AETRA PASAR REBO - Kota Jakarta Timur

2.3/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Jl. Raya Jakarta-Bogor No.1922, RT.9/RW.2, Rambutan, Kec. Ciracas, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13540, Indonesia

Postal code : 13540
Website :
Categories :

Jl. Raya Jakarta-Bogor No.1922, RT.9/RW.2, Rambutan, Kec. Ciracas, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13540, Indonesia
Dora Yanti on Google

Kapan di buka segel air rumah saya..ini sudah 5 hari saya bolak balik tlp cs jwb an nya masih itu2 aja.. Saya punya anak kecil ada lansia dan ada ibu hamil.. Jgn diulur2 gini.. Jgn pada makan gaji buta aja...masa harus di up cuma masalah gini aja..karyawan aetra kurang atau gimana
When was the water seal opened in my house.. it's been 5 days I've been back and forth telp cs the answer is still the same.. I have small children, there are elderly and there are pregnant women.. Don't be stretched like this.. Don't just eat blind salaries. ..the time has to be upgraded, it's just a problem like this.. aetra employees are lacking or what
Cahya Winarni on Google

sudah lakukan pembayaran tunggakan , sudah ke kantor aetra pasar rebo juga , bahkan sudah telpon call center nya , pembayaran dari tgl 1 maret sampai saat ini tgl 4 maret segel PDAM nya masih belum di buka , dan pada saat penelponan call center nya hanya bilang di tunggu kami follow up kembali sampai saat ini tidak ada kelanjutan di biarin 3 hari di kirian bakalan inisiatif di lakukan tindakan , sampai saat ini masih belum ada tindakan sama sekali , pas suami saya ke kantor nya pun petugas nya hanya bilang tunggu aja dirumah , dan sampai sekarang tidak ada kepastian nya , saya mau mandi , mau buat air besar , mau nyuci , mau sholat susah , malah bikin sulit orang klo kaya gini . tindakan nya mana sampe sekarang masih belum ada ? pelaporan di instagram dan facebook pun sudah di lakukan
I've made a payment in arrears, I've been to the Aetra Pasar Rebo office too, I've even called the call center, payment from March 1st until now, March 4th, the PDAM seal has not been opened, and when calling the call center it just says wait we are following up again until now there is no continuation, let it be 3 days on the left, there will be an initiative to take action, so far there has been no action at all, even when my husband went to his office the officer just said wait at home, and until now there is no certainty, I want to take a bath, want to make a large amount of water, want to wash, want to pray it's hard, it makes it difficult for people like this. where is the action until now there is still no? Reporting on Instagram and Facebook has also been done
Higa Noah on Google

Dr petugas Aetra pasar rebo. Pendaftaran februari 2022, dipasang juni 2022. Apakah bisa cepat, kenapa lama sekali diprosesnya. Lebih baik pakai air tanah. Mhn jawaban dr Aetra pasar rebo. Trmksh
Dr. Aetra Pasar Rebo officer. Registration in February 2022, installed in June 2022. Can it be fast, why does it take so long to process. Better to use ground water. Thank you, Dr. Aetra Pasar Rebo's answer. thnks
Defit Kurniadhi on Google

Orang pada kesusahan air mati gak ada tanggapan, tapi bayar air tetap mahal. Makan gaji buta doang kaya sampah
People who are struggling with dead water have no response, but paying for water is still expensive. Just eat blind salary like trash
SUGIARTO on Google

Jam kerja sampe jam 17.00 Pembayaran Air jam 4 sore. Pas mau pembayaran dibilangnya udah Tutup. Air disegel. Pembayaran via indo/alfa info sekuriti sama. Dijanjikan pas Pulang kerumah Air menyala. Sampe dg sekarang gak nyala nyala. Info CS Pusat gak tau sama sekali info pembukaan segel. Hanya pengajuan pengajuan. Kacau. Pelayanan nya ga oke banget kerjanya pada ngapain ?
Working hours until 17.00, Water Payment at 4 pm. When I want to pay, it says it's closed. Water is sealed. Payment via indo/alfa same security info. It was promised when I returned home the water was on. Until now it doesn't turn on. Central CS info doesn't know the seal opening info at all. Only submission submissions. Chaotic. The service is not really good, what do you do
Agus a on Google

Parah air kecik bgt sempet mati juga,udh telpon callcenter 3x nga ada tanggapan,itu callcenter cuma buat terima telpon doang yaaa??? Tolong pemerintah cabut aja lisensi aetra ganti ke perusahaan lain aja,aetra punya asing 95% dgn pelayanan sangat jauh dari standar pelayanan perusahaan pada umumnya,air sangat penting buat kehidupan dan air berasal dari tanah air Indonesia,tp dikelola asing dgt sangat tdk profesional,tolong pemerintah Indonesia segera cabut lisensi aetra
It's too bad the water just died too, I've called the call center 3 times with no response, the call center is only for receiving calls, isn't it??? Please the government just revoke Aetra's license and replace it with another company, 95% foreign owned Aetra with services very far from company service standards in general, water is very important for life and water comes from the Indonesian homeland, but managed by foreigners very unprofessionally, please Indonesian government immediately revoke aetra license
Rachman Man on Google

Siang Bapak , PDAM air di rumah mati sudah 2 minggu , teryata di luar pager rumah sy pipanya BOCOR dan saya sudah complain berkali-kali ke aestra , tidak ada tindakan ???????????? Repot mau cuci mandi ?????? wil otista 3 kebon nanas rt010/04 jakarta timur
Afternoon sir, PDAM the water in the house has been dead for 2 weeks, it turns out that outside my home pager the pipe is LEAKING and I have complained many times to aestra, there is no action ???????????? Troubled to wash the bath ??????? wil otista 3 pineapple plantation rt010/04 east jakarta
C3 official on Google


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