Aneka Jaya Pattimura - Semarang City

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Aneka Jaya Pattimura

Address :

Jl. Patimura No.32, Rejomulyo, Semarang Timur, Semarang City, Central Java 50123, Indonesia

Postal code : 50123
Categories :

Jl. Patimura No.32, Rejomulyo, Semarang Timur, Semarang City, Central Java 50123, Indonesia
葉時宗 on Google

服務佳! 忘記了物品在櫃台,店員會追出歸還,很親切,並感激。
Good service! If you forget that the item is at the counter, the clerk will chase it out and return it. It is very kind and grateful.
elisabeth haryanto on Google

Bersih tenang nyaman, ketika para ibu mencari pilihan pakaian, si anak dapat bermain karena berhadapan dengan arena tempat bermain anak, menurut saya membuat anak jadi tidak bosan ketika ikut ibu berbelanja pakaian
Clean, quiet, comfortable, when mothers are looking for clothing choices, the child can play because it is facing the children's playground, I think it makes the child not bored when joining the mother shopping for clothes
Wulan Bagiop on Google

Banyak barang yang tidak ada harganya, jadi saya harus tanya terus ke penjaga. Itu agak menyusahkan
Many items have no price, so I have to ask the guard directly. That's a bit troublesome
San San on Google

tokonya lumayan buat beli bahan rumah tangga. bajunya juga lumayan murah. sperti indomaret tapi lebih besar
The shop is good for buying household items. The clothes are pretty cheap too. like Indomaret but bigger
Tabah Tri on Google

Pengalaman berbelanja lumayan, hanya terkadang dibagian kasir kadang pelayanan nya kurang gesit
The shopping experience is decent, only sometimes at the cashier sometimes the service is not agile
Mellysa Putri Evita on Google

Lumayan lengkap sih, tapi sumuknya minta ampun jadi gak nyaman buat belanja.. saya pernah kesana siang hr edan panase pollll sampe gabetah trs prnh malam hr juga sumukk.. wes intine tempate sumuk
It's quite complete, but the sumuknya begs for forgiveness so it's not comfortable for shopping .. I've been there during the day, it's crazy hot and pollll until it's too late at night, it's also sumukk .. wes is the essence of sumuk's place
Dani Pratiwi on Google

aneka jaya swalayan area pattimura depan bangjo arah citarum dua lantai prokes berjalan parkir luas
various jaya supermarkets in the pattimura area in front of bangjo, the direction of the citarum, two floors of walking procedures, ample parking
jati rahmawati on Google


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