Al Ansori Mosque - Kabupaten Bogor

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Al Ansori Mosque

Address :

Kp Cihanjawar Rt 02/03, Sukamakmur, Kec. Sukamakmur, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16830, Indonesia

Postal code : 16830
Categories :

Kp Cihanjawar Rt 02/03, Sukamakmur, Kec. Sukamakmur, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16830, Indonesia
Pangky Rafdanni Azhar on Google

Masjid sangat besar dan luas. Parkiran juga sangat luas dan memadai. Untuk sarana air perlu ada perbaikan, Letak masjid yang berada di pusat Sukamakmur menjadi daya tarik dan tentunya bisa menjadi islamic center di kawasan Sukamakmur jika mampu dikelola dengan baik
The mosque is very big and spacious. The parking lot is also very spacious and adequate. For water facilities there needs to be repair, The location of the mosque in the center of Sukamakmur is an attraction and of course it can become an Islamic center in the Sukamakmur area if it can be managed properly.
Wangse TV on Google

Selain untuk ibadah cocok juga buat bersandar jikala cape raga dan pikiran
In addition to worship, it is also suitable for leaning if you are tired of body and mind
cang 67 on Google

Suasana didalam Masjid nyaman. Kritik dari saya yang baru pertama kali ke Masjid ini dan sehabis melakukan perjalanan jauh dari cipanas puncak. 1. Bingung mencari posisi toilet dan tempat wudhu, saya kira ada di bagian kanan / kiri Masjid. Ternyata tidak ada, dan saya tidak melihat tanda toilet dan wudhu nya. Lokasi : Toilet ada di bagian bawah, di sebelah parkiran motor. 2. toilet dan wudhu menjadi satu, tidak ada tanda laki ² & perempuan. 3. Toilet sebelah kiri total ada 3 pintu, ada 1 terbuka. Saat saya masuk kondisi nya sangat kotor, bau dan gelap. tempat wudhunya juga gelap dan lantainya kotor. Saran saya : tolong tempat wudhu dan toilet nya di perbaiki atau di bersihkan. tolong disediakan juga sandal dan tempat loker penyimpanan barang. 4. Saat mau cas HP ternyata tidak bisa, sepertinya listriknya mati. padahal saya sangat butuh mengisi baterai HP, untuk melihat lokasi untuk melanjutkan perjalanan. Apalagi saya baru pertama kali melewati jalur SukaMakmur. Semoga Allah mengampuni dosa ² kita dan memberikan kemudahan serta kebaikan kepada orang ² yang senantiasa beribadah kepada Nya. Aamiin
The atmosphere inside the mosque is comfortable. My criticism is that it is my first time to this mosque and after traveling far from Cipanas Puncak. 1. Confused looking for the position of the toilet and place of ablution, I think it is on the right / left side of the mosque. There was none, and I didn't see any signs of the toilet and ablution. Location: The toilet is at the bottom, next to the motorbike parking lot. 2. toilet and ablution be one, there is no sign of male & female. 3. The toilet on the left has a total of 3 doors, 1 open. When I entered it was very dirty, smelly and dark. the ablution place is also dark and the floor is dirty. My advice: please repair the ablution place and the toilet. please also provide slippers and a locker for storage of goods. 4. When you want to charge your cellphone it doesn't work, it looks like the electricity is off. even though I really need to charge the HP battery, to see the location to continue the trip. Moreover, it was my first time passing through the SukaMakmur route. May Allah forgive our sins and provide convenience and goodness to people who always worship Him. Aamiin
Abdullah Hatta on Google

Masjid yang baik Hanya saja tempat wudhu nya perlu perbaikan dan dibersihkan kembali
Good mosque It's just that the ablution needs to be repaired and cleaned again
Muhammad Syukri on Google

Masjid ini ada dipertigaan kl qt dr arah jonggol kekanan kegunung batu lurus kearah sentul, Masjidnya besar n' parkiran luas, warna masjid dominan biru
This mosque is located at the intersection of kl qt in the direction of the right hand to the rock, straight towards Sentul, the mosque is large and the parking area is large, the color of the mosque is dominant blue
Oman Homsa on Google

Mampir untuk shalat, masjidnya bagus hanya toiletnya kurang diperhatikan
Stopped by to pray, the mosque is good, only the toilet is not paid attention
apa aja channel on Google

Mampir untuk shalat ashar masjidnya besar dan bagus, saat itu kondisi hujan ada beberapa bagian yang bocor, Tempat wudhu dan toiletnya kurang bersih dan kurang terawat, hingga mengeluarkan aroma yang khas....
Stopped by for Asr prayer, the mosque is big and nice, when it was raining there were some parts that leaked, the ablution place and toilet were not clean and not well maintained, so they emitted a distinctive aroma....
Rayi Iswara on Google

Beautiful mosque in a bit remote area in Bogor

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