Ar Rabbani - Kota Depok

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Ar Rabbani

Address :

Jalan Raya Krukut, Krukut, Kec. Limo, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16514, Indonesia

Postal code : 16514
Opening hours :
Monday 7:30AM–9PM
Tuesday 7:30AM–9PM
Wednesday 7:30AM–9PM
Thursday 7:30AM–9PM
Friday 7:30AM–9PM
Saturday 7:30AM–9PM
Sunday 7:30AM–9PM
Categories :

Jalan Raya Krukut, Krukut, Kec. Limo, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16514, Indonesia
Aji Burhan on Google

Della Panjaitan on Google

supri yanto on Google

Awan akhi ariyanto
Ariyanto akhi cloud
Ubaidilah Saleh on Google

Yayasan yang bergerak dalam pembinaan Yatim dan Dhuafa dan ber Asrama
Foundations under construction of Orphans and Dhuafa and Dormitories
Usman Efendi on Google

Secara umum, yayasan ini nyaman untuk melakukan kegiatan ataupun untuk para penghuninya, lahannya cukup luas dan masih asri dan tidak berisik dari kendaraan bermotor, namun jalanan dekat yayasan atau di depan yayasan jalananya cukup tidak bagus ,mungkin di karenakan akan adanya jalan tol. Penjaga atau pemilik yayasan cukup ramah. Fasilitas yayasan oke.
In general, this foundation is comfortable for carrying out activities or for its residents, the land is quite large and still beautiful and not noisy from motorized vehicles, but the roads near the foundation or in front of the foundation are not good enough, maybe because of the toll road. The guards or foundation owners are friendly enough. Foundation facilities are okay.
rian ljs09 on Google

zakat penghasilan kalian bisa di salurkan disini, nanti di gunakan usaha & hasilnya untuk keperluan anak yatim Kalian yg blum menyalurkan zakat penghasilannya, dateng aja, pelayanannya ramah & insya Alloh berkah buat kita Luar biasaaaaa Tetap istiqomah
Your zakat income can be distributed here, later you can use the business and the proceeds for the needs of orphans Those of you who have not yet distributed the zakat of their income, just come, the service is friendly and God willing, a blessing for us Amazingeeeeeee Stay istiqomah
Hand_Ghost on Google

Kegiatannya sangat positif dalam membina anak asuh maupun kegiatan amal di sekitar yayasan seperti santunan bulan rutin untuk janda dan dhuafa, pelatihan membuat tempe, kursus memanah dll, terutama dengan adanya UKM Al Wasilah yang menjual kebutuhan pokok dimana keuntungannya untuk membiayai kegiatan dan operasional yayasan. Pengurusnya juga masih muda muda dan amanah. Ayo kita dukung anak anak muda yang keren para pengurus yayasan.
Its activities are very positive in fostering foster children and charity activities around the foundation such as regular monthly compensation for widows and poor people, training in making tempeh, archery courses etc., especially with the Al Wasilah UKM that sells basic necessities where the profits are to finance the activities and operations of the foundation. The caretaker is also young and trustworthy. Let's support the cool young people who run the foundation.
sukanda permana on Google

Ladang amal karna ini adalah yayasan yatim piatu.
This charity farm is an orphan foundation.

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