Puskesmas Godean 2 - Kabupaten Sleman

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Contact Puskesmas Godean 2

Address :

Nogosari, Sidokarto, Kec. Godean, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55264, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +79
Postal code : 55264
Opening hours :
Monday 7:30–10:30AM
Tuesday 7:30–10:30AM
Wednesday 7:30–10:30AM
Thursday 7:30–10:30AM
Friday 7:30–9AM
Saturday 7:30–9:30AM
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Nogosari, Sidokarto, Kec. Godean, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55264, Indonesia
Tika Aryani.A on Google

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Pertama kali kesini karena akan check ANC lengkap utk ibu hamil. Dari bagian pendaftaran staffnya ramah & responsif. Awalnya Mbanya mempertanyakan kartu BPJS Saya. Karena KTP Saya masih DKI Jakarta & domisili Saya di kecamatan lain. Infonya seharusnya memilih Puskesmas di kecamatan domisili Saya saja agar testnya bisa free menggunakan BPJS. Sempat bingung,Saya kan sudah membayar iuran & memilih Puskesmas Godean 2 sbg Faskes 1 Saya.Tp,kenapa BPJS Saya tidak bisa dipakai disini? Kata Mbanya kedatangan ke-2 BPJS Saya baru bisa digunakan. Lalu,Saya disarankan utk meminta surat keterangan domisili dulu ke kantor kelurahan agar BPJS Saya bisa digunakan di Puskesmas Godean 2 tsb. Jika tidak,maka test ANC harus bayar dengan uang pribadi sebesar 250rb. Karena Saya sudah terlanjur datang ke sini,Saya putuskan utk test dengan uang pribadi saja daripada ribet. Setelah dapat nomor antrian & masuk ke ruang KIA,bidan mengecheck kembali data Saya di system & menyatakan bahwa test ANC yg akan Saya lakukan gratis (ditanggung BPJS).Alhamdulillah,rezeki calon bayi hehe. Kata Bu Bidannya seharusnya memang Saya pilih Faskes 1 di Kecamatan domisili Saya agar lebih dekat & terpantau oleh Bidan. Saya ga tau soalnya baru 8 bln pindah ke Yogya. Daftar BPJS jg online,asal klik saja saat memilih faskes 1 hehe. Saat masuk ke bagian lab,darah & urine saya diambil utk dicheck lengkap. Setelah menunggu sekitar 15 menit Alhamdulillah hasil lab tes ANC Saya keluar. Saya kembali ke poli KIA & bidan menjelaskan bahwa hasil lab Saya semuanya bagus. Masya Allah...Alhamdulillah. Bidan,Lab,Poli gigi,Psikolog & Gizi semuanya ramah & komunikatif. Hanya saja,saat di bagian Poli umum ada 1 org ibuΒ² pakai jilbab yg kurang ramah & jutek,ditanya diam saja. Saya juga diberikan biskuit & vitamin utk Ibu hamil. Over all pelayanannya bagus & memuaskan,toilet & lingkungan juga bersih. Semoga utk ke depannya lebih baik lagi. Sukses selalu
First time here because I will check complete ANC for pregnant women. From the registration section the staff is friendly & responsive. Initially Mbanya questioned my BPJS card. Because my ID card is still DKI Jakarta & my domicile in other districts. The info is that I should choose a Puskesmas in the sub-district of my domicile so that the test can be free using BPJS. I was confused, I already paid the dues & chose the Godean 2 Health Center as my Health Facility 1. But why can't my BPJS be used here? Mba said that the 2nd arrival of my BPJS can only be used. Then, I was advised to ask for a domicile certificate first at the village office so that my BPJS can be used at the Godean 2 Health Center. If not, then the ANC test must pay with personal money of 250 thousand. Because I've already come here, I decided to test it with personal money instead of complicated. After getting the queue number and entering the KIA room, the midwife rechecked my data in the system & stated that the ANC test I was going to do was free (borne by BPJS). The midwife said that I should have chosen Health Facility 1 in the sub-district of my domicile to be closer and monitored by the midwife. I don't know because it's only been 8 months since I moved to Yogya. BPJS registration is also online, as long as you just click when choosing health facility 1 hehe. When I entered the lab, my blood and urine were taken for a complete check. After waiting for about 15 minutes Alhamdulillah my ANC test lab results came out. I went back to the KIA poly & the midwife explained that my lab results were all good. Masha Allah...Alhamdulillah. Midwives, Labs, Dental Poly, Psychologists & Nutrition are all friendly & communicative. It's just that, when in the general poly section there was 1 woman wearing a hijab who was not friendly and rude, she was asked to be quiet. I was also given biscuits and vitamins for pregnant women. Over all the service is good & satisfying, the toilets & environment are also clean. Hopefully for the future it will be better. Always success
Setionoegroho Spm on Google

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Entah Karena sedang padat menangani pasien2 saat covid ini, petugas yg melayani menempatkan meja penerimaan pasien Di luar bangunan.
I don't know, because it's busy handling patients at this time of covid, the staff serving places the patient reception desk outside the building.
Sahabat Inspirasi on Google

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Puskesmas ini letaknya persis dibelakang kantor kelurahan dan didepan rumah family saya. Pelayanannya cukup baik, ramai pasien dan tenaga medis. Saya sangat berharap pelayanan Puskesmas di daerah saya di Jawa Barat bisa seperti disini. Dokternya lengkap, polinya lengkap, dan pelayanan tertata rapi dan tertib.
This health center is located right behind the village office and in front of my family home. The service is quite good, crowded patients and medical personnel. I really hope the Puskesmas services in my area in West Java can be like here. The doctor is complete, the pattern is complete, and the service is neatly arranged and orderly.
Syalsa Noer azmi on Google

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Sangat tidak ramah, tingkat kan lagi pelayanan untuk staff/bidan di KIA nya. Dri mulai msk terus pendaftaran tidak ada masalah.. Namun saat msk ruangan KIA pelayanan kurang bgus,.
Very unfriendly, level of service for staff/midwives at KIA. Dri started to continue to register, there were no problems.. But when he entered the KIA room the service was not good,.
kukuh prabowo on Google

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Dri mulai cek kandungan sampai imunisasi slalu di puskesmas godean 2,sangat suka dengan pelayanan yg ramah. Tapi saat msk ruangan KIA, ada salah stu petugas yg kurang ramah, dri mulai cek kandungan TIDAK PERNAH menjelaskan secara detail, bahkan saat imunisasi anak pertama pun, bukan nya memberi arahan dengan baik,.
Dri started to check the content until immunization was always at the Godean 2 Health Center, really liked the friendly service. But when he entered the MCH room, there was one officer who was not friendly, from the start to check the contents, NEVER explained in detail, even when immunizing the first child, instead of giving good directions.
Orochimaru Sama on Google

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Pelayanan Cepat ... Urus Surat Keterangan Sehat tidak sampai berjam2... Aku bukan asli sini... Tapi pelayanan mantap... Terima kasih pegawai Puskesmas Godean 2...
Fast service ... Taking care of a Health Certificate doesn't last for hours... I'm not from here... But the service is great... Thank you Godean 2 Health Center staff...
Alfassabiq Khairi on Google

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Falviana Yulia Dewi on Google

β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜…

Good service ??

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