Toko Kemenangan Jaya - Kabupaten Bogor

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Toko Kemenangan Jaya

Address :

Wanaherang, Kec. Gn. Putri, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16965, Indonesia

Postal code : 16965
Categories :

Wanaherang, Kec. Gn. Putri, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16965, Indonesia
Kika Malika Hay Hay on Google

Tempat terlengkap utk belanja granit dan keramik. Banyak bgt pilihannya cantik2 dan bagus semua dg harga lebih murah daripada mitra 10, dijamin auto panik dan bingung mau pilih yg mana, wkwkwkwk
The most complete place for shopping for granite and ceramics. There are so many beautiful and good choices, all at a cheaper price than partner 10, guaranteed auto panic and confusion about which one to choose, wkwkwkwk
Orang 1234 on Google

Pengirimannya lama Belanja hari minggu, janji dikirim hari kamis, ternyata hari kamis tidak dikirim, padahal sudah dikenakan pengiriman 250 ribu Harga tinggi, dan tidak bisa ditawar. Keramik bevel putih lebih murah di jakarta dan sekitarnya juga, kisaran 70-75k, di toko bangunan ini kena 85k. Memang banyak pilihan, namun harga terbilang mahal, mending beli di toko kecil di sekelilingnya
Long delivery Shopping on Sunday, promised to be sent on Thursday, it turned out that Thursday was not sent, even though it was already subject to delivery of 250 thousand Prices are high, and non-negotiable. White bevel ceramics are cheaper in Jakarta and surrounding areas too, in the 70-75k range, in this building shop it costs 85k. There are indeed many choices, but the price is quite expensive, it's better to buy it at a small shop around it
Nofriati Nazar on Google

HATI² MEMILIH WARNA dan MEMBELI GRANIT di TOKO KEMENANGAN JAYA WANAHERANG. Pastikan warna yg dikirim ke rumah sama persis dgn warna yg dipilih di toko. Karena dpt saja terjadi warna yg dikirim ke rumah dgn warna yg dipilih di toko tdk sama, akibat perbedaan periode (kala waktu) produksi. Bisa juga karena karena pengatuh pencahayaan di toko yg terlalu banyak lampu sorot atau lampu² besar. Saya memilih dan membeli sebanyak 92 box (115 m²) granit merk ESSENZA motif CREMA GRECIA pd tgl 20 Marey 2022. Tapi warna yg diterima pd tgl 28 Maret 2022 tidak sesuai (berbeda) dgn yg saya inginkan saat memilih dan membayar pd tgl 20 Maret tsb. Keluhan yg disampaikan saat di telp dan saat datang ke toko tdk mendapat tanggapan yg benar. Proses di-ulur² oleh sales yg melayani dari sejak tgl 2 April sampai kemaren tgl 12 April. Permintaan penukaran tdk direspon dgn benar dan cepat, tapi bertele². Pd tgl 12 Maret kemaren saya ketemu dgn kepala devisi sales tapi tetap tak mendapat tanggapan yg memuaskan dgn pelayanan yg ditunda². Kata mereka para sales, "waktunya sudah kasip". Astaga ... yg bikin kasip kan mereka² sendiri. Sementara saya sudah menyampaikan keluhan sejak tgl 2 April. Waktu memilih di toko, saya tertarik dgn warna granit merk "Essenza" CREMA GRESIA karena kelihatan bagus dgn kesan FRESH dan HANGAT sesuai selera saya. Tapi setiba di rumah yg saya dapatkan/terima warna krem PUCAT dgn guratan warna coklat tanah yg KUSAM. Sangat bertentangan dgn selera saya dan saya sangat tidak suka warna tsb.
CAREFULLY CHOOSE COLOR AND BUY GRANITE at KEMENANGAN JAYA WANAHERANG STORE. Make sure the color sent to your home is exactly the color chosen at the store. Because it may happen that the color sent to your home is not the same color that was chosen at the store, due to differences in the production period. It could also be because of the lighting control in the store, which has too many spotlights or big lights. I selected and purchased 92 boxes (115 m²) of ESSENZA granite with a CREMA GRECIA motif on March 20, 2022. But the color I received on March 28, 2022 did not match (different) from what I wanted when I chose and paid on March 20, 2022. . Complaints submitted when on the phone and when they came to the store did not get a correct response. The process was stretched by the sales person who served from April 2nd until yesterday, April 12th. Exchange requests are not responded to properly and quickly, but long-winded. Yesterday, March 12, I met with the head of the sales division but still didn't get a satisfactory response with the delayed service. They said the sales, "the time is cool". Gosh... they're the ones who make it up themselves. While I have submitted a complaint since April 2nd. When choosing at the store, I was attracted by the color of the granite brand "Essenza" CREMA GRESIA because it looks good with a FRESH and WARM impression according to my taste. But when I arrived at the house what I got/received is a PALE cream color with dull earth brown strokes. Totally against my taste and I really don't like the color.
Kang ZK on Google

Achian Chang on Google

jamaluddin umar on Google

Michael Kaihatu on Google

Good ceramic store
Nugroho Madukusumo on Google

The largest ceramic store I have ever seen.

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