Puskesmas Sunter Jaya 1 - Kota Jkt Utara

3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Puskesmas Sunter Jaya 1

Address :

Jl. Sunter Jaya IV A, RT.4/RW.3, Sunter Jaya, Kec. Tj. Priok, Kota Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14360, Indonesia

Postal code : 14360
Categories :

Jl. Sunter Jaya IV A, RT.4/RW.3, Sunter Jaya, Kec. Tj. Priok, Kota Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14360, Indonesia
Fatmaw Kim on Google

datang jam 8, sampe jam 10 blm didaftarkan nama saya, tdk terorganisir dan membuat kita menunggu lama,,
came at 8, until 10 hours ago my name was registered, disorganized and made us wait a long time ,,
Lili Oktavia17 on Google

Pelayanannya kurang baik untuk bagian pendaftaran tidak ramah terhadap pengunjung dan terlalu banyak sekali pasien yang menunggu. semoga bisa ditingkatkan lagi pelayanannya agar masyarakat bisa puas dan nyaman dalam memanfaatkan fasilitas pemerintah ini
The service is not good for the registration section which is not friendly to visitors and too many patients are waiting. hopefully the service can be improved so that people can be satisfied and comfortable in utilizing these government facilities
Sauma Ramadhan on Google

Petugas pendaftaran kurang ramah, fasilitas kurang lengkap, dokter cukup tanggap.
Registration officers are not friendly, facilities are incomplete, doctors are quite responsive.
Wahyu Kurniawan on Google

Bikin surat rujukan lama banget ampe suruh nunggu 2 bulan, mending pindah faskes
Making a referral letter takes so long to be told to wait 2 months, it's better to move health facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Andrian Cedric on Google

Coba untuk tes buta warna di Puskesmas. Protokol sewaktu COVID-19 sangat baik. Pasien harus cuci tangan dahulu baru dilayani. Kemudian, pemeriksaan kesehatan dan keluhan dilakukan di luar ruangan, yaitu di depan Puskesmas, termasuk ruang tunggunya. Dokter, pelayan, dan satpamnya sangat ramah.
Try the color blindness test at the Puskesmas. Protocol during COVID-19 is very good. Patients must wash their hands first before being served. Then, health checks and complaints are carried out outside the room, which is in front of the Puskesmas, including the waiting room. The doctor, waiter and security guard are very friendly.
Fatkhu Vira Reformasi on Google

Bad review bgt nih puskesmas, masa perpanjang rujukan nunggu ampe sebulan, emg urusan kita ngapalin tanggal abis rujukan doang apa? Kalo nanya kenapa gini katanya emg peraturan, tp nyatanya pas ketemu sama org di rs yg puskesmasnya masih daerah tanjung priok gada tuh yg waiting list ampe sebulan jd boong yaaa? Mana mba mba puskesmas yg depan galak bgt lagi, pms tiap hari apa gmn? Apa blm sarapan jd galak yaaaa.
This is a really bad review at the puskesmas, the referral extension period is waiting for a month, what's our business about the date after the referral? If you ask why, they say it's a rule, but in fact, when you meet someone at the hospital whose health center is still in the Tanjung Priok area, there's a waiting list for up to a month, isn't it? Where's the madam at the puskesmas at the front, so fierce again, what's the daily PMS? Hasn't breakfast been so fierce?
Zahra Aminati on Google

Gileee masa bikin rujukan harus nunggu 1 bulan waiting list. Gimana coba kalo pasiennya darurat? Kalo pasiennya dead gimana? Ayo tingkatin lagi pelayanannya. Saya BPJS juga ditagih tiap bulan masa ke faskes 1 aja lambat. Halooo kemenkessss
Gileee, when you make a referral, you have to wait 1 month on the waiting list. What if the patient is in an emergency? What if the patient dies? Let's improve the service again. My BPJS is also billed every month, the time to health facility 1 is slow. Hello Kemenkesss
Puji Astuti on Google

Masa anak saya Vaksin ke-2 sudah diinput sama Puskesmas Sunter Jaya 1 ini padahal anak saya belom Vaksin ke-2, akhirnya sertifikat Vaksin dosis ke-2 anak saya udah keluar walau belom divaksin gara2 ADMIN PUSKESMAS SUNTER JAYA 1 ini input data yang salah atau lalai dalam menginput data para pasiennya. Pas anak saya mau Vaksin ke-2 didaerah saya yaitu (Rawa Badak) ga bisa karna data anak saya sudah masuk diPeduliLindungi mau ga mau harus ngurus jauh2 ke Puskesmas Sunter Jaya 1 ini minta dikonfirmasi pas dimintain konfirmasi aturan minta maaf kek apa cuma ya udah suntik aja sekarang disini untuk dosis ke-2 nya nanti ga usah diinput lagi! Saya kesal kenapa ADMIN nya tidak teliti dalam menginput data para pasien, jika ada kesalahan 1 atau 2 nomor NIK maka disamakan namanya yang tertera dikomputer sama yang tertulis sama atau tidak jangan main ok ok aja tidak di cek kembali kebenarannya, jauhhh woy mau vaksin anak aja kudu ke Sunter Jaya 1 gegara ulah ADMIN yang tidak teliti. Untung ada kendaraan, coba kalau orang lain yang tidak punya kendaraan? gimana ga merepotkan orang! TOLONG YA BUAT ADMIN NYA TOLONG DIPERHATIKAN LAGI DALAM MENGINPUT DATA PASIEN JANGAN SAMPAI BIKIN REPOT ORANG LAGI
When my child had the 2nd vaccine, the Sunter Jaya 1 Health Center had already inputted it, even though my child had not yet received the 2nd vaccine. Finally, my child's 2nd dose of vaccine certificate has been issued, even though he has not been vaccinated because the ADMIN of the SUNTER JAYA 1 PUSKESMAS has entered incorrect data or negligent in entering patient data. When my child wants the 2nd Vaccine in my area, namely (Rawa Badak), it can't because my child's data has been entered into PeduliProtect, like it or not, I have to take care of it all the way to the Sunter Jaya 1 Health Center, asking for confirmation when asked for confirmation of the rules, sorry, what's the point? Just come here for the 2nd dose later, you don't have to input it again! I'm annoyed why the ADMIN is not careful when entering patient data, if there is an error 1 or 2 NIK numbers then the name is the same as written on the computer or it's written the same or not. I have to go to Sunter Jaya 1 because of the admin who is not careful. Luckily there is a vehicle, try if someone else doesn't have a vehicle? how not to bother people! PLEASE TAKE CARE OF THE ADMIN PLEASE TAKE A LOOK AGAIN IN INPUTING PATIENT DATA, DO NOT MAKE PEOPLE TROUBLE AGAIN

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