Pancong Batang - Kota Bks

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pancong Batang

Address :

Jl. Kemang Sari No.10, RT.003/RW.011, Jatimakmur, Kec. Pd. Gede, Kota Bks, Jawa Barat 17421, Indonesia

Postal code : 17421
Opening hours :
Monday 10AM–12AM
Tuesday 10AM–12AM
Wednesday 10AM–12AM
Thursday 10AM–12AM
Friday 10AM–12AM
Saturday 10AM–12AM
Sunday 10AM–12AM
Categories :

Jl. Kemang Sari No.10, RT.003/RW.011, Jatimakmur, Kec. Pd. Gede, Kota Bks, Jawa Barat 17421, Indonesia
Aldi Ridho on Google

lama banget pelayanan nya
really long service
MYDAL on Google

Tempat kongkow anak muda saat ini dengan sajian menu yg beragam dan pasti nya harga yang tidak membuat kantong kering, untuk tempat makan menyediakan indoor dan outdoor, paling enak sih outdoornya karna di rooftop gitu dihiasi lampu lampu untuk foto foto juga bagus, tapi saya cuma 1 kekurangannya kamar mandi nya cuma di lantai 1 jadi harus turun kebawah kalo kita lagi di rooftop.
A place to hangout for young people nowadays with a variety of menu offerings and definitely prices that don't make the bag dry, for a place to eat it provides indoor and outdoor, the best is outdoor because the rooftop is decorated with lights for photos that are also good, but I only 1 the drawback is that the bathroom is only on the 1st floor so you have to go down if we are on the rooftop.
Tuan Toank on Google

pelayananya mantul bos qu makananya juga enak.. saran tambah coktail aja lagi biar tambah jos
the service is good, boss, the food is also delicious.. the suggestion is to add more cocktails to make it more delicious
Hendrapati Bin Kusneri on Google

Caaakeeepks baangeet Bosque, asyiknya nongkrong bareng temen, sohib , keluarga besar dan teman kantor
Caaakeeepks baangeet Bosque, it's fun to hang out with friends, friends, extended family and office friends
nurul diana putri on Google

pancong ter-enak sebekasi, lumerrrrrr dan lembut bangetttt wajib coba sik.
pancong ter-enak sebekasi, lumerrrrrr and soft bangetttt must try sik.
Alingga Mulya on Google

tempatnya asik, pelayanannya makin terasa perkembangannya nice restoo!!
the place is cool, the service is getting more and more felt like a nice restaurant!!
Lilah Allfauziah on Google

Pancong ny enak,takoyaki ny enak bangeeeeeet bikin nagiiiiih?.. Tapi 1 yg kurang,proses masaknya lama bangeetttt kita datang dr jam 21:30 menu ny baru beres jam 23:30.?? yaampun hampir 2 jam. Saran ajj,jngn membuat orng terlalu lama menunggu ya kak,krn menunggu itu membosankan,apalgi bagi yg lg laper banget.?
The pancong is delicious, the takoyaki is really good, it makes you nagiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit .. But one thing is lacking, the cooking process is taking too long. We arrived from 21:30, the menu just finished at 23:30. sorry, almost 2 hours. Just a suggestion, don't make people wait too long, sis, because waiting is boring, especially for those who are really hungry.
Deddy Ramadhani on Google

Manajemen pesanan di sini buruk sekali. Terlihat dari staff yang memberikan pesanan tidak sesuai urutan. Selain itu banyak pelanggan take away yang pesanannya sudah selesai dimasak namun tidak dipanggil, sampai dengan si pemesan sendiri yang mengkonfirmasi ke kitchen langsung. Saya tidak mendengar sama sekali staff memanggil pelanggan yang pesanannya telah selesai. Lantas apa gunanya menanyakan nama pemesan? Kemudian staff juga kerap lupa membuatkan pesanan sehingga membuat jengkel pelanggan. Entah bagaimana sistem operasi cafe yang mereka gunakan, padahal sudah menggunakan billing elektronik dengan struk, yang mana setiap pesanan jelas sudah tercatat dengan baik. Kok ya bisa bisanya lupa memasak? Apa tidak memasak sesuai urutan pesanan pada struk? Padahal jelas terdapat tumpukan struk yang ditusuk tepat didepan open kitchennya. Proses memasak di sini pun lama sekali. Untuk 2 porsi takoyaki saja butuh waktu 1 jam lamanya dan itupun baru jadi satu. Setelah dikonfrontasi ke pihak kitchen ternyata satu pesanan berikutnya dapat diselesaikan dalam waktu kurang dari 10 menit. Sejam sebelumnya ngapain aja? Masa iya kudu dimarahin dulu baru cekatan? Dari segi pemesanan pun, mereka mengharuskan pelanggan melakukan scan QR code untuk melihat menu walaupun pada akhirnya pemesanan tetap aja offline dan bukan melalui situs. Hal tersebut sangat tidak efektif bagi pelanggan dalam memesan. Padahal poster QR code diprint pada kertas seukuran A2 di depan kasir, yang mana akan lebih baik jika digunakan untuk print menu sekalian. Kalau mau pakai QR code cukup diprint stiker kecil yang ditempelkan di meja meja cafe. Logikanya tuh gimana atuhlah. Dibalik kekurangan yang sudah saya sebutkan, mereka menawarkan menu pancong, takoyaki, dan minuman dengan harga yang cukup murah, enak, dan tempat yang cukup bagus. Amat sangat disayangkan kalau pihak manajemen tidak melakukan perbaikan terhadap sistem yang ada. Semoga hal ini bisa jadi pertimbangan kedepannya dalam melakukan peningkatan pelayanan.
Order management here is terrible. Seen from the staff who gave orders not in order. In addition, there are many take away customers whose orders have been cooked but have not been called, until the customer himself confirms to the kitchen directly. I didn't hear at all the staff calling the customer whose order had been completed. So what's the point of asking the name of the customer? Then the staff also often forget to make orders so that it irritates customers. Somehow the cafe operating system they use, even though they already use electronic billing with receipts, where every order is clearly recorded properly. How come you always forget to cook? Isn't it cooked to order on the receipt? Even though there was clearly a pile of receipts stabbed right in front of the open kitchen. The cooking process here takes a long time. For 2 servings of takoyaki, it took 1 hour and even then it just became one. After being confronted with the kitchen, it turned out that the next order could be completed in less than 10 minutes. What were you doing the hour before? Is it time for you to be scolded before you can be nimble? Even in terms of ordering, they require customers to scan the QR code to see the menu even though in the end the order is still offline and not through the site. This is very ineffective for customers in ordering. Even though the QR code poster is printed on A2-sized paper in front of the cashier, which would be better if it was used to print the menu as well. If you want to use a QR code, you just need to print a small sticker that is affixed to the cafe table. What's the logic in that? Behind the drawbacks that I have mentioned, they offer a menu of pancong, takoyaki, and drinks at a price that is quite cheap, delicious, and a pretty good place. It is very unfortunate if the management does not make improvements to the existing system. Hopefully this can be a consideration in the future in improving services.

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