Kelurahan Cimuning - Kota Bks

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kelurahan Cimuning

Address :

Jl. Bantar Gebang Setu No.7/22, RT.002/RW.001, Cimuning, Kec. Mustika Jaya, Kota Bks, Jawa Barat 17155, Indonesia

Postal code : 17155
Categories :

Jl. Bantar Gebang Setu No.7/22, RT.002/RW.001, Cimuning, Kec. Mustika Jaya, Kota Bks, Jawa Barat 17155, Indonesia
Faisal Nur Fiqih on Google

Tempat nya nyaman , tapi sayang nya wifi gratis untuk umum yang seharusnya ada sudah dialihkan ke khusus pegawai.
The place is comfortable, but unfortunately the free public wifi that should be there has been transferred to employees only.
Irvan Zulfikar on Google

Ngurus akte kematian aja dipersulit padahal orgnya udh meninggal
Just taking care of the death certificate is complicated even though the person has died
Maulana S Anwar _MSA216 on Google

Tempat parkir luas dan ada mesjid
A large parking lot and a mosque
agus Kurniawan on Google

Komplit..ada masjid.puskesmas.sekolah
Leo Adinatta on Google

Ada layanan bayar pajak kendaraan saat hari rabu, walau sudah telat bisa dilayani, Pelayanan baik bisa di jadikan contoh kelurahan sekitar,tetap semangat melayani masa. ?
There is a vehicle tax payment service on Wednesday, even though it is late to be served, Good service can be used as an example of the neighborhood, keep the spirit of serving time. ?

Di tingkatkan lagi Pelayanan nya, terlalu banyak permainan .. Saya harap Kerja dg sepenuh hati untuk masyarakat..
Improved services, too many games .. I hope to work wholeheartedly for the community ..
treehatcch Official on Google

Parkir luas Ada pohon buat peneduh Tambah dong pohon pohon nya agar terlihat asri. Di dalam ada kios samsat sepertinya bisa buat perpanjang stnk. Moga pelayanan semakin baik
Parking area There is a tree for shade Add the trees to make it look beautiful. Inside there is a Samsat kiosk, it looks like it can be used to extend the registration. Hope the service is getting better
arief bw on Google

Mantap. Hari Minggu masih buka walaupun cuma piket. Patut dicontoh nih. Sampingnya ada mesjid dan puskesmas. Harusnya seperti ini pusat pemerintahan di daerah.
Steady. Sunday is still open even if only picket. Exemplary. Next to it is a mosque and a health center. This should be the center of government in the area.

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