APOTIK FARHAN - North Jakarta City

4.5/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews


Address :

Jl. Mindi No.15, RT.14/RW.8, Lagoa, Koja, North Jakarta City, Jakarta 14270, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +88898
Postal code : 14270
Categories :

Jl. Mindi No.15, RT.14/RW.8, Lagoa, Koja, North Jakarta City, Jakarta 14270, Indonesia
ex try on Google

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Aldi Rahadiansyah on Google

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Farhan Ar rayyan on Google

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respon pegawai sangat baik
employee response is very good
Saryono Saryono on Google

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Very nice
indocomudity export on Google

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Alhamdulillah jam 11 butuh obat, kemana-mana tutup, ternyata masih buka apotik farhan?
Thank God at 11 I need medicine, everywhere is closed, it turns out that Farhan pharmacies are still open?
Indonesia Universal Supply on Google

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Sering pesan dengan halo dok atau go healt selalu sesuai pesanan dan obat sampai sesuai estimasi waktu ?
Order often with hello doc or go healt, always according to the order and the medicine arrives according to the estimated time
Tjandra Dewi on Google

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Apotik lengkap dan pelayanannya baik dlm melayani dan menjelaskan ttg obat ?
Complete pharmacies and good service in serving and explaining drugs ?
Aku Toped on Google

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Jauh lebih mahal daripada apotek lain. Penjualnya sendiri yg blg bahwa di sini memang lebih mahal dr tempat lain karena pake AC. Halo, sy kerja di daerah kelapa Gading yg lingkungannya jauh lebih elit, apotek sekelas K24 dan Kimia Farma aja jual cm 25rb. Tentu mereka pake AC jg. Tapi di Apotek Farhan 35rb. Di market place malah cm 15ribuan. Kenapa mahal tapi tetap saya beli? Karena saya nitip ke bapak saya yang udh berumur dn urgent, saya sudah pesan ke beliau untuk beli di apotek yg besar kaya K24/kimia farma dsb. Namun krn berhubung sudah cukup umur jd ga bs jauh pergi ya beliau inisiatif beli di apotek Farhan supaya cepat karena ini akan djadikan syarat untuk saya apakah boleh masuk gedung kantor atau tidak. Jadi saya biarkan bapak say beli yang penting ada struk resmi karena akan direimburst ke kantor. Kalau saya yang jalan sendiri, lebih baik saya langsung tinggalkan dan pindah ke apotek lain. Setelah cerita ke saudara ternyata mreka ngalamin hal yg sama jg. Harga jauh lebih mahal dan penjualnya (entah karyawan/pemiliknya) sangat tidak ramah dan terkesan belagu/arogan. Saudara ada yg pernah numpang neduh di halaman parkirnya, malah ada karyawan/penjaganya buang air seember main sebor aja seperti ngusir walaupun tdk kena tp cara ini sangat menyakiti hati orang. Ada jg saudara yg punya usaha skincare yg sebenarnya cukup terkenal dan BPOM, nawarin nitip barang susu kambing dengan packaging yg tentu bagus dan rapih tp responnya sangat menyakiti hati orang. Kalau memang tidak boleh apa salahnya bicara yang baik dan sopan tentu orang lain akan respect. Pintu kaca anda menggunakan door closer kan? Tolong ya disetting ulang level kecepatan tutup otomatisnya karena terlalu lambat menutup otomatisnya sehingga membuat anda menyuruh/memerintah saudara sy untuk tutup pintu dgn cara yg arogan. Jadi tidak percuma anda pake automatic door closer. Kakak sy hendak beli antibiotik jelas2 dy udh info merk dan jumlah kandunganny berdasarkan rekomendasi dokternya tp malah diarahkan pk produk lain dgn penjelasan mengarah seolah2 semua antibiotik dipukul rata sama dan lagi2 harganya jauh lebih tinggi, kenapa saya bisa bilang seperti itu? Karena Qadarullah keluarga kami jg ad background medis dan memang langganan pasti beli obat/vitamin/suplemen secara rutin. Semoga bisa menjadi pelajaran untuk anda agar lebih bisa berdiskusi dengan pembeli dengan cara yang lebih baik karena ini obat untuk dikonsumsi bkn sembarangan. Saya bukan haters karena saya tidak ada kepentingan dalam hal ini. Saya murni mengulas sesuai apa yang keluarga saya rasakan dan dapatkan saat belanja obat di apotek Farhan. Siapapun pemimpin/pemiliknya harap dikaji ulang bisnis apotek Anda apakah pelayanannya sudah layak atau belum. Harga lebih mahal masih bisa ditolerir namun kalau pelayanannya bikin orang emosi, tentu tidak bisa ditolerir. Saya berharap semoga apotek Farhan bisa lebih baik lagi. Kedepankan rasa kemanusiaan. Hilangkan arogansi. Bersosial lah yang layak.
Much more expensive than other pharmacies. The seller himself said that here it is more expensive than other places because it uses AC. Hello, I work in the Kelapa Gading area where the environment is much more elite, pharmacies of the K24 class and Kimia Farma only sell for 25 thousand cm. Of course they use AC too. But at Farhan Pharmacy 35 thousand. In the market place, it's only 15 thousand cm. Why is it expensive but I still buy it? Because I left it to my father, who is old and urgent, I have ordered him to buy it at a large pharmacy like K24 / Kimia Farma, etc. However, since I'm old enough, I can't go far, so he took the initiative to buy it at Farhan's pharmacy so it's fast because this will be a condition for me whether I can enter the office building or not. So I let my father buy what is important is that there is an official receipt because it will be refunded to the office. If I walk alone, I'd better leave immediately and move to another pharmacy. After telling the brothers, it turned out that they had the same thing. The price is much more expensive and the seller (whether the employee/owner) is very unfriendly and seems to be stubborn/arrogant. Have you ever had a ride in the shade in the parking lot, in fact there were employees/guards urinating in a bucket, just playing with it like driving away, even though it didn't hit, but this method really hurts people's hearts. There are also relatives who have a skincare business that is actually quite well known and BPOM, offering to take goat's milk goods with packaging which is certainly good and neat, but the response really hurts people's hearts. If you really can't, what's wrong with speaking nicely and politely, of course other people will respect you. Your glass door uses a door closer, right? Please, reset the automatic closing speed level because it's too slow to close automatically, so it makes you order/order my brother to close the door in an arrogant way. So it's not useless for you to use the automatic door closer. My sister, I want to buy antibiotics, obviously you already have the information on the brand and the amount of ingredients based on the doctor's recommendation, but instead they are directed to other products with an explanation that leads as if all antibiotics are evenly distributed and again the price is much higher, why can I say that? Because Qadarullah, our family also has a medical background and we are sure to buy regular medicines/vitamins/supplements. Hopefully it can be a lesson for you to be able to discuss with buyers in a better way because this is a drug to be consumed not carelessly. I'm not a hater because I have no interest in this. I am purely reviewing according to what my family feels and gets when shopping for drugs at Farhan's pharmacy. Whoever the leader/owner is, please review your pharmacy business whether the service is proper or not. More expensive prices can still be tolerated but if the service makes people emotional, of course it cannot be tolerated. I hope that Farhan's pharmacy can be even better. Promote humanity. Eliminate arrogance. Social is what it deserves.

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