Ahmad Dahlan University - Campus 5 - Yogyakarta City

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Ahmad Dahlan University - Campus 5

Address :

Jl. Ki Ageng Pemanahan Gg. Cucut No.19, Sorosutan, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55162, Indonesia

Postal code : 55162
Website : https://news.uad.ac.id/uad-kampus-5/
Categories :

Jl. Ki Ageng Pemanahan Gg. Cucut No.19, Sorosutan, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55162, Indonesia
Ginanjar Abdurrahman on Google

Salah satu Kampus swasta favorit di yogyakarta
One of the favorite private campuses in Yogyakarta
Ai A. M. on Google

Jaman sebelum Corona melanda kesini cuma buat bayar uang kuliah. Sepi dan cepet pelayanannya dibandingkan di kampus 1 atau bank
The era before Corona hit here was just to pay tuition fees. Quiet and fast service compared to campus 1 or the bank
Dimas Aji on Google

Uad kampus 5
Uad campus 5
Herdian Pratama on Google

Arsyada Erdhom Family on Google

Berada tepat di samping pintu keluar RS Wirosaban..... Akses mobil motor lewat depan.... Tapi bagi mahasiswa pejalan kaki, ada akses dr belakang....sehingga sgt mudah dan dekat dari kost2an para mhsisw.... Banyak jg pedagang makanan di sekitaran kampus....
It is right next to the RS Wirosaban exit ..... Access the motorbike through the front ... But for pedestrian students, there is access from behind ... so it is easy and close to the boarding houses of the mhsisw .... Many jg food vendors around the campus ...
Ilham Farid Maulana on Google

Dalam beberapa hari terakhir, jika berkunjung ke kampus 5 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta, di beberapa sudut dan hall, Anda akan menjumpai berbagai macam karya seni (gambar) yang sedang dipamerkan. Sebisa mungkin cobalah untuk rileks dan pandang saksama gambar-gambar tersebut, barang kali Anda akan mengingat lagi gambar yang Anda buat semasa sekolah dulu. Anda bisa bernostalgia dengan montase, gambar hewan, bunga, buah, mozaik, serta beberapa gambar garis yang terkesan abstrak. Perlu diketahui, gambar-gambar tersebut merupakan hasil karya mahasiswa Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD) semester 6. Pemeran seni rupa mahasiswa PGSD ini dalam rangka tugas akhir mata kuliah Pendidikan Seni Rupa dan Keterampilan. Gambar yang dipamerkan merupakan karya seni yang dibuat dengan perjuangan. Tidak semua mahasiswa PGSD memiliki bakat atau keterampilan dalam bidang seni rupa, khususnya menggambar. Beberapa dari mereka bahkan mengeluh merasa kesulitan saat awal menggambar. “Mahasiswa harus percaya diri untuk menampilkan karyanya. Awalnya mereka kesulitan, tetapi setelah dibimbing, bahkan di luar ekspetasi untuk ukuran PGSD, karya mereka bisa dibilang luar biasa,” tegas Probosiwi, S.Sn.,M.Sn., selaku dosen pengampu mata kuliah Pendidikan Seni Rupa dan Keterampilan. Pemeran ini merupakan tindak lanjut dari imbauan Kaprodi PGSD terkait penyediaan ruang untuk memamerkan karya-karya mahasiswa. Dengan adanya ruang semacam ini, karya mahasiswa dapat diapresiasi oleh khalayak. Menurut Probosiwi, tujuan utama dari kegiatan ini untuk memberikan ruang khusus kepada mahasiswa. Mereka memiliki ide-ide yang brilian yang harus diaktualisasikan ke dalam karya. “Harapan kami, setelah melewati tahapan membuat karya dan memamerkannya, mahasiswa dapat menanamkan apa yang mereka pelajari kepada siswa didiknya kelak ketika menjadi pendidik,” pungkas Probosiwi. (ard)
In the last few days, if you visit campus 5 of Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) Yogyakarta, in several corners and halls, you will find various kinds of works of art (pictures) that are on display. As much as possible try to relax and look carefully at the pictures, maybe you will remember again the pictures that you made during school. You can reminisce with montage, drawings of animals, flowers, fruits, mosaics, and some lines that seem abstract. Please note, the pictures are the work of 6th semester Primary School Teacher Education students. The cast of PGSD student art is in the framework of the final assignment of Fine Arts and Skills Education courses. The images on display are works of art created with struggle. Not all PGSD students have talents or skills in the field of fine arts, especially drawing. Some of them even complained of difficulty at the beginning of drawing. "Students must be confident to present their work. Initially they had difficulties, but after being guided, even outside the expectations for PGSD measures, their work could be considered extraordinary, "said Probosiwi, S.Sn., M.Sn., As a lecturer supporting the course in Fine Arts and Skills Education. This cast is a follow-up to the appeal of the Head of PGSD in relation to providing space to display student work. With this kind of space, student work can be appreciated by the public. According to Probosiwi, the main purpose of this activity is to provide special space for students. They have brilliant ideas that must be actualized into the work. "Our hope, after passing through the stages of making work and exhibiting it, students can instill what they learn to their students when they become educators," concluded Probosiwi. (ard)
Kost Puri Gantari on Google

Kampus pencetak para pengajar yg berdedikasi.. 2,5 km ada Kost Putri Eksklusif Puri Gantari untuk info 082226469060
Campus that produces dedicated teachers.. 2.5 km there is an exclusive boarding house for princesses at Puri Gantari for info 082226469060
Damayani M on Google

Setiap sudut kampus tercinta ada kenangan,, pgpaud Sekarang sudah ada lab tumbuh kembang anak di depan kantin
Every corner of our beloved campus has memories, pgpaud Now there is a child development lab in front of the canteen

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