RS Khusus Bedah Rawamangun - East Jakarta City

3.5/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact RS Khusus Bedah Rawamangun

Address :

Jl. Balai Pustaka No.29 - 31, RT.6/RW.15, Rawamangun, Pulo Gadung, East Jakarta City, Jakarta 13220, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +89
Postal code : 13220
Website :
Categories :

Jl. Balai Pustaka No.29 - 31, RT.6/RW.15, Rawamangun, Pulo Gadung, East Jakarta City, Jakarta 13220, Indonesia
Christha Sudarto on Google

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Termasuk rumah sakit yg sudah cukup lama berdiri, lokasinya strategis, namun parkir kurang luas krn mgkn gedung rumah sakit juga kecil. Security ramah2, mau membantu parkir kendaraan, customer service, bagian pendaftaran, bagian farmasi serta suster2 baik2 dan mau mambantu serta tidak sulit untuk ditanya. Saya kesini karna antar mama saya untuk berobat ke dr. Syaraf, yg kl tdk salah hanya praktek 2x seminggu. Namun menurut saya dengan kondisi mama sy yg sudah tua serta tidak bisa duduk lama atau berdiri lama, menunggu antrian dr. Syaraf disini cukup membuat saya mengelus dada. Karena, infonya dokter prakter mulai jam 5 namun beberapa kali saya perhatikan beliau datang jam 6 bahkan diatas jam 6, sedangkan pasiennya sudah banyak sekali dan rata2 sudah lansia. Pengalaman mama, mama diminta untuk rontgent 2x, namun hasil rontgent nya belum ada yg dibacakan sama sekali. Sampai akhirnya sy coba bawa mama sy ke tmpt lain dan minta utk dibacakan hsl rontgent,ternyata mama sy ada skoliosis di tlg belakangnya. Menurut sy, mestinya sbg dr lbh tanggap utk diagnos pasiennya, kl mmg sekiranya pasien lbh butuh ditangani olh dr tulang ya langsung dirujuk ke pengobatan yg seharusnya. Sebelumnya mohon maaf sekali kalau opini sy kurang dpt diterima. Tp sy salut sekali dgn susternya,yg cekatan,mau ditanya2 dan ttp ramah walau dlm kondisi yg penuh pasien pd saat itu.
Including a hospital that has been around for a long time, the location is strategic, but the parking is not wide enough because the hospital building is probably too small. Security is friendly, willing to help park vehicles, customer service, registration, pharmacy and nurses are kind and willing to help and it's not difficult to ask questions. I came here because my mother took me for treatment to dr. Nerves, if I'm not mistaken, they only practice 2x a week. But in my opinion, with my mother's condition, which is old and can't sit for long or stand for long, waiting in line for dr. The nerves here are enough to make me stroke my chest. Because, the information is that the practicing doctor starts at 5, but several times I have noticed that he comes at 6 and even above 6, while there are a lot of patients and on average they are elderly. Mama's experience, Mama was asked to take 2 x x-rays, but none of the X-rays were read out at all. Until finally I tried to take my mother to another place and asked to have an X-ray read, it turned out that my mother had scoliosis in her back spine. In my opinion, dr should be more responsive to the patient's diagnosis, if indeed if the patient needs more treatment from a bone, then he is immediately referred to the proper treatment. First of all, I apologize if my opinion is not acceptable. But I really salute the nurse, who was agile, willing to ask questions and was friendly even though she was in a condition full of patients at that time.
Rizky Syafariansyah on Google

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Jujur, saya sudah 2x berobat disini. Ya, saya pasien BPJS. Sama halnya seperti pasien asuransi, yang sudah diauto debet dari gaji perbulannya. Dari antrian pendaftaran, sampai antrian poli MashaAllahuakbar. Pendaftarannya manggil 1 pasien aja bisa 15 menit (semoga bisa dipercepat). Setelah menunggu di waktu yang sangat lama, tibalah saya dan istri dipoli bedah. Yang saya mau tanyakan, kenapa janji jam 6 dokter datang jam 6:40 ? Oiya sistem antriannya dipoli ini aneh, status pasien ditumpuk sampai menggunung, lalu saat dokter datang baru dipanggil satu-persatu. Terhitung, 3,5 jam saat saya datang ke Rs, sampai dengan masuk ruang dokter harus memakan waktu yang sebegitu lamanya. Tolong dievaluasi sistem kerjanya. Maaf, kalian harus liat ulasan digoogle ini. Sebagai bekal untuk memperbaiki kinerja kalian. Terimakasih.
Honestly, I've been treated here twice. Yes, I am a BPJS patient. It's the same as insurance patients, who have been auto debited from their monthly salary. From the registration queue, to the MashaAllahuakbar poly queue. Registration can only call 1 patient in 15 minutes (hopefully it can be accelerated). After waiting for a very long time, my wife and I arrived at the surgical clinic. What I want to ask, why is the doctor's 6th appointment coming at 6:40? Oh yes, the queuing system in the polity is strange, the patient's status is piled up, then when the doctors come, they are only called one by one. Counting, 3.5 hours when I came to Rs, until I entered the doctor's office must take such a long time. Please evaluate the working system. Sorry, you guys have to see this google review. As a provision to improve your performance. Thanks.
War Yono on Google

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Alhamdulillah pelayanan RS ramah ..terima kasih banyak .semoga RS khusus anak/ bedah rawamangun semakin lebih baik lagi dalam melayani pasien dan semakin berkembang.amiin..
Thank God the hospital service is friendly.. thank you very much. I hope the hospital for children / Rawamangun surgery will be even better in serving patients and growing. Amen..
Leonardo Parasian Sitompul on Google

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Mantap walaupun rumah sakit kecil dsn melayani bpjs, rumah sakit termasuk cepat dalam pelayanannya gk kalah sama swasta yang mahal mahal... sekali lagi keren
It's great, even though it's a small hospital and serving bpjs, the hospital is fast in its service, it's not inferior to the private one which is expensive and expensive... again cool
brav kurniawan (BRAVO) on Google

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Hanya ngurus perpanjangan rujukan lama banget, pelayanan jelek beda sama pelayanan puskemas pulogadung gak pake lama karena tidak harus dokter yang tanda tangan yang penting kepala dokter puskemas mengetahui surat2nya lengkap Gimana mau jalani tagline nya : Terpercaya dan selalu dihati
Just taking care of the referral extension, it's really long, bad service it's different from the Pulogadung health center service, it doesn't take long because it doesn't have to be a doctor who signs it The important thing is that the head doctor of the health center knows the documents are complete How to live the tagline: Trusted and always in the heart
Ridwan Cipta on Google

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Wah Parah sih ngantrinya. Ga kira kira kebanyakan ambil kartu satpam lupa. Ancur dah sekalinya telat ga bisa daftar praktek dokter
Wow, it's really bad waiting. Don't think that most take the security card, forget it. It's ruined, it's too late to be able to register for a doctor's practice
ambar kris on Google

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No recomended
Citra Amitiurna on Google

β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜…

Worst hospital with worst service Never come to this place. You won't be served with hospitality You were served nicely if u had much money Never trust the lab work result. They did not take it properly. Please consider over and over again to come to this hospital especially if u have public insurance as bpjs. They would just make many reasons to not accept ur bpjs.

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