Al Amin Mosque - Kebumen Regency

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Al Amin Mosque

Address :

Jl. Tentara Pelajar No.9b, Panggel, Panjer, Kebumen, Kebumen Regency, Central Java 54312, Indonesia

Postal code : 54312
Categories :

Jl. Tentara Pelajar No.9b, Panggel, Panjer, Kebumen, Kebumen Regency, Central Java 54312, Indonesia
Hajimaaa on Google

Alhamdulillah. Semoga makin ramai masjidnya yaa . Jangan cuma mall aja yg ramai hehe
Alhamdulillah. Hopefully the number of mosques will increase. Do not just mall it's so busy
Rachmad Devi Irawan on Google

Bagi umat Islam yg mau beribadah, parkir luas, & lokasi strategis di jalur utama luar kota.
For Muslims who want to worship, ample parking, and a strategic location on the main route outside the city.
Tri Mulyono on Google

Penuh dikala jumatan,lks pinggir jln ,sdh saatnya dibuat tingkat ,bawah utk parkir ,atas buat jumatan ,
Full when the Friday, next to the road, it's time to make a level, down for parking, top for Friday,
Pri Hinkap on Google

Masjid ini dulu dikelola Yayasan Amal Bhakti Muslim Pancasila (yayasannya Pak Harto). Salah satu masjid alternatif untuk shalat Jumat di saat mudik ke Kebumen. Khotbah Jumat menggunakan bahasa Indonesia, memudahkan jamaah yang kurang begitu paham dengan bahasa Jawa, khususnya Jawa halusan. Letaknya sangat strategis, berada di kompleks Islamic Center Kebumen.
The mosque was once managed by the Pancasila Muslim Charity Foundation (Pak Harto's foundation). One alternative mosque for Friday prayers when going home to Kebumen. Friday's sermon uses Indonesian, making it easy for worshipers who are not very familiar with Javanese, especially Javanese puree. Its location is very strategic, located in the Kebumen Islamic Center complex.
Kusosi Kusosi on Google

Masjid yang berada di kompleks islamic center kebumen sering dipakai untuk sholat jamaah warga sekitar dan anak sekolah SMK yang habis pulang dan bisanya mampir dulu di sini Suasana enak dan asri dan. Tak jauh dari sini masih dalam kompleks ada perpustakaan dan asrama terkadang juga dipakai untuk TPA
The mosque, which is located in the Islamic center complex of Kebumen, is often used to pray for local residents and vocational school children who have come home and usually stop by here. The atmosphere is nice and beautiful. Not far from here, there is still a library in the complex and a dormitory is sometimes used for TPA
Deep on Google

Masjid dikawasan Islamic center, lumayan gede. Nyaman buat ibadah ngga bising biarpun posisi deket jalan kota. Buat yg blm pernah kesini mgkn agak ragu mau masuk mengingat posisi masjidnya dikelilingi pagar dan jadi satu ma bangunan bangunan lain. Tempat wudhu bersih, parkir luas, tamannya cakep, asri..buat sekedar istirahat habis shalat juga enak
The mosque in the Islamic center area is quite large. Comfortable for worship not noisy even near the city street position. For those who have never been here, they may feel a bit hesitant to enter, considering the position of the mosque surrounded by a fence and becoming one of the other buildings. Clean ablution place, large parking area, beautiful garden, beautiful ... make it just rest after praying is also delicious
Iwan Ruqyah on Google

Masjid yang nyaman dan sholatnya diawal waktu.
A comfortable mosque and prayer at the beginning of time.
Silfanus Chaidir on Google

Masjid yang nyaman, parkirnya luas, bisa tempat istirahat. Disebelah timur ada SDIT Al Madinah. Disebelah utara gedung islamic center.
Comfortable mosque, spacious parking, can be a place of rest. On the east there is Al Madinah SDIT. North of the Islamic Center building.

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