep green building Asoka Citra menawarkan hunian modern minimalis. Penggunaan material alam berupa kayu sudah dikurangi hingga lebih 80 %. “Material kayu murni hanya terdapat pada pintu, untuk sistem sirkulasi udara, Asoka Citra menggunakan cross ventilation.Adanya sistem cross ventilation mengakibatkan banyaknya udara alami yang masuk ke dalam rumah dan berpengaruh pada pengurangan penggunaan penyejuk udara. Material kayu alami digantikan dengan kayu olahan dan alumunium. Konsep green buldingjuga diperkuat dengan penerapan RTH (Ruang Terbuka Hijau) yang perbandingannya lebih tinggi daripada bangunan dengan ditanamnya banyak tumbuhan di dalam kawasan Asoka Citra. Dalam setiap unit perumahan Asoka Citra juga terdapat taman. “RTH kami cukup luas, sekitar 38 %. Progress pembangunan perumahan Asoka Citra sudah memasuki tahap pembangunan kavling. “Saat ini sudah ada yang jadi, dan infrastruktur sedang dibangun.Akan ada pengembangan kawasan ke segala arah untuk mencukupi demand akan rumah satu lantai yang sangat tinggi. Harga yang ditawarkan mulai dari 370 jutaan untuk tipe 50/110 dan 60/126 dibanderol dengan 450 jutaan rupiah. Untuk tipe dua lantai 90/135 ditawarkan harga 690 jutaan rupiah dan tipe 75/120 sebesar 590 jutaan rupiah. “Untuk harga di Asoka Citra sudah termasuk PPN. Untuk KPR kami juga melayani.Lokasi perumahan Asoka Citra yang prestisius cukup menjadi perumahan yang mulai dipasarkan sejak Februari 2013 ini dapat memberikan nilai tambah bagi siapapun yang memiliki aset properti di kawasan Purwomartani.
PT. Citra Kedaton launched its 11th housing product named Asoka Citra. Located in the Kalasan Purwomartani area, Sleman, Asoka Citra offers two types of houses namely one floor and two floors as well as three shop houses. For one floor occupancy there are two types, namely types 50/110 and 60/126 while for two floors namely types 90/135 and 75/120. The total number of housing units being marketed is 50 units. Asoka Citra's market outlook is quite encouraging. Of the 50 units available to date, 25 have been sold. Of the units that have been sold, the one-story segment has been sold out. "We see that the market in Purwomartani is quite good, the middle-class middle-class market segment is sought after in the area. The large number of housing estates directly indicates that the market is still good and consumers will be increasingly spoiled with various choices. On the other hand we consider that a lot of housing can also increase the selling value of Asoka Citra. The investment value at Asoka Citra also shows a positive trend. The average increase in investment in one year can be in the range of 20%. Land price increases in the Sleman area, especially in the Purwomartani region, do not necessarily increase people's purchasing power. Land prices in Sleman that have soared do not directly increase property sales figures because there are many other factors that influence. "The existence of brand awareness from the community helps the sales of our products. For Purwomartani, we see the dominant market for one floor. For home design, Asoka Citra still maintains the trade mark of PT. Citra Kedaton before. Many openings in the house with materials that reduce natural ingredients. With the concept of green building Asoka Citra offers a minimalist modern residence. The use of natural materials in the form of wood has been reduced by more than 80%. "Pure wood material is only found on the door, for the air circulation system, Asoka Citra uses cross ventilation. The existence of the cross ventilation system results in the amount of natural air entering the house and has an effect on reducing the use of air conditioning. Natural wood material is replaced with processed wood and aluminum. The concept of green bulding is also strengthened by the application of green open space (R Open Green) which is higher compared to buildings with many plants planted in the Asoka Citra area. In each Asoka Citra housing unit there is also a park. "Our RTH is quite extensive, around 38%. Asoka Citra housing development progress has entered the land development stage. "At present there is already finished, and infrastructure is being built. There will be development of the area in all directions to meet the demand for very high one-story houses. Prices offered range from 370 million for types 50/110 and 60/126 priced at 450 million rupiah. For the two-storey type 90/135, the price is 690 million rupiah and type 75/120 is 590 million rupiah. "For prices at Asoka Citra, including VAT. For mortgages we also serve. The prestigious Asoka Citra housing location is a housing that has been marketed since February 2013 that can provide added value to anyone who has property assets in the Purwomartani area.
Mas Arya Jogja on Google

Aman nyaman tenang lingkungan ideal u keluarga dengan security system one gate 24 hours
Safe comfortable quiet environment ideal for families with a one gate security system 24 hours
Haries Suedibyo on Google

Asoka he asoka
anandana dana on Google

Buhari Stisindo on Google

Great residence
Anisa Octafinda Retnasih on Google

Near the high way
Charles Sim on Google

Nice Place
Lily Siagian on Google

Spacy pave streets, small parking pave for residents

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