Menara Mercusuar - Kabupaten Kulon Progo

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Menara Mercusuar

Address :

Karang Rejo, Karangwuni, Kec. Wates, Kabupaten Kulon Progo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55651, Indonesia

Postal code : 55651
Categories :

Karang Rejo, Karangwuni, Kec. Wates, Kabupaten Kulon Progo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55651, Indonesia
Hendra Juniansah on Google

17.30 11/02/21
ali musthofa on Google

Udah d bangun bagus bgt
I've woken up really well
Muhammad subkhan on Google

Paling indah ketika tanggal 27 Feb jam 11.52 BBWI ketika Zenith matahari tepat di atas menara Rambusuar...
The most beautiful time on February 27 at 11.52 BBWI when Zenith the sun is right above the Rambusuar tower...
dalisah sugino on Google

Tempatnya indah banget tp sayangnya jalannya belum bagus, mercusuarnya gak bisa dimasukin gak bisa naik gak bisa lihat pemandangan dari atas
The place is really beautiful but unfortunately the road is not good yet, the lighthouse can't be entered, can't go up, can't see the view from above
Fajar Astanaprima on Google

Berpotensi menjadi salah satu obyek wisata, tinggal memperbaiki akses jalan masuk saja menuju mercusuar. Hati-hati saja karena jalan masih berupa kerikil halus ditambah pasir pantai. Jangan buang sampah sembarangan disini ya.
Has the potential to become one of the tourist objects, it remains only to improve the access road to the lighthouse. Just be careful because the road is still fine gravel plus beach sand. Don't litter here.
agus san on Google

Sayang tidak dikembangkan lagi padahal spotnya menarik.. akses juga harus mutar dari pelabuhan adikarta. Kecuali naik sepeda bisa lewat 'tembok besar' di tengah sawah..
It's a shame it's not developed anymore even though the spot is interesting... access also has to go round from the port of Adikarta. Unless you ride a bicycle, you can go through the 'big wall' in the middle of the rice fields..
Suryawuni Megahhati on Google

Aku mau kesini naik motor ngikutin map,tp malah bingung trus dpt jln buntu
I want to come here by motorbike following the map, but I'm confused and then I get a dead end road
Arsy sholiha on Google

Berpotensi sebagai tempat wisata. Hari ini tanggal 25 desember 2021 saya berkunjung kesana, tetapi dihentikan dengan seorang petugas supaya tidak melanjutkan perjalanan ke menara dan kembali. Saya tidak tahu apakah penjaga menara atau penjaga keamanan tambang. Sayangnya tempatnya DITUTUP bagi pengunjung karena DEKAT dengan area tambang pasir besi. Dibagian timur deekat dengan lahan tambak udang.
Potential as a tourist place. Today, December 25, 2021, I visited there, but was stopped by an officer so as not to continue the journey to the tower and back. I don't know if it's a tower guard or a mine security guard. Unfortunately the place is CLOSED to visitors because it is CLOSE to the iron sand mining area. In the east, it is close to shrimp ponds.

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