Gedung Muslimin PRM Parangtritis - Bantul Regency

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Contact Gedung Muslimin PRM Parangtritis

Address :

Samiran, Parangtritis, Kretek, Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55772, Indonesia

Postal code : 55772
Categories :

Samiran, Parangtritis, Kretek, Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55772, Indonesia

Gedung Muslimin satu komplek dengan Mesjid Muchlisin,gedung ini kita lewati ketika menuju ke Pantai Depok.
The Muslimin building is one complex with the Muchlisin Mosque, this building we pass when heading to Depok Beach.
Herwanto sulistyo budi on Google

Gedung serba guna, untuk berbagai kegiatan warga maupun ummat, ruangannya luas, sejuk karena atap tinggi. Kebersihan gedung terjaga. Akses jalan menuju kesana sudah bagus asphalt hotmix mudah di cari karena dipinggir jalan menuju obyek wisata Pantai Depok dan penanda yang paling kelihatan adalah sosok megah bangunan Masjid Al Mukhlisin yang berada lebih di depan dalam satu kompleks. Halaman cukup luas untuk menampung parkir baik kendaraan roda dua maupun empat. Keamanan juga lebih terjaga karena kawasan ini di pakar keliling.
A multi-purpose building, for various activities of residents and the ummat, the room is spacious, cool because of the high roof. Cleanliness of the building is maintained. The road access to get there is good asphalt hot mix is ​​easy to find because it is on the side of the road to Depok Beach tourism object and the most visible marker is the majestic figure of the Al Mukhlisin Mosque building which is more in front of a complex. The yard is wide enough to accommodate parking for both two and four-wheeled vehicles. Security is also better maintained because this area is a traveling expert.
Hanafi Firmansyah on Google

Islam education
Rahmadiah Suciati on Google

[email protected] Siti220489 on Google

Jonathan Kristofer on Google

dila aristriyanto on Google

Takdir Ali Mukti on Google

Conformable for young meeting

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