alpukat Indonesia habiture - Kabupaten Bogor

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact alpukat Indonesia habiture

Address :

Bojong Koneng, Kec. Babakan Madang, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16810, Indonesia

Postal code : 16810
Categories :

Bojong Koneng, Kec. Babakan Madang, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16810, Indonesia
Anang Dwi on Google

Utk yg ga mau pergi jauh²..... mmpir sini aja ... udara msh fresh kok
For those who don't want to go far..... just stop by here... the air is still fresh
Dwi Indah on Google

Tempat nya nyaman.pemandangan nya bagus
The place is comfortable. The view is nice
Mugi Mugi on Google

Pememdangan yg sangat bagus, cocok buat ajak anak2, bisa juga menuju ke lewi pangaduan
Very nice scenery, suitable for taking children, can also go to lewi Pangaduan
Ferdy Waseng on Google

Stressssss hilang, setelah sampai diperkebunan dan pembibitan Alpukat....ayo kita santap makanan ala kebun dgn suasana alam yg asri
The stress is gone, after arriving at the avocado plantation and nursery ... let's eat garden-style food with a beautiful natural atmosphere
achmad lukman nulhakim on Google

Tanaman alpukat sebagai tanaman hiasan dan juga prosuksi sangat membantu maayarakat dalam pengembangan hortikuktura skala rumahan maupun skala produksi
Avocado plants as ornamental plants as well as production are very helpful for the community in the development of home-scale horticulture and production scale.
deddy alex on Google

Lokasi bagus. Bisa belanja bibit buah buahan. Lokasi dekat jungle land
Great location. Can shop for fruit seeds. Location near jungle land
Vicaris Fernando on Google

Untuk penyuka tanaman buah wajib main kesini. Bisa menambah koleksi tanaman buah alpukat nya yang sebagian besar sudah berbunga sehingga tidak perlu lama menunggu tanaman berbuah. Potensinya masih besar ini untuk dijadikan wisata agrowisata. Semoga pemiliknya bisa mengembangkan dan menambah koleksi tanaman yang ada. Akhirnya saya membawa pulang satu pot alpukat Kelud yang sedang berbunga, semoga bisa bertumbuh baik di tempat saya dan pasti nanti balik lagi untuk menambah koleksi lagi ?
For those who like fruit plants, you must play here. You can add to your collection of avocado plants, most of which are already in bloom, so you don't have to wait long for the plants to bear fruit. This potential is still great to be used as agro-tourism tourism. Hopefully the owner can develop and add to the existing plant collection. Finally I brought home a pot of Kelud avocado that was in bloom, hopefully it can grow well at my place and will definitely come back later to add to the collection again ?
Danan Yogatama on Google

Good place

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