Bank Mandiri KCP Cebongan - Kabupaten Sleman

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Bank Mandiri KCP Cebongan

Address :

Grand Tlogoadi, Area Sawah, Tlogoadi, Kec. Mlati, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55286, Indonesia

Postal code : 55286
Opening hours :
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Grand Tlogoadi, Area Sawah, Tlogoadi, Kec. Mlati, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55286, Indonesia
Annindya Elis on Google

Karyawannya semuanya ramaaaah banget, pelayanannya bagus, customer dipandu sampai selesai keperluannya
The employees are all very busy, the service is good, the customer is guided to the end of their needs
Sugiarto Aris on Google

Jum'at hanya buka sampai pukul 15:00 ya jangan dipercayai jadwal yang di Google ?✌️
Fridays only open until 15:00, don't trust the schedule on Google ?✌️
Tri Ely Rochmawati on Google

Klo ke Mandiri disini gak banyak antri jadi cepat pelayanannya. Karyawan ramah, kantor bersih dan nyaman.
If you go to Mandiri here, you don't have to queue so the service is fast. Friendly employees, clean and comfortable office.

Pelayanan cukup baik dan tidak terlalu antri bagi warga sekitar Kronggahan pilihan yang dekat tentunya.
The service is quite good and not too queued for residents around Kronggahan a close choice of course.
domomo domomo on Google

Saya kecewa dengan pelayanan di sini ngurusin atm aja dipersulit beda kalau kantor yg lain langsung proses,percuma kan kalo kantor dekat tapi ribet alasannya kartunya sedang kosong mulu
I am disappointed with the service here, managing the atmosphere is only made different if the other offices go straight to the process, it's useless if the office is close but complicated the reason is the card is empty first
Wisdom Papendang on Google

Pelayanan lama, Disuruh ngantri diluar tapi gak disiapin tempat duduk Kekurangan staff
Old service, Told to queue outside but no seats were prepared Lack of staff
bankzatria 7x on Google

Bknya CS nya ramah bngt. Enak diajak ngobrol, ?
It's like the CS is really friendly. Nice to talk to,
William Thunderion on Google

Bangunan bersih, protokol kesehatan bagus, staff ramah tapi jumlahnya sedikit. Kantor cabang pembantu, jadi layanan agak terbatas dibanding kantor cabang lain, lebih difokuskan untuk pemberdayaan usaha rakyat ketimbang layanan perbankan umum.
Clean building, good health protocol, friendly staff but few in number. Sub-branches, so services are somewhat limited compared to other branch offices, more focused on empowering people's businesses rather than general banking services.

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