Akuatik Park - Bogor City

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Akuatik Park

Address :

RT.04/RW.02, Paledang, Bogor Tengah, Bogor City, West Java 16122, Indonesia

Postal code : 16122
Categories :

RT.04/RW.02, Paledang, Bogor Tengah, Bogor City, West Java 16122, Indonesia
Septi Dwi A on Google

Tamannya bagus, cocok untuk berkumpul dan berfoto-foto
The park is nice, perfect for gathering and taking photos
Faisal D Purnawarman on Google

Salah satu area favorit di kebun raya bogor. Ada pohon besar rindang dengan tempat duduk dibawahnya. Gemericik air juga menambah suasana sejuk. Lokasinya agak tersembunyi kebawah sehingga sepi dan tenang, tidak ada kendaraan lalu lalang. Dilengkapi toilet jadi tidak perlu susah payah apalagi sedang membutuhkan. Sayangnya banyak dekorasi bangau rusak karena sering dijadikan spot foto. Selain itu satu huruf pada tulisan Taman Akuatik juga hilang, belum diperbaiki hingga sekarang. Saran agar area taman akuatik diperbesar dan koleksi tanaman diperbanyak, karena masih ada area yang bisa dipakai dan ditata sebelum menuju jembatan gantung dan taman meksiko.
One of the favorite areas in Bogor Botanical Gardens. There is a large, shady tree with a seat under it. The gurgling of water also adds to the cool atmosphere. The location is a bit hidden down so it is quiet and calm, there are no vehicles passing by. Equipped with a toilet so you don't need to bother, let alone in need. Unfortunately, many stork decorations are damaged because they are often used as photo spots. In addition, one letter in the Aquatic Park writing is also missing, it has not been repaired until now. Suggestions for enlarging the aquatic garden area and increasing the collection of plants, because there are still areas that can be used and arranged before heading to the suspension bridge and Mexican garden.
Haryo Dwi Saputro on Google

Ada di dalam Kebun Raya Bogor, dari pintu utama masuk terus berjalan ke arah kanan lalu ke Utara sedikit. Ada taman air yang berisi ikan buat terapi kaki dan ada sebuah pohon besar yang dibawahnya dibuat tempat duduk²/balai dari kayu.
It's inside the Bogor Botanical Gardens, from the main entrance keep going to the right then north a little. There is a water park that contains fish for foot therapy and there is a large tree under which a wooden hall is made of chairs.
Rina UmiNisa on Google

Cantik adem pokonya betah deh. Klo laper ada kafee ada icecrem. Enak lho ice creamnya. Biasanya aku kurang suka rasa coklat ini mah endess. Mantap pokonya.
It's beautiful, it's cool, it's comfortable. If you're hungry, there's a cafe, there's ice cream. The ice cream is delicious. Usually I don't like the taste of this chocolate, it's endess. It's great.

Sejuk banget, ada tempat duduk dan penjual makanan juga. View nya bagus, kebersihan kurang terjaga nih sama pengunjung yang ngga bertanggung jawab -_-. Tempatnya ademm, cocok untuk spot foto2. Mantap
Very cool, there are places to sit and food vendors too. The view is good, cleanliness is not maintained by irresponsible visitors -_-. The place is cool, suitable for photo spots. Great
Poppy Irmawati on Google

Nice pick....
Mardi Wu on Google

Quiet and beautiful
Restiawati Niskala on Google

good.. For take photos, instagramable..

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