Satpas SIM Pembantu Polres Bekasi - Kabupaten Bekasi

2.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Satpas SIM Pembantu Polres Bekasi

Address :

Blok L8 No.4, Jl. Kalimaya VII Blok L8 No.4, Tambun, Kec. Tambun Sel., Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17510, Indonesia

Postal code : 17510
Opening hours :
Monday 8AM–2PM
Tuesday 8AM–2PM
Wednesday 8AM–2PM
Thursday 8AM–2PM
Friday 8AM–2PM
Saturday 8AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Blok L8 No.4, Jl. Kalimaya VII Blok L8 No.4, Tambun, Kec. Tambun Sel., Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17510, Indonesia
Milawati Putri Ashari on Google

Sorry banget tapi pelayanannya kurang ramah khususnya dibagian pendaftaran, padahal namanya pelayanan masyarakat
I'm really sorry but the service is not friendly, especially in the registration section, even though it's called community service
Edly Atmaja on Google

Perpanjangan SIM C biayanya 200.000,padahal sesuai peraturan biaya perpanjang sim c hanya 75.000. Tolong segera di tindak dan di investigasi!
The SIM C extension costs 200,000, whereas according to the regulations, the cost for SIM C extension is only 75,000. Please act immediately and be investigated!
Ismail Al Gifari on Google

Update per tgl 26/07/2021. Sekedar sharing info. Siapkan 200rb perpanjang untuk SIM disini (sudah termasuk asuransi dan kesehatan).
Update as of 26/07/2021. Just sharing info. Prepare 200 thousand for an extended SIM here (includes insurance and health).
Silvia artisha nugraha on Google

Kalau kesini jgn lupa foto copi ktp dulu guys Mahal fotocopy disini.. Bawa fotocopy ktp 5 lembar yaa. Nganterin nyokap perpanjangan SIM di tempat ini.. Ribet sih karna suruh muter². Padahal banyak jalan pintas ahaha.. Nggk praktis sih.. Banyak ruangan tapi nggk kepake..
If you come here, don't forget to take a copy of your ID, guys Photocopying is expensive here.. Bring 5 copies of ID cards. Waiting for a SIM extension at this place.. It's really complicated because you have to play around. There's a lot of shortcuts though... It's not practical.. Lots of room but it's useless..
Aryadie Savage85 Savage85 on Google

Update tgl 10 Agustus 2021 Waspada apabila ada oknum berbaju bebas menawarkan jasa perpanjangan SIM C dengan meminta uang sebesar Rp.200.000 *_Tolak_* saja dengan sopan karena biaya sebenar nya sebesar Rp. 130.000 saja dengan perincian sbb : 1. Cek kesehatan Rp. 25.000 2. Uang asuransi Rp. 30.000 dan 3. Bank BRI Rp. 75.000 . Hanya berbagi info saja dan mudah2an tidak ada yg masuk perangkap calo. Jgn lupa bawa Fotocopy KTP 5 lembar dan SIM C yg asli nya
Update on August 10, 2021 Be alert if there are people in free clothes offering SIM C renewal services by asking for Rp. 200,000 *_Reject_* politely because the actual fee is Rp. 130,000 only with the following details: 1. Health check Rp. 25.000 2. Insurance money Rp. 30,000 and 3. Bank BRI Rp. 75,000 . Just sharing info and hopefully no one will fall into the trap of brokers. Don't forget to bring a photocopy of 5 pieces of KTP and the original SIM C
Muhammad Zainal Putra Alhabib on Google

Korupsinya NGGA NGOTAK. Perpanjang SIM C harusnya 75+30+25 malah dimintain 250ribu. Ngga kira2 korupsinya. Makan duit haram ngga berkah!
Corruption DOES NOT WORK. Extend SIM C, it should be 75+30+25 instead 250 thousand is requested. Never mind the corruption. Eating haram money is not a blessing!
Richard Markus N on Google

Enak tidak begitu crowded. Hanya bila berkendara roda 4 kesini parkirnya harus agak jauh saat ini. Dan pengunjung yang tidak berkepentingan langsung akan diminta untuk menunggu diluar. Dan yang pasti ktp elektronik meski tidak berdomisili disini bisa juga membuat SIM baru.
It's nice not so crowded. Only if you drive 4 wheels here, the parking must be a bit far at this time. And visitors who are not directly interested will be asked to wait outside. And what is certain is that an electronic ID card, even if you are not domiciled here, can also make a new SIM.
Rina Wijayanti (rinaw) on Google

Hari jumat datang dibilang server sedang offline diinstruksikan datang lagi hari sabtu jam 8 sudah operasional. BISA DILIHAT JAM 08.30 BELUM OPERASIONAL! Ditanya pegawai perempuan jawab "mungkin lagi sarapan" dan penjaga pintu bilang "masih oengecekan server" Jika belum siap kenapa diinstruksikan untuk datang dihari sabtu? Pelayanan masyarakat menyusahkan masyarakat! JAM OPERASIONAL JAM KARET!
Friday came, said the server was offline, instructed to come again Saturday at 8 am already operational. CAN BE VIEWED AT 08.30 IT IS NOT OPERATIONAL! Asked a female employee replied "maybe it's breakfast" and the doorman said "still checking the server" If not ready why were instructed to come on Saturday? Community service troubles the community! RUBBER CLOCK OPERATING HOURS!

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