Chatime Mal Kelapa Gading - Kota Jkt Utara

3.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Chatime Mal Kelapa Gading

Address :

RW.13, Klp. Gading Tim., Kec. Klp. Gading, Kota Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14240, Indonesia

Postal code : 14240
Categories :

RW.13, Klp. Gading Tim., Kec. Klp. Gading, Kota Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14240, Indonesia
daniel tobing on Google

Tempat terlalu sempit, jadi gak nyaman minum di tempat
The place is too narrow, so it's not comfortable to drink on the spot
Nicolas Raymond Lesmana on Google

Chatime cabang ini, si minuman es dingin?????????. Enak & bisa buat ketagihan kembali ke sini lagi hanya minum Chatime saja. Menu-menu minuman sungguh menggoda, harusnya beli semuanya satu demi satu. Minuman Chatime enak pasti yang minuman teh & coklat. Banyak sekali pilihan minuman & topping. Cabang Mal Kelapa Gading ini namanya adalah Chatime Atealier.
Chatime this branch, the ice cold drink?????????. Delicious & addicting to come back here again just drinking Chatime alone. Drink menus are really tempting, you should buy them all one by one. A delicious Chatime drink is definitely the tea & chocolate drink. Lots of choices of drinks & toppings. The Kelapa Gading Mall branch is called Chatime Atealier.
Anton Firdaus on Google

Ambience nya menarik ada t4 duduknya.. Saya pesen hazelnut milktea ukuran R dengan toping bubble.. Saya pesen dengan gula normal tapi entah kenapa gada manis2nya ya... Tapi buat sekedar santai okelah ?
The ambience is interesting there is t4 sitting .. I order hazelnut milktea size R with toping bubble .. I order it with normal sugar but for some reason the sweet mace is ok ... But to just relax OK OK ?
Amanda Ruth on Google

kualitas gelas plastik nya ga bagus baru angkat jebol ga sempe di minum hadehhh bagusin lg dong kualitas gelaa nya apa kah ini bisa di claim
the quality of the plastic cups is not good, just take it down, don't drink it, hadehhh, it's good.
Lo Lenfong on Google

Kemarin sempat tutup dan pindah letak ke seberangnya..sekarang baru buka kembali dgn adanya tempat yg nyaman utk minum disitu.
Yesterday I had to close it and move to the opposite location ... now it will reopen with a comfortable place to drink there.
Sembilan Belas on Google

Tempat asik,,sayang gak ada smoking area
Cool place, unfortunately there is no smoking area
Saphira Evani on Google

Gerai chatime yang atealier ini memang cukup beda dari gerai chatime biasanya. Cup yang digunakan juga bagus sekali. Saya mencoba seri galaxy, jujur agak mengecewakan rasanya. Yg mint blues hambar yang lychee galaxy kemanisan. Tempatnya agak kotor karena pelanggan tidak punya kesadaran untuk membuang gelas, sampah plastik sedotan dan tissue yang sudah digunakan. Pelayanan kasir oke dan cepat, minuman pun dapat disajikan kurang dari 10 menit.
The Athalier Chatime Outlet is indeed quite different from the usual Chatime Outlet. The cup used is also very good. I tried the galaxy series, honestly it was rather disappointing. The tasteless mint blues are a sweet lychee galaxy. The place is rather dirty because customers do not have the awareness to dispose of glass, plastic waste straws and tissue that has been used. The cashier service is okay and fast, drinks can be served in less than 10 minutes.
tikuS geNit on Google

Gak tersedia light bite / snack dan dilarang bawa makanan dari luar jadi duduk cuma bisa minum doank padahal tempatnya udah berkonsep coffee shop meskipun tempatnya sempit. Minuman & konsep tempat di Chatime Atealier berbeda dengan chatime biasanya...minuman disajikan dengan cup dari material yg berkualitas. Titik lokasi sebenarnya ada di dalam MKG 1 depan Farmers Market Swalayan.
There are no light bites / snacks available and it is forbidden to bring food from outside so you can only sit and drink even though the place has a coffee shop concept even though the place is narrow. Drinks and the concept of the place at Chatime Atealier is different from the usual chatime...drinks are served in cups made of quality materials. The actual location point is inside MKG 1 in front of the Supermarket Farmers Market.

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