Alun-alun Sukasari - Kabupaten Majalengka

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Alun-alun Sukasari

Address :

Jl. Desa Banjaransari, Banjaransari, Kec. Cikijing, Kabupaten Majalengka, Jawa Barat 45466, Indonesia

Postal code : 45466
Categories :

Jl. Desa Banjaransari, Banjaransari, Kec. Cikijing, Kabupaten Majalengka, Jawa Barat 45466, Indonesia
Kang Dosen Channel on Google

Luar biass perkembangan masjidnya, sampai pangling dikira di kota mana, ternyata wilayah Sukasari.
The development of the mosque is extraordinary, to the point where one wonders which city it is in, it turns out to be the Sukasari area.
Yayang Nindi Amj on Google

Bagus diliat pas malem pas waktunya lampu lampu taman dinyalain, air mancurnya juga lebih bagus lagi kalo malem soalnya ada lampu warna warninya, kalo malam minggu suka ada acara musik gitu dipanggung permanen yg dibuat di pojok taman
It's good to see at night when the garden lights are turned on, the fountain is even better at night because there are colorful lights, if you like to have music events on the weekends, they are made on a permanent stage in the corner of the park
Rina Gunawan on Google

Ada DPO ibu2
There is a DPO for moms
S Jabirez on Google

Ternyata di tempat ini ada pelakor,kerjaan mi chat ganti2 laki2
It turns out that in this place there are actors, the work of mi chat changes to men
Arusta xXx Project on Google

Alun2 yg oke bgt, berada di daerah Desa yang bisa dikatakan cukup jauh dari pusat kota, tapi berani menyajikan suasana yg bisa dinikmati warga. Ada Mesjid utama Desa, area olahraga serbaguna, area taman dan banyak toko pedagang juga. Tidak jauh dr sini ada kolam renang yang bisa anak2 kunjungi jika libur sekolah. Udara disana juga sejuk dan bersih karena lokasinya cukup dekat dg pegunungan dan tidak berada di jalur utama transportasi.
The square is really good, located in the village area which can be said to be quite far from the city center, but dares to present an atmosphere that residents can enjoy. There is the main Village Mosque, multipurpose sports area, garden area and many merchant shops as well. Not far from here there is a swimming pool that children can visit during school holidays. The air there is also cool and clean because the location is quite close to the mountains and not on the main transportation route.
Imaa Queen on Google

Great... ?
Khoerul Azam on Google

First of love
Puspa Nur Ayda on Google

Good ♡

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